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People Who Just Disappear (Go Missing)

Or could have bought it any time previously. Or just taken the body with him to ensure nobody finding it.

1. Many of you know about Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology's leader David Miscavige, who has been missing for over 15 years.

Well, I have got a hell of an update for you…

2. Meet Cory Palka, a 34-year vet of LAPD and a longtime captain of the Hollywood Division.

Cory was in charge of the division where I filed my missing person's report into the disappearance of Shelly Miscavige.

Here, Cory accepts a check from Scientology for an LAPD charity.

3. Here's where things get interesting...

Cory is now being investigated for providing confidential investigative information to top CBS executives.

Which begs the question...what investigative information has he provided to Scientology over the years?

5. At Tom Cruise's wedding to Katie Holmes in 2006, I was shocked when Shelly wasn't with her husband, David Miscavige.

Tom's wedding was dubbed "the wedding of the century" in Scientology. It was the most critical event for top Scientologists.

6. Shelly was always with her husband. She was his shadow, not only because she was married to him but also because she was his top aide.

For her not to be in attendance was not only unusual but also unimaginable.

7. When I asked where Shelly was, Tommy Davis, Tom Cruise and David Miscavige's henchman told me, "you don't have the fucking rank to ask about Shelly."

I was subjected to months of cruel interrogations and reprogramming for the "high crime" of asking where Shelly was.

8. My letters to Shelley had all gone unanswered. I couldn't reach her by phone either.

So when I left Scientology, my first goal was to try and find Shelly.

I filed a missing person's report through a friend I knew at the LAPD.

9. Hours after I filed the missing person's report, the case was closed, and the LAPD announced to the press that they had found Shelly.
Some further details about what happened to Tony Parsons. I had a look and couldn't see any evidence of it already having been posted - apologies if it has.

Prosecutors allege that a car driven by Alexander McKellar collided with Tony Parsons, 63, leaving him seriously injured as he was cycling on the A82 in the Bridge of Orchy area on September 29, 2017.

Alexander and Robert McKellar, who was a passenger in the vehicle, are accused of assaulting Mr Parsons and failing to seek medical attention for him following the collision with “wicked and reckless disregard” for the consequences of their actions.
It is alleged that they abandoned him at the side of the road during the hours of darkness while they went to Auch Estate, then returned in another vehicle and transported him and his bicycle to the estate where they concealed him under a tarpaulin or similar covering and abandoned him whereby he died, and that they murdered him.

The brothers, aged 30, are also accused of attempting to defeat the ends of justice between September 29 2017 and January 3 2021, by digging a grave on the estate, depositing his body there, covering it with animal remains and bleach and burying him.
From The Herald Scotland here.
Some further details about what happened to Tony Parsons. I had a look and couldn't see any evidence of it already having been posted - apologies if it has. ...
Discussion of the Parsons case (in this same thread) stopped with the December 2021 issuance of murder charges.

Thanks for posting the update with additional details.
Jan Marsalek - https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Marsalek

Marsalek is considered one of the main culprits in the Wirecard accounting scandal. The Financial Times reported that Marsalek is a person of interest for a number of European governments due to his alleged links to Russian intelligence.[1] Investigation by Bellingcat, Der Spiegel, and The Insider indicated that Marsalek flew to Minsk hours after he was fired.[2] On 19 July 2020, the German Handelsblatt reported that Marsalek was suspected to be in Russia, where he was suspected to live under supervision of the GRU in a mansion near Moscow.[3]


Marsalek is wanted with an international arrest warrant. He is accused of market manipulation, balance sheet falsification, embezzlement and gang fraud. [1] He is said to have transferred significant sums in the form of Bitcoins from Dubai to Russia. [24] On 18 June 2020, Marsalek was released by Wirecard. On this day, his colleagues also saw him for the last time, then he dived. [25] He was last seen in Vienna, where he met with a former employee of the Austrian Office for the Protection of the Constitution shortly before departing from a private airfield in an Italian restaurant. [15]

According to Der Spiegel, Marsalek first entered Belarus with a false passport. [26] According to the investigative platform Bellingcat, Marsalek flew from Klagenfurt via Tallinn to Minsk on the day of his release from Wirecard in mid-June. Because of the political conflict between Russia and Belarus, however, it was too risky for the Russian military intelligence service GRU to leave Marsalek in the neighboring country. That's why he was brought to Russia. [24] [27] The Handelsblatt reported, citing business, judicial and diplomatic circles, that Marsalek was housed on a property west of Moscow under the supervision of Russian military intelligence. [28]

At first, it had been speculated that Marsalek was in the Philippines. His alleged entry into the Philippines on June 23, 2020 and his departure for China on June 24, 2020 turned out to be fake:[26][29] On July 4, Philippine Justice Minister Menardo Guevarra said Philippine Immigration Officials had falsified Marsalek's data. [25] On 12 August 2020, the public was informed about file number XY ... unsolved asked for help in the search for Marsalek. [30]
Out of curiosity I checked for news and he might be living in Moscow.


