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pi23 said:
Alright then - why doesn't Darth remember the droids?
Good point.

Maybe being in the Sith is like being in a religous sect. If sect members don't recognise their own family, there's no reason why he doesn't recognise the droids. Also, the astromech droids are mass produced, so there are probably lots of similar droids scattered about the galaxy.
I don't wanna appear geeky but is the droid "head" in Obi Wan's fighter a droid? Given he's just a swivelling head? (Don't have a reference book here I can check). And as it was a "Jedi" starfighter I recckon it was standard issue equipment from the Jedi Academy, so strictly speaking he didn't own it.

As for Vader not remembering 3PO, two thoughts strike me. One: 3PO was shot up pretty bad and rescued from the Ugnaughts, maybe he looked like any other Protocol droid to Vader. He never actually says, nor does anyone else, the words "threepeeio" or "See Threepio" out loud. As my scarlett mutated Kaled said, like the Astromech model, the protocol droid is all mass produced. And secondly, Lucas may have shot a new scene with Vader visiting 3PO's remains on Cloud City before giving them to Chewie to put back together. (Vader's first temptation by the light side of the force?). It'd be easy to shoot as no actors are required, all they need are costumes and props.

Hate to say it anome but Mace took Jango's head off. I watched Clones last week and was amazed at how it looked (DVD). It has to be the best looking of them all , visually, rivalling Kersherner's palate of colours.

And thanks to Hook Innsmouth, Lucas is a canny man he is. Think of these movies in the long term, 20 or 40 years from now kids will still enjoy these galactic fairy tales, and they'll watch them in order. Imagine the suprise they get when they realise who Leia is in Episode 6.

mooks out

PS Cut to point three, I'll cover for you!
No, it was an actual droid. It was seen separate to the fighter and everything.
Star Wars: Episode III

Well geeks, it is just under a year until the final Star Wars movie is released. What better time to give it a thread. Or merge it with an already existing one :nonplus:
Yes, there was Jar-Jar. Yes, there was the crimes against soundtrack when the ewok song and music in Jabba's Palace was changed. Yes, there is the news that the original dvd's won't be in the box set just the special editions.
But...maybe, just maybe Lucas will make up for all this by delivering an oustanding denoument to the best film series ever!!!
Probably not though :(

I have read somewhere that it will be called 'Birth of the Empire'. Sounds a bit gash to me but there is nothing on the starwars.com website so maybe it is just rumour. On the positive side this General Grievous character looks quite promising as a bad guy. EpII was significantly better than EpI so maybe things will continue to improve. And I don't think this will be the end of Star Wars. It's always been said there was originally meant to be 9 and a third trilogy following Luke and possibly Luke/Leia's kids would just wrap up the whole thing neatly. That would be class and if Lucas isn't around to do it I reckon someone will (probably better than Lucas could).

Anyone know if the Star Wars cartoon series from Nickelodeon is planned to be released on dvd?
I enjoyed this:

Can ‘Star Wars: Episode III’ be saved?

Fire Lucas, fire Christensen and resurrect Ed Wood from the grave

Should George Lucas be replaced before he ruins his own legacy?

By Christopher Bahn
MSNBC contributor
Updated: 6:35 p.m. ET May 18, 2004

We’ve got one more year before George Lucas finishes up his “Star Wars” prequel trilogy with the as-yet-untitled Episode III, and he certainly has his work cut out for him. Not only does he have to resolve the ongoing storylines of “Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones” in such a way as to lead directly into Episode IV, the original 1977 “Star Wars,” but he has to overcome two of the most soul-killingly dull storylines ever put on film. I mean, really — I’ve seen more interesting films on sandwiches I left in my fridge too long. Is there any way for Lucas to salvage the series in a single movie? It would take a great disturbance in the Force, but it’s not impossible.

Hire some real behind-the-scenes talent

Considering that most of the worst ideas in the last two films came from Lucas himself, he might start by handing over the reins to another filmmaker.

