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I don't want to derail the thread but EMR is how the trail cam works. It's like if shielding is put all around a mobile phone, it won't be able to send or receive a signal.
But according to that there's shielding?
I don't want to derail the thread but EMR is how the trail cam works. It's like if shielding is put all around a mobile phone, it won't be able to send or receive a signal.
There may be trailcams that record onto an SD card rather than streaming live over wifi or the phone network.
There may be trailcams that record onto an SD card rather than streaming live over wifi or the phone network.
You can see the SD card slot,the cams are for right out in the boonies where there’s no phone signal,stick them up and leave them,trail cams that send an alert are for use in the UK where we all get a signal.
The first commercially available trailcam was on sale in the 1980's and worked off a tripwire, no bigfoot pics.
The first DIY trailcam was 1890's, yes that long ago,tripwire activated, no bigfoot pics then either.
The first commercially available trailcam was on sale in the 1980's and worked off a tripwire, no bigfoot pics.
The first DIY trailcam was 1890's, yes that long ago,tripwire activated, no bigfoot pics then either.
I think I may not have explained myself very well. I was only suggesting that possibly BigFoot was sensitive to the EMR given off by trail cams. I wasn't stating it as a fact.

I also do not know if BigFoot exist or not but none the less, it's a subject I enjoy. Maybe, and please note the 'maybe', there are aspects about BG that we are unaware of and also are outside our scope of knowledge. Not having a trail cam picture or recording is not definitive proof that BigFoot does not exist. It's a step in that direction but not proof per say.
I think I may not have explained myself very well. I was only suggesting that possibly BigFoot was sensitive to the EMR given off by trail cams. I wasn't stating it as a fact.

I also do not know if BigFoot exist or not but none the less, it's a subject I enjoy. Maybe, and please note the 'maybe', there are aspects about BG that we are unaware of and also are outside our scope of knowledge. Not having a trail cam picture or recording is not definitive proof that BigFoot does not exist. It's a step in that direction but not proof per se.
I get what you’re saying BUT every single large animal in North America has been captured on trail cam……..Except one :dunno:
I get what you’re saying BUT every single large animal in North America has been captured on trail cam……..Except one :dunno:
It's still not definitive proof though. It is not impossible that there maybe other creatures that exist that we know nothing about.
It's still not definitive proof though. It is not impossible that there maybe other creatures that exist that we know nothing about.
Odds weigh heavily against its existence, especially in North America, they even have gin clear photographs of the tiny number of jaguar that cross the border.
Odds weigh heavily against its existence, especially in North America, they even have gin clear photographs of the tiny number of jaguar that cross the border.
I think all that can be said is that as it stands right now at this point in time is that we have no definitive proof of the existence of BigFoot.
Sometimes I wonder how many true forteans are on this forum. :(
I have been to Bigfoot country,I went because I have an interest,I spent three months there and spoke to a lot of people,wanted to believe just as I wanted to believe in the Easter bunny as a child till realism and acceptance took hold.
A true Fortean is one who investigates,I have done so many times and found no proof,I have had an interest in cryptids since I was a small child but seen none.
A true Fortean tries to have an open impartial mind - I can't see into yours but there does appear to be an increasing number of people on this forum who are purely sceptical and have at best a "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude
Do you personally believe in the Easter bunny?
Well a lagomorphic monotreme could explain a rabbit like animal with eggs......*:wink2:

*OK I'm joking.
In the words of the great Howard Devoto and Magazine…

My mind
It ain't so open
That anything
Could crawl right in

If you think about all the subjects discussed here - they can’t all be true.
PLENTY of so-called "True Forteans" (a nonsense term) have expressed reasonable skepticism about some reports, even Fort himself (though not enough, IMO). You'll have a very hard time defining a person as "Fortean".

The reason why the PGF is still being discussed decades later is that people disagree about it It will always be so.
A true Fortean tries to have an open impartial mind - I can't see into yours but there does appear to be an increasing number of people on this forum who are purely sceptical and have at best a "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude
I get what you're saying and all. It's just that Fortean ain't like Christean. We ain't got no pep-rallying dogma to keep in line with. Curiosity is our guide yeah, but it ain't infallible.

I saw the PGBF on a TV show called In Search Of back in the 80s, and it was mesmerising. Mind blowing even. A lotta shit on that show was. My favourite weekly siddown as a kid, so it was. But here's the thing. When I got educated, and learned to question, to use critical reasoning - not skepticism mind you - but real, fact finding, based-on-evidence, bona-fide, credible processes to inform my mind about what and what not to accept as real, true and believable, well that was when the Fortean approach seemed the way to go. I've since seen and sensed far more wondrous, awesome events, and some deeply mystifying phenomena. Words like right, wrong, true, believe, they lost their magical hold and I was free.
There are 1.28M square miles of forest in the USA (36% of its land area.) You’d need a fair few cameras to get statistically significant coverage.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

maximus otter
However, few of those square miles are far away from humanity. The most remote you can be from a road in the continental US is 21.7 miles from a road. However that spot itself is less than a mile from a trail.

""We were sitting in the Wyoming remote spot, and there was a cabin five-tenths of a mile away," says Ryan.
In Idaho they saw a light aircraft within two miles of the remote spot. In Montana they met hunters. In New York and New Mexico, there were rangers' cabins."
That is an interesting question what is a Fortean ?

I innocently got sucked into the paranormal at a young age.