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'Six Degrees Of Separation'


Disciple of Marduk
Aug 24, 2001
HM The Tower of London
The 'Six Degrees' thing means that everyone in the world is connected to everyone else by six links ('degrees') or less. A link can be family, colleague, acquaintance, marriage- any way of 'knowing' someone.
The links can be tortuous and involved but always lead there in the end.

Thus, my daughter's ex-boyfriend is some kind of great-great nephew of Dr. Gull, physician to Queen Victoria, who as all conspiracists know was involved in hiding the true identity of Jack the Ripper.

On the other hand, my nephew's girlfriend is a journalist and has interviewed Marilyn Manson!

I nursed a chap whose sister in law used to train with Daley

A workmate had been a security guard whose boss told off Princess Margaret's bodyguard for doing noisy wheelspins in the Daimler at night.

So there's 4 famous people I can claim a spurious link to, who've never even heard of me...

Who else has as many famous acquaintances as this?
interesting. I've always like the six degrees thing. It's kind of comforting to know how small the world is.
i've met Paul daniels and "the lovely" Debbie Mcgee.
Also Anthea Turner.
I saw Mark Lamarr, Pauline quirke and Linda Robson, and Ronnie Corbett in Heathrow- tho not at the same time.
A friend of a friends sister is friends with a presenter on MTV (the scottish one). Lots of celeb links through that.
An ex-girlfriend was in halls with the son of one of the beechgrove gardeners.
my flatmate and best frriend sat on Kylie Minogue's knee when he was too small to enjoy it.
A friend from primary school works for BBC scotland and has met Jackie Bird and "Heather the weather". (maybe non-scots wont be impressed by that).
best frriend sat on Kylie Minogue's knee when he was too small to enjoy it.
-That's the sort of tenuous link that's most interesting!

My Mum was bumped into by Harold Wilson (late UK Prime Minister) at a TUC rally.
My daughter works for a close friend of Robbie Williams' Da!
My brothers friends with zoe balls dad Jonny ball

My mums the probation officer for ricky tomlinsons son

I once sat next to Chris Bonnington in Manchester Airport

I once helped Per Lindstrom with his electricity bill

I used to go to school with Tim Vincent

I had a drink with Jonny Herbert

I helped shoo some ducks away from the Queen

Met Prince Charles 3 times and shaken his hand twice (but he didn't remember me :(), and I still can't believe how small he is!

Walked past the chap from the fast show in a manchester shop (the one who goes "Greeeat" in the jazz show sketch)

Met Alex Ferguson a few times as his son plays for Wrexham, and he used to do all sorts of charitable events here which I was sometimes invited to

At a local hotel, accidentally walked into the same room Pavarotti was in and was quickly ejected (read thrown out)

my mum almost started the Orange March riots in Northern Ireland in the 60's by accidentally running over one of the march leaders. Apparently she was driving along and they were just marching towards her refusing to stop, she swerved to avoid the main mass and ended up injuring some important person of theirs. She left very quickly before the unpleasantness started
Hahahahaha ROFLMAO!!

That's the spirit!
I used to sit next to Rick Astley's cousin at school.

I also know someone who has beaten Nigel Short at chess.

Schnor - didn't you used to work at Dapol?
Haven't you ever met anyone from Doctor Who?
Oh yeah! Forgot about that :eek:

The normal lot, Peter Davison, Colin Baker (a very, very rude man BTW), Sylvester McCoy, some assistants whose names escape me, but my favourite must be Tom Baker whos totally barking mad, and Sophie Aldred who I had a crush on when I was a nipper :eek:
My dad's second cousin is Alistair Stewart, who does the London News and those Stop Police! programs... Through the Scottish connection, I am related to the vast proportion of British royalty (and possibly a load of European ones too). I have met the Queen a couple of times. My dad is a freemason (ooh scarey!) and so are loads of other people... Also, my father's father's grandmother married three times, at one point to two subsequent brothers (so you got to be your own cousin), and thus was part of the cause of the massive bizarre family that apparently populates a large proportion of Scotland, most of whom I've never met, which is always a bit of a dubious claim because my gran likes her Drambuie. Oh and my dad is a photographer and knows a lot of people.

Do I win?

Oh and I have talked to Paul Wright from Fields of the Nephilim. Which I was well impressed with even if no one else gives a flaming rats arse.
Well I've met Martin Clunes (who is very very tall and has large hands) and Ian Hislop (who is more like his spitting image puppet than he ought to be)

I've stood next to Paul Merton at a bar in London.....

I met Nick Park once too...

Dawn French and Lenny Henry shopped in the supermarket where I had my Saturday job....

I unfortunately met Chris Evans when he used to do the 'Greenhouse' on GLR a long long time ago...

My best mate is somehow related to Robbie Williams :D ....and Chesney Hawkes is somehow related to me :blah: (according to my mum anyway....):blah: :blah: :blah:
Now, are we all 'acquainted' in a Six Degrees sense if we talk on the same messageboard? 'Cos if we are, then we can all add all the above celebs/dubious characters to our own list of connections!

Oh, and my present BF's ex is married to Robbie Williams' cousin...
My ex's family are supposed to be descended from Francis Drake's brother.

I met Graham Gooch in a bank, and Harold Wilson (and Marcia!) on the Isles of Scilly.

I have photos I took of John Major on POW pier in Falmouth - Sebastian Coe (then our MP) was there too. I've also met our current MP, Candy Atherton, at least a couple of times.