It might be difficult to convince Lucas to go along with it, but if necessary Lucas could probably be tricked by telling him that Joseph Campbell is waiting with a documentary crew to massage Lucas’ ego by interviewing him about his wonderful mythic imagination. When Lucas shows up, knock him out, encase him in a block of frozen carbonite and put him out of the way somewhere until the movie is out in theaters.

Give creative control entirely to a new directing and writing team — it almost doesn’t matter who — and tell them to ignore “Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones” entirely. Rethink Episode III as a standalone story with one simple plotline: Anakin Skywalker has just married Padme (who is, unbeknownst to him, pregnant with the twins Luke and Leia who’ll show up in the next film). Seduced by ambition, Anakin leaves behind his wife, his life and even his own name to join the evil Emperor Palpatine as Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith.

It’s a story that lives or dies depending on how skillfully and sensitively a filmmaker can deal with the emotional content, and Lucas is not a filmmaker who appears capable of doing that anymore. Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia in the original trilogy, has said that “When George was directing, he'd only say two things: 'faster' or 'more intense.'” Fire Lucas as director, who has no sense of control over his storyline, encourages flat and affectless acting, and shellacs every scene with such a frenzy of special effects that they assault your senses like a strobe light.

While you’re at it, fire Lucas the writer, who has not come up with a single witty or memorable phrase in the four hours of prequel trilogy out so far. The first trilogy didn’t have this problem: For instance, “The Empire Strikes Back” had the help of the great noir writer Leigh Brackett.

Having better writers would save Lucas from amateurish nonsense like his decision to give Anakin Skywalker the emasculating nickname “Annie.” Perhaps he was planning to have him break out into a rousing chorus of “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow”?

Or the totally unnecessary invention of microbial “midichlorians” to explain how the mystical Force gives Jedi knights their powers, perhaps the stupidest idea to come out of “Phantom Menace.” And that's really saying something considering all the cringe-inducing, thinly disguised sci-fi rehashes of racial stereotypes like Jar-Jar Binks. Thankfully, the “midichlorian” concept quietly dropped from the story in Clones.

Recast Darth Vader

Alfred Hitchcock’s dictum that “the more successful the villain, the more successful the picture” is of primary importance to Episode III, since the rise of Darth Vader is the heart of the story. Lucas has already done more than enough work on another Hitchcock maxim, “Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.”

Fire Hayden Christensen, whose single emotive capacity is sullen petulance, and whose attempts to put on the magisterial rage that must become Darth Vader’s hallmark instead sound like a tenth-grader whose dad won’t let him borrow the car. This is essentially the story of a guy who becomes Space Hitler, which is already hard enough to get people to take seriously without casting a scowly teen. And cut off that stupid-looking ponytail too, for crying out loud.

Clear out the dead wood

While you’re at it get rid of Natalie Portman, who as Queen Amidala has all the regal presence of a mallrat shopping at her local Fashion Bug. Keep Samuel Jackson, Frank Oz, Anthony Daniels, and Ian McDiarmid, and thank your lucky stars that you’ve got Christopher Lee, who’s been showcasing his considerable talent in Z-grade horror flicks for decades and knows better than perhaps any living actor how to pull a terrific performance out of truly awful material. Tell Ewan Macgregor, who’s proven elsewhere he’s a fine actor, that it’s safe to come out and emote now. Fire everyone else.

Hire Ed Wood

In many ways, “Phantom” and “Clones” were the answer to the unasked question “What would the director of ‘Plan 9 From Outer Space’ have done with a talented effects crew and a 0 million budget?” Well then, why not bring Ed Wood back from the grave to direct Episode III? Sure, it’s a farfetched idea, but it’s easier to swallow than “midichlorians.” We can see it now: Darth Vader develops a sudden fetish for angora sweaters, and mocks people who fall for his Jedi mind tricks with “See! It’s your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!”

