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maximus otter
I have high regard for the Newman/Baddiel combo. The 'historians' sticks out in my mind. As does Armstrong/Miller, with their 'Airmen' skits.
Both, to me, highlight language use and expectation; f'r instance, 'upper class' WW2 airmen using Received Pronunciation to voice 'street slang' is outstanding!
However I pre-empt mods to point out Russel Brand has made his acting career on using 'Estuary English' to both act in roles and convince people of his sincerity and 'grounded' attitude.
He can use complicated and 'posh' words but with an Estuary accent. It alarms the upper class and comforts the lower class.
Like the violinist Nigel Kennedy and his punk/mockney style. :chuckle:
There's not much comedy that decades later makes me smirk if I still think about it, but those historian characters - do. I think, looking back, could sense the tension (palpable dislike) between Baddiel and Newman which made it even more interesting. Newman was always my favourite of the two.
I noticed that Baddiel would occasionally corpse a little, at which Newman would become even more exaggeratedly solemn. :chuckle:

maximus otter

I know it's immensely shallow of me, but until/unless I am convinced he has been up to vileness with people below the age of consent/unable to consent, I probably still would at least once...
Act a twat. Get caught. Find God. Not an uncommon trinity.

Of course, one doesn't really need a lifestyle guru who appears to be wearing a child's scrapbook as an upper body garment to exemplify such a process – it can be found in many areas of the human experience.

Prisons, for instance.

Hushed reverential tones...

One ay-MEN and several ah-MENs...
A military-style ... but not actually military?
After ranting about politics and different political systems, he's taken on God?
"Click on the link below to become a member of our community."
He's just doing the same old 'rinse on - wash off' narrative that all these so-called new age Guru's with an audience do. First it starts with the Paranormal before swiftly moving onto spirituality and what-ever the 'in thing' is trending at that time to get people's attention (currently it's the Law of Attraction), then it goes straight to politics and it never ends from that.

Instead of spreading what they claim to be the truth they become politicized self-elected voices for their audience whilst discrediting anyone who opposes/challenges their beliefs or viewpoints, claiming the person/s challenging are 'illuminati' or 'brainwashed' or what-ever. It's very rare nowadays to see someone whose proclaiming to be walking the 'spiritual path' to actually stick to their sole principle.
Out of curiosity I watched one of his videos today about the political elite, who ever they are.

Apart from his way of speaking, which got on my nerves, and just him, likewise, what he actually said was very true and made so much sense. Without going into politics, his point was why do we put with these liars and cheats which is the same for almost every country on earth.

I'll not subscribe to his channel, because of him and his way of presenting himself.
Out of curiosity I watched one of his videos today about the political elite, who ever they are.

Apart from his way of speaking, which got on my nerves, and just him, likewise, what he actually said was very true and made so much sense. Without going into politics, his point was why do we put with these liars and cheats which is the same for almost every country on earth.

I'll not subscribe to his channel, because of him and his way of presenting himself.
That's how they get you. They make a certain amount of sense by picking easy targets and saying stuff that is true. Then they come in with the weird stuff and people believe them because he was right about the other stuff.:nods: Keep not-subscribing!
That's how they get you. They make a certain amount of sense by picking easy targets and saying stuff that is true. Then they come in with the weird stuff and people believe them because he was right about the other stuff.:nods: Keep not-subscribing!
People do sometimes talk sense, even if that person is not well liked and sometimes the weird stuff can turn out to be true. Not always, but sometimes. I'm not an 'easy target' either. I have been reading 'weird stuff' since the late 60's. My first book was Gold of the Gods - Eric Von Daniken. Between then and right up to the advent of the internet I must have read hundreds of books. Now I only read magazines and use the internet.

The problem with weird stuff is that often people have their own world view and also often if anything is outside that self made world view it is instantly rejected out of hand and any who say anything outside that world view are then labeled conspiracy theorists. The truth should be the guiding light and not personal opinions.

Russell Brand has a huge following. There's also a huge number who hate and or dislike him so I watched one of his videos to make up my own mind rather than have others make it up for me.