My father in law sailed with members of the royal family, including Pricess Anne.

I signed the visitor's book in a sailing club in West Mersea immediately after the Duke of Kent's entry.

I saw Robert Maxwell in Antibes.

I met a famous West Indian cricketer (whose name escapes me at the moment) on a ferry.

I was at a Who gig in the 60s (and those of some lesser bands of the time).

I saw Carl Shuker on TV...

I'm getting silly now - or am I?
Hahahahaha ROFLMAO
This thread has had me in tears of laughter all afternoon. I'm away to watch a bootleg Harry Potter just now so I hope I can control myself while it's on!
I think I lose, since I've never heard of any of the people being discussed, except the royal family and Kylie. But I only just found out about her the other day by reading this message board. (No, I don't get out much!)
A comrade of mine punched that Darius fella in the face when they were at school...
I blanked Geff Hoon at RAF Leuchars
I had sherry with an important General chappy
I have the same surname as some of the English aristocracy
Er....I'll get back to you on that...
Alright, so I've never met anyone exciting, I admit it!
but my dad was stationed at the airport for a while, so he's met all kindsa folk...he got a wave from the Queen Mother once...
I know someone who called Jim Davidson a wanker... I'd like to say I did it myself, but maybe my time will come!

Eviscera said:
Oh and I have talked to Paul Wright from Fields of the Nephilim. Which I was well impressed with even if no one else gives a flaming rats arse

Hey, I'm impressed too. They were a great band... :cool:
My friends, friend embalmed Francis Rossi's auntie.....
I once met Timmy Mallet (small and very,very hairy).......
I appeared in the back ground shot of an Anglia TV 'info-merical' pretending to work, so you might have seen me (doubtful I know)......
My Nan presented some flowers to Queen Mary.......
My ex-husband has met Peter Green (Fleetwood Mac) and knows the drummer from T-Rex.......

I really should get out more.........
i used to know a guy who farted in the presence of kate bush, does that count?
I met Russel Crowe in a bar in Sydney and said G'day.

My parents were invited backstage at a Pearl Jam concert and met the band.

My cousin is an actress and appeared in Home and Away,Neighbours,Strictly Ballroom and most recently done a tele movie with Judy Davis.

And I just know Kevin Bacon fits in there somewhere...
Funny the film 6 degrees of separation is on this week here in denmark.Looking foward to it now.
But let me see if i,ve got this right...
If we look hard enought we should be able to find a link between anyone of us one the boards,well within 6 links.
Sounds spooky and feasible at the same time.

Reminds me of a python sketch but cant remember wich one.
I know a bloke called Paul who's father shook hands with the son of someone who lived near where Ken Dodd's millkman lived.

OK back to reality. My dad went to school with Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills and Nash and had occasion to punch his lights out when he bullied my uncle, his brother, who was later in 'Freddy and the Dreamers'
Musical Interlude:

"Lloyd George knew my fa-a-a-ather,
Father knew Lloyd,
Lloyd George knew my fa-a-ther,
Father knew Lloyd...." etc.
Saw elderly striker Frank Worthington at an airport somewhere in Europe.

Saw former Derby County and Wolves centre half Rob Hindmarch whilst on holiday. Beat that.

Brother-in-law vaguely related to Sir Stanley Matthews.

Ate at the same restaurant as Roy Wood (at the same time).

Nearly walked into former Education secretary Gillian Shephard.

My mate's Dad shook hands with Prince Charles after emerging from a public toilet.

My favourite so far is this:

My friends, friend embalmed Francis Rossi's auntie

Can't top that.

I met a famous West Indian cricketer (whose name escapes me at the moment) on a ferry.
So famous you can't remember who he was?:p

My cousin is an actress and appeared in Home and Away,
If it was Melissa George, we've got to talk introductions.

my flatmate and best frriend sat on Kylie Minogue's knee
Orhhhhhhh. Kylie.:blah:
Captain Buttock said:
So famous you can't remember who he was?:p
Still can't, but he held (perhaps still does hold) a batting record of several hundred runs in one innings. (It wasn't 666 was it? - no, must be thinking of something else entirely there...)

Later: A bit of Googling reminded me that it was Brian Lara - details here
Iggy011 said:
My cousin is an actress and appeared in Home and Away,Neighbours,Strictly Ballroom and most recently done a tele movie with Judy Davis.

I've watched Neighbours since the very start, when it was on in the morning - well it was better than revising for my O-Levels.
Who did she play, was she a regular or an extra?
schnor said:
Oh yeah! Forgot about that :eek:

The normal lot, Peter Davison, Colin Baker (a very, very rude man BTW), Sylvester McCoy, some assistants whose names escape me, but my favourite must be Tom Baker whos totally barking mad, and Sophie Aldred who I had a crush on when I was a nipper :eek:

Sophie Aldred's well sexy.
Ate at the same restaurant as Roy Wood (at the same time).

Oh sh*t, that reminds me, I once snogged Roy Wood, absolutely plastered at the time!
You know those days, when ye tak' a wee dram, and suddenly you're thinking, 'Now, which bizarrely made-up, hirsute has-been of a pop star am I tonsil-tonguing here? Ah yes, it is of course _ _ _ _ _' (fill in name as apprporiate.)

I helped shoo some ducks away from the Queen
Hahahahahaha brilliant!!!!!

my dad was stationed at the airport for a while, so he's met all kindsa folk..

So as we all know Inverurie Jones, and his Da saw famous people, we all know them too!