The followers of the "Patty was fake" and the "Patty was real" camps mostly look at different parts of the cumulative evidence - and then interpret differently.
The "Patty was fake" followers:
1 State that film special effects persons could have created a suit.
2 State that someone in film special effects claimed to have done it - but can't provide good documentation.
3 State that if one blows up and copies an image of Patty enough times, the infamous zipper in the costume will appear.
4 State that the previous footprints from the same area were shown to be faked.
5 State that other bigfoot sightings were never proved or were shown to be faked, and therefore Patty was a fake.
6 Ignore triangulating evidence, such as the compliant gait which was impossible for a human being of any size to duplicate in that specific area.
The "Patty was real" followers:
1 State that it is untrue that film special effects persons at that time could have created a suit.
2 State that nobody in film special effects who claimed to have done it has demonstrated a convincing suit.
3 State that the costume zipper was shown to be an artifact of the image being replicated multiple times.
4 State that it is irrelevant that the previous footprints from the same area were shown to be faked.
5 State that it is irrelevant that other bigfoot sightings were never proved or were shown to be faked.
6 Accept triangulating evidence, such as the compliant gait which was impossible for a human being of any size to duplicate in that specific area.
The main problems with the evidence and reasoning which both camps show are:
Defining the problem parameters: Instead, a demonstration of unwillingness to define the parameters of the incidence: should they look at Patty alone or in conjunction with other sightings? Should they look at triangulating evidence such as the footprints, the stride caught on film, the body dimensions, the fur, etc.?
Defining acceptable evidence before examination of evidence: Instead, a demonstration of unwillingness to accept evidence which brings into doubt their conclusions. I think this is more a problem with the people who think it was faked. Incredible circular logic and post hoc reasoning.
I think Patty was a real animal, not a human in a suit, but I can not and can never be sure of this based on the Patty evidence alone.
The triangulating evidence from Patty alone which makes me think this was a real animal consists of:
- The size and shape
- The muscle movements
- The compliant gait for extremely heavy bipedalism
- The footprints and stride from Patty alone
I suspect that I may be the only Fortean who has read all the posts in this thread. The same propositions and refutations are sometimes repeated with no additional evidence.