Rip off more Kurosawa

It’s no slur on the genuinely great first “Star Wars” that much of the plotline and characterization was lifted straight out of Akira Kurosawa’s “The Hidden Fortress.” Reusing older plotlines is a terrific way to shore up the fact that you have no interesting plots of your own. And after all, the extremely talented Kurosawa dipped into Shakespeare’s well of ideas more than once — and Shakespeare himself lifted many of his plots from earlier plays. For Episode III, rip off Kurosawa’s ripoff of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” and retell the “Throne of Blood” storyline as Darth Vader’s journey into evil.

Parody the whole concept

Maybe the best thing to do would be to get Anakin to embrace the Dark Side as quickly as possible, perhaps by forcing him to confront some terrible disappointment that will haunt him for the rest of his days. We suggest this two-line scene set in a Coruscant restaurant:

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!

Anakin puts on his black helmet and storms off to his local county clerk’s office and fills out the paperwork to have his name legally changed to “Darth Annie Vader.” (He later quietly drops the middle name, realizing it doesn’t help his macho image.) And then for the next two hours, it’s all special-effects spaceship battles, which is the real reason most of us will go to the theater anyway. Fade to black


I was watching the "Making of" documentaries of Episode II the other day, and it occurred to me that due to the technology now available Lucas no longer had any constraints. There is quite literally no limit to what can be done, and every scene can be tweaked, rehashed and rejigged in any way he sees fit. Perhaps this has gone some way to killing the franchise, as he was so much better when he was working within constraints.
That and the over-reliance of blue screen, not to mention the grade-school level dialogue which for some reason Lucas has insisted on writing himself. It's dull, lifeless and unmemorable.

Even the Making Of documentaries are boring, how much more footage do we want to see of a geek clicking a mouse in front of a wire-frame digital character? I remember when people used to do stunts, and overcome constraints with a bit of ingenuity.... maybe it's because Lucas doesn't have to think anymore about what he's doing.
Re: Star Wars Holiday Special

Emperor said:
Now I never knew about this - a Star Wars Xmas special and it looks ruddy awful

Obviously old news to the major fans but it fascinated me - I want to see it now ;)
Then get your ass over here and view the whole thing in crappy RealPlayer.
What the fuck were they thinking??
Re: Re: Star Wars Holiday Special

Bruce Wayne said:
Then get your ass over here and view the whole thing in crappy RealPlayer.
What the fuck were they thinking??
I love the fact that a couple of Samsung's employees decided to reenact their favourite lightsabre duels and ended up in hospital.

Hullo...its a lightsabre:rolleyes:

mooks out
i am a bit confused mooksta, do you think it is real?
it is clearly not a real report, it is even in a humour section :confused:
Hands up.

I thought it real. I didn't notice it was in the humour section.

:blush: :blush:

I'll get me coat.

mooks out
the bit i liked was that it took 53 aaa batteries and lasted for 13 minutes :wow:
I mean, really, it was in a paper called The Spoof, and everything.

Clearly they should have been using D-Cells. Or the battery packs for rechargeable drills and such.
Okay...all I saw were the words REAL LIGHTSABRE...

I tend not to spend too long on Star Wars pages as it affects my street cred.

Moldi-Ban Mook (my...ahem...Jedi name)
Star Wars III: Official Title

Lucasfilm Unveils New 'Star Wars' Title

By ANTHONY BREZNICAN, AP Entertainment Writer

SAN DIEGO - The final "Star Wars" prequel is just "Episode III" no more. Lucasfilm announced its new title Saturday: "Revenge of the Sith."

The movie, set for release in May 2005, will link the prequels with the original "Star Wars" trilogy by showing how Luke Skywalker's father, Anakin, went from a sweet-natured slave boy to the galaxy-crushing villain Darth Vader. The Sith is the evil sect that corrupts Anakin (played by Hayden Christensen (news)) by drawing him into the dark side of the Force, the cosmic power that balances the universe.

