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I've most of the Rankin series - I started with "The Brentford Chainstore Massacre" and carried on from there.
Another author, in a similar vein, is Tom Holt. I've lots of them too, with "Djinn Rummy" and "Expecting Someone Taller" being hilarious reads.

Edit: I've just checked his Wikipedia and I'm only missing three titles to have a complete set. :D
He’s definitely still extremely popular. Look at the waiting list for this audiobook.
I'm going in to Liverpool next week to see my young friends (well, in their late 20's up to 50's - seems young to me) . I will attempt a survey. They gave me homework last time I was over after all. (Best double albums- I think it was meant to be studio, but...).
Dog-before-Dreadful Dog was a small crossbreed terrier. She had orange eyebrows and I frequently used to quote 'never trust a dog with orange eyebrows' at people, but nobody knew what I was talking about.

I would get it on a T shirt, but as Dreadful Dog has white eyebrows, people would think I was mad!
Are TPs family hot on merchandise, there doesn’t seem to be much to be had? That original link I found on his website so must be endorsed.
Are TPs family hot on merchandise, there doesn’t seem to be much to be had? That original link I found on his website so must be endorsed.

I have heard second-hand that they are pleasingly cautious in granting approval for any product/adaptation.

I don't imagine they need the money and are wise to prefer quality over quantity.

I used to have a t-shirt from I forget which 'fan-club'. It featured a three-dimensional luggage protruding from the chest of the garment—geddit?

Didn't wash well.
Long time ago, I considered doing a home business making t-shirts like this. My own illustrations of various things like this.
Rather than just go ahead and worrying about permissions later, I wrote to TP via his agent, asking for permissions, how much to license etc.
Got a lovely letter back - he remembered me from various conventions, honorary membership of our games club etc. His attitude was that if I wanted to make these for personal use, family and friends, but not for sale, then he was more than happy. "It's nice to see other people's visualisations of Discworld". However, when it came to use for business, he'd have to ask his agent because "I'm the maker, they're the seller". :D
The site of found Gaspode on is the other one mentioned on STPs official website. I’ve seen far too many things to drop hints about as stocking fillers.


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If anyone has Sky they have The Hogfather (which we watched today), The Colour of Magic, Going Postal and if you have Sky Cinema The Amazing Maurice on demand.

Sky seems to be the place that does adaptations. Except for the Watch, the least said about that the better. I liked it as its own thing but it was too different. I’ll keep Vimes and Carrot but you can keep the rest.

What are people’s favourite characters? I like Gaspode, the Librarian and Otto von Chriek. I’ve just listened to Reaper Man so I’d add Schleppel too. Basically the under dog, quite literally in one case.
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I think I've seen Going Postal and the others you mention on You Tube.

My favourite character has always been Vimes. Even with his 'development' and elevation in the ranks, he always strikes me as being streetwise and determined to be the only sane voice in an insane world.
Him and Greebo, anyhow. I've always had a soft spot for Greebo (hidden under layers of leather and chainmail); I even created a Greebo t-shirt.
I'm voting for Nanny Ogg (I'm pretty much a dead ringer for her) and Gaspode as my favourites. But it very much depends on what I am reading at the time. I just got The Truth on Audible and was listening to it last night. Matthew Baynton is a terrific narrator, but I do wish they'd pick an accent for each character and stick to it across all books.

Colin Morgan is a fabulous reader too.
I'm voting for Nanny Ogg (I'm pretty much a dead ringer for her) and Gaspode as my favourites. But it very much depends on what I am reading at the time. I just got The Truth on Audible and was listening to it last night. Matthew Baynton is a terrific narrator, but I do wish they'd pick an accent for each character and stick to it across all books.

Colin Morgan is a fabulous reader too.
I’ve not long listened to that. I thought Matthew was great. I’ve been listening to the Death series which has the same narrator across them. But it was really annoying when she gave the Dean the same voice as Albert.
Greebo, Gaspode, Death, I like the Death of Rats he was cute. Rincewind the Patrician, and the Librarian, practically them all, he wrote such good characters. But my fav book will always be Good Omens, he and Neil just made a perfect writing team.
In my head, Havelock Vetinari is Charles Dance.
Totally agree, Im sorry but I didnt like Jeremy Irons as Vetinari, just didnt fit, altho he is a good actor he couldnt quite pull it off. Charles Dance, perfect, he was quiet, but saw everything, Vetinari was with the Assassins Guild was he not? so a force to be reckoned with, Dance carried it off beautifully