According to Süddeutsche Zeitung, their journalists initially received a tip from a Russian source at the beginning of this year about a Russian passport in the name of "German Bazhenov", which Marsalek allegedly uses in Moscow. According to the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" report, after a photo of the passport was taken, more and more clues and information came in.

For example, Marsalek was said to like to frequent a well-known Moscow luxury restaurant, with his car accompanied by an SUV with suspected guards from a Russian secret service. In addition, there were other indications from Russian sources - such as alleged Moscow residential addresses. There are even pictures that are supposed to show Marsalek in Moscow.

At the same time, the Süddeutsche Zeitung pointed out that the authenticity of the passport photo, for example, could not be verified. It is therefore quite possible that this is deliberately spreading false information that only disguises Marsalek's whereabouts
I'm reading a fantastic book at the moment that may be of interest to denizens of this thread. It's called If You Were There and is by the journalist Fransisco Garcia. It takes a forensic look at the UK's missing people crisis, examining it from the perspectives of those setting out to find missing people, the families of those still missing, the charities in place to support people at risk of going missing (drug users, county lines kids etc) and finally, people who were missing but have since been 'found'. A deeply interesting, but unsettling, read.

I've also been re-reading all about Trevor Deely again, who went missing in Dublin in December 2000. Something about this time of year always brings him to mind.
I'm reading Trurh-Proof by Paul Sinclair at the moment, and the section on missing people includes some baffling cases around Flamborough Head. Some were probably cliff suicides, but some are simply strange. Some may have got lost exploring ex military tunnels and natural caves, but one hiker left all his kit in his car... very odd. I suppose most ended up over the cliffs somehow.

Man who vanished nearly a decade ago found dead with different name

Robert Hoagland was last seen at a gas station in Newtown, Connecticut, in the morning on July 28, 2013. The next day, he did not pick up a family member from the airport or go to work.

Police called for a welfare check found Hoagland’s wallet, phone, medication and family cars at his home, but he was nowhere in sight.

The case stayed open for years, as people reported possible sightings of Hoagland across the country. His high-profile disappearance made it on the Investigation Discovery TV series Disappeared.
On Monday, the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office in upstate New York contacted Newtown police with news that they responded to ‘an untimely death’ of a man in Rock Hill. The man was not initially identified, but investigators soon found documents that bore Hoagland’s name.

Newtown police on Tuesday confirmed Hoagland’s identity. He was 59 years old.

Hoagland was living with a different name in Sullivan County since around November 2013.

‘It’s pretty confusing,’ Hoagland’s son Christopher told NBC News on Thursday. ‘We’re trying to handle it right now to be honest. Haven’t really figured out any details.’
Not missing, but unidentified:

Mystery of man fatally hit by car in London in 2015

On a cold winter’s night in 2015, a man was fatally struck by a car on a busy junction in London.

His body was found near the The Bell pub, in Walthamstow, on January 22.

He had been hit on the corner of Forest Road and Chingford Road/Hoe Street at about 10.20pm.

The driver of the car was later given a suspended sentence in connection with the collision.

Despite extensive investigations, police struggled to name the crash victim.
There had been no personal documents, such as a passport, among his clothing and the only numbers discovered in his phone were work contacts.

Detectives were unable to confirm his true identity or inform his family of what had happened.

As Christmas approaches, a group of volunteers from Locate International are determined to solve the mystery once and for all.

It was previously suspected the man may have been living under the name of ‘Brian Wallace’ and working in the area as a builder.

Locate International have now revealed he likely had children, a detail that has not previously been published.

Original reports in 2015 revealed that the man had a Northern accent, and that he told locals he had family in the Sheffield area.

‘We’ve managed to resolve cases much older than this one using seemingly minor pieces of information, and hope to do the same for this man.’
Not missing, but unidentified:

Mystery of man fatally hit by car in London in 2015

On a cold winter’s night in 2015, a man was fatally struck by a car on a busy junction in London.

