Unfortunately I have far too much time on my hands and, unlike Chasubo, like wasting a bit of time so here is some thoughts about the first paragraph of you theory.
[Persephone was collecting them when she was abducted to the Underworld]
Along with many other types flowers. Probably all metaphores for the emotions and states experienced by Persephone. I wonder if we could shoe horn a connection to ROSE West in here or perhaps VIOLET Bucket?
"The youthful Persephone was gathering roses and lilies, violets and crocuses, hyacinths and narcissuses, when the earth sundered and Pluto, ruler of the Underworld, arose from the ground"
- From traditional Greek lore.
[Lilies are strong occult symbols often associated with the Underworld. But as always in these case there are strong links to the ancient concept of the 'beloved']
I'm not too sure where to find the STRONG OCCULT symbolism, any ideas? Maybe you mean STRONG MYTHOLOGICAL symbolism?
"The lily is deeply identified with the ancient goddesses of the Western world. In Rome, it was said that the first lily sprang from the breast milk of the Great Goddess Juno, empress of nature. In the Middle East, the lily was sacred to Astarte, the primal goddess of fertility. Christianity too associated the lily with the feminine deity, ascribing it to the Virgin Mary."
The English word chalice is derived from calyx, the cup of the lily flower.
How and why would you choose this next giant leap to the Song of Solomon? What relevance over and above countless other texts mentioning Lilies does the 'Song of Solomon possess?
Again the text mentions Roses and also apples. Another 'obvious' pointer in the direction of ROSE West and Gloucester (a traditional Somerset Cider town). And, I went to school with a girl called SHARON West in a village in Gloucestershire. Crikey!
"I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.
As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste." - from the song of solomon
[Thorns represent the sun's rays, crowns, fortresses (castles) and for untilled soil, virgin soil.]
Again, notice that the thorns represent life's worries, riches and pleasures. This description of thorns parallels the characteristics common to the fallen nature of mankind. Therefore, indulging the sinful nature has the same effect on the Word planted in the soil of the heart. It serves to hinder the relationship between God and man causing unfruitfulness and immaturity in the life of a believer.
[It is etablished that 'a beloved' is a priestess, but is it a term for a sacificial victim? Are they one and the same in time?
Witnesses claim this to be the case.]
Could you give us the names and dates of witness statements?
It's not that people here are closed minded its the absence of ANY qualifying references that severely weakens peoples acceptance of your theory. The above questions and statements relate to only the first paragraph of your claims.
There is no mention of any of the recent developments in the case, the alleged link to Michael Sams or the new police search for a potential burial site last year.
It seems to me, after reading your other 'theories' about Sara Payne and Amanda Dowler you have unrealistic grip on reality, trawling the perceived facts for the most tenuous connections to anything and everything will always allow 'proof' of whatever you want.