Lucasfilm announced the new title at the annual Comic-Con International, the annual gathering of tens of thousands of sci-fi and superhero fans. It was a risky move — some of the notoriously fickle "Star Wars" admirers initially bristled at previous prequel titles "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones."

"Star Wars" creator and filmmaker George Lucas did not attend the event, but sent fan relations chief Steve Sansweet in his place. Sansweet announced the title by pulling off a baseball jersey to reveal a black T-shirt emblazoned with "Revenge of the Sith."

"For some time now, the naming of a new 'Star Wars' movie has taken on some special meaning among core fans who love to take part in guessing games and speculation before a title is announced," Sansweet told nearly 6,500 convention attendees. "And then (they) engage in debate once it is ... so let the debate begin."

Minutes later, a sampling of audience members dressed as Jedis, stormtroopers and other "Star Wars" characters showed they approved. "I thought it was great, I loved it,' said Barren Wright, 35, a graphic designer from Modesto who was dressed as the green-armored bounty hunter Boba Fett. "This takes it back to the classic trilogy, It's a smart move by Lucasfilm to tie it all together since the logo and everything is identical to 'Return of the Jedi.'"

Wright said the symmetry between the titles reflects the story lines. Anyone who has seen the original "Star Wars" from 1977 knows that the good guys — that is the Jedi — would be wiped out by Darth Vader in "Episode III" just as Vader and his evil Empire were toppled in 1983's "Return of the Jedi."

In addition to the title, Lucasfilm also sent concept artist Ryan Church to show off drawings of a Wookie tree civilization from "Episode III" and played footage of Christensen's climactic light-saber duel — minus all the special effects — with co-star Ewan McGregor, who plays Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Return of the Jedi" was originally to be titled "Revenge of the Jedi." Some advance promotional material even featured that title, but Lucas changed it later in production. "This time, George tells us he's going to keep 'Revenge' in the title," Sansweet said.

He had one other announcement for fans: "Revenge of the Sith" T-shirts would go on sale inside Comic-Con's main hall in five minutes.

*{'Splash wakes up}*

Crickey! I just had this horrible dream! 'Nother prequel with a crap title. Creative as a bacon sandwich on white bread!

*{'Splash plumps up pilow, tries to go back to sleep...}*
Please let it be better than the last one. Apart from Django Fett's sonic mines, Attack of the Clones was an incredibly forgettable film. By the end I wanted to stick a lightsabre up Anakin's backside, and Ewan McGregor's Obi Wan seemed carved from balsa-wood.
The Wookie tree civilisation is deeply ominous. Revenge of the Ewoks?
and played footage of Christensen's climactic light-saber duel — minus all the special effects —

<scratches head sadly>

I think its quite a nice title tho`
Wookiee tree civilisation, eh? Wake up, Andro, this is going to be real exciting!! :hmm:

But, then, who am I to talk? I thought 'Return of the King' went on a bit . . .

sunsplash said:
*{'Spalsh wakes up}*

Crickey! I just had this horrible dream! 'Nother prequel with a crap title. Creative as a bacon sandwich on white bread!

*{'Splash plumps up pilow, tries to go back to sleep...{

Wake up! They're all crap titles:

A New Hope

The Empire Strikes Back

The Return of the Jedi

The Phantom Menace

The Attack of the Clones

The Revenge of the Sith

Saturday morning serial titles, what were you expecting?
Hook Innsmouth speaks the truth.

I for one am kind of old fashioned. I'm thinking about not deciding the movie is crap or not on the strength of the title. Crazy I know, but there you go...
Sorry, but 'Attack of the Clones' has to be the worst of the lot of them title-wise.

When I first heard it I thought it was some sort of B-movie title not one of the most successful film series ever.
they are B-movies.... puffed up and thin on story... clopnes was shockingly bad... looks liek they are going for the cute vote with more furry tree dwellers this time.