His body was found near the The Bell pub, in Walthamstow, on January 22.

He had been hit on the corner of Forest Road and Chingford Road/Hoe Street at about 10.20pm.

The driver of the car was later given a suspended sentence in connection with the collision.

Despite extensive investigations, police struggled to name the crash victim.

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This is the thread for people who go missing. Please post appropriately.
This is the thread for people who go missing. Please post appropriately.
I couldn’t find a suitable place for it - where would you suggest? It probably doesn’t warrant a thread of it’s own..
I couldn’t find a suitable place for it - where would you suggest? It probably doesn’t warrant a thread of it’s own..

I don't think it's unusual to connect the idea of missing people with that of those who are not technically missing, but utterly unknown. Although mainly associated with missing persons, the charity Locate International deals with both sorts of cases. I suspect many of the mechanisms used in attempting to solve such mysteries are similar.

'The Gentleman' is a classic case (source) - clearly the product of some sort of crime. And the 'Wembley Point Woman' breaks my heart a little bit more every time I think about it.

I don't think the All The Lonely People... feels like the right place for such cases. Perhaps an 'Unidentified' thread - but, as I say, if the main charity involved in these cases uses the same resources to investigate both, maybe putting them all here is not so unreasonable.
I don't think it's unusual to connect the idea of missing people with that of those who are not technically missing, but utterly unknown. Although mainly associated with missing persons, the charity Locate International deals with both sorts of cases. I suspect many of the mechanisms used in attempting to solve such mysteries are similar.

'The Gentleman' is a classic case (source) - clearly the product of some sort of crime. And the 'Wembley Point Woman' breaks my heart a little bit more every time I think about it.

I don't think the All The Lonely People... feels like the right place for such cases. Perhaps an 'Unidentified' thread - but, as I say, if the main charity involved in these cases uses the same resources to investigate both, maybe putting them all here is not so unreasonable.
Yes - I did search for the most suitable thread for the story & this is the closest I found. Apologies to anyone it’s upset.
An interesting case.

Five years ago, just weeks before Christmas, Paddy Moriarty and his dog Kellie, left their house in the tiny Northern Territory town of Larrimah for the final time.

Neither has been seen since, and members of the remote community he long called home are still searching for answers.

Posters of Mr Moriarty's face adorn the walls of the town's iconic Pink Panther-themed hotel, and outside his house on the Stuart Highway — which has lain vacant since his disappearance — a large missing person sign advertises a reward for any information that could locate him.

The case has captivated the nation, largely due to the unique setting.

When Mr Moriarty disappeared on December 16, 2017, only about 12 people lived in Larrimah, which is 158 kilometres away from the nearest major town of Katherine.

Earlier this year, a coronial inquest found Mr Moriarty had been "killed in the context of … the ongoing feud he had with his nearest neighbours".

Those neighbours have denied any responsibility.

In the meantime, the mystery of what happened to Mr Moriarty still lingers over Larrimah.

"It's not solved, it's not closed, nothing is happening, it's just left in the unknown still," former resident Brent Cilia said. ....

he inquest included audio recorded by a secret listening device installed by police in the home of Owen Laurie, a live-in gardener who was employed by Mr Moriarty's nearest neighbour Fran Hodgetts.

In one of the recordings played to the courtroom, detectives alleged that a male voice heard talking and singing said: "I killerated old Paddy … f***n killerated him. I struck on the f***n head and killerated him … basherated him, doof, yes he did, basherated him".

Mr Laurie told the inquest the recordings were not of him, and then chose to exercise his right to remain silent.

Ms Hodgetts, a tea house operator who had a long-running feud with Mr Moriarty, mainly over his insults of her pies, also gave testimony.

She refuted claims she had offered to pay up to $10,000 for him to be killed by a hit man, and told the inquest she had nothing to do with his disappearance. ...

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An interesting case.

Five years ago, just weeks before Christmas, Paddy Moriarty and his dog Kellie, left their house in the tiny Northern Territory town of Larrimah for the final time.

Neither has been seen since, and members of the remote community he long called home are still searching for answers.

Posters of Mr Moriarty's face adorn the walls of the town's iconic Pink Panther-themed hotel, and outside his house on the Stuart Highway — which has lain vacant since his disappearance — a large missing person sign advertises a reward for any information that could locate him.

The case has captivated the nation, largely due to the unique setting.

When Mr Moriarty disappeared on December 16, 2017, only about 12 people lived in Larrimah, which is 158 kilometres away from the nearest major town of Katherine.

Earlier this year, a coronial inquest found Mr Moriarty had been "killed in the context of … the ongoing feud he had with his nearest neighbours".

Those neighbours have denied any responsibility.

In the meantime, the mystery of what happened to Mr Moriarty still lingers over Larrimah.

"It's not solved, it's not closed, nothing is happening, it's just left in the unknown still," former resident Brent Cilia said. ....

he inquest included audio recorded by a secret listening device installed by police in the home of Owen Laurie, a live-in gardener who was employed by Mr Moriarty's nearest neighbour Fran Hodgetts.

In one of the recordings played to the courtroom, detectives alleged that a male voice heard talking and singing said: "I killerated old Paddy … f***n killerated him. I struck on the f***n head and killerated him … basherated him, doof, yes he did, basherated him".

Mr Laurie told the inquest the recordings were not of him, and then chose to exercise his right to remain silent.

Ms Hodgetts, a tea house operator who had a long-running feud with Mr Moriarty, mainly over his insults of her pies, also gave testimony.

She refuted claims she had offered to pay up to $10,000 for him to be killed by a hit man, and told the inquest she had nothing to do with his disappearance. ...

Link didn't work for me.

The one below did (for me anyway...)

An interesting case.

Five years ago, just weeks before Christmas, Paddy Moriarty and his dog Kellie, left their house in the tiny Northern Territory town of Larrimah for the final time.

Neither has been seen since, and members of the remote community he long called home are still searching for answers.

Posters of Mr Moriarty's face adorn the walls of the town's iconic Pink Panther-themed hotel, and outside his house on the Stuart Highway — which has lain vacant since his disappearance — a large missing person sign advertises a reward for any information that could locate him.

The case has captivated the nation, largely due to the unique setting.

When Mr Moriarty disappeared on December 16, 2017, only about 12 people lived in Larrimah, which is 158 kilometres away from the nearest major town of Katherine.

Earlier this year, a coronial inquest found Mr Moriarty had been "killed in the context of … the ongoing feud he had with his nearest neighbours".

Those neighbours have denied any responsibility.

In the meantime, the mystery of what happened to Mr Moriarty still lingers over Larrimah.

"It's not solved, it's not closed, nothing is happening, it's just left in the unknown still," former resident Brent Cilia said. ....

he inquest included audio recorded by a secret listening device installed by police in the home of Owen Laurie, a live-in gardener who was employed by Mr Moriarty's nearest neighbour Fran Hodgetts.

In one of the recordings played to the courtroom, detectives alleged that a male voice heard talking and singing said: "I killerated old Paddy … f***n killerated him. I struck on the f***n head and killerated him … basherated him, doof, yes he did, basherated him".

Mr Laurie told the inquest the recordings were not of him, and then chose to exercise his right to remain silent.

Ms Hodgetts, a tea house operator who had a long-running feud with Mr Moriarty, mainly over his insults of her pies, also gave testimony.

She refuted claims she had offered to pay up to $10,000 for him to be killed by a hit man, and told the inquest she had nothing to do with his disappearance. ...

Currently reading a book on this, an endlessly fascinating read!

I noticed this story a couple of weeks ago, a woman and her partner go missing after abandoning their car on fire. Police are especially concerned as she has just given birth and has had no medical care. The man is a registered sex offender although there is no suggestion of any connection here as to why they went missing. She is from an extremely wealthy family. Her father was on Radio 4 this morning appealing for her to return with her baby. It is all very soap opera like.

The curious case of Constance "Toots" Marten and Mark Gordon.

The father of a newborn baby who police want to trace is a registered sex offender, US police records reveal.
The baby has been missing since their parents' car broke down and caught fire on the M61 near Bolton, on 5 January.
Since then, Constance "Toots" Marten and Mark Gordon appear to have been avoiding police, moving to Liverpool, Harwich, Colchester and London in quick succession.
Ms Marten, 35, is from a wealthy family but is estranged from them, say police.
Known to her friends as Toots, she grew up in a stately home in Dorset which was used as a set for the 1996 film of Jane Austen's Emma, starring Gwyneth Paltrow.
She had a privileged upbringing, attending a private school, university and drama school - but after meeting Gordon, 48, everything changed.

More at the link.
