Courtesy of...
'The Daily Illini' (Urbana, Illinois) 9 July, 1947
_AP Wires Burn With 'Captured Disk' Story_
The entire AP timeline is documented and if someone can possibly please convert the time zone differential, we might, amazingly, have a reasonably accurate framework, overall.
Therefore... from time:
1. Someone in the War Department (just a guess!) first becomes aware that the rubber, sticks and foil have been found and then, for whatever reason, decides this has to be replaced by simulated material...
2. Ramey can show that duplicitous debris, laid out in his office, to the press and permit photographs...
The following seems to be the gist of it?:
(Begin) One minute later, at 5:11, the third add to the bulletin announced, "The war department in Washington had nothing to say immediately about the reported find".
At 5:53, the AP story began to be moved. Another bulletin was sent with a Washington dateline. It was a story about a statement by Brig Gen Roger Ramey, saying the "disk" had been sent to Wright field, Ohio.
At 6:59, there was more from New Mexico, and at 7:03, another First Lead story, dated Washington.
The Washington story gave the first real hint that all wasn't solved. There were possibilities, it stated, that the object was only a meteorological device.
A new bulletin came through at 7:15, saying that General Ramey would speak over the National Broadcasting company network.
The "95" was broken at 7:29 for another bulletin.
It said, "Fort Worth-Roswell's celebrated flying disk' was rudely stripped of its glamor by a Fort Worth army airfield weather officer who late today identified the object as a weather balloon."
The bulletin was sent at 7:30, just three hours and four minutes after the story had first broken and two hours and 20 minutes after the Associated Press reporters had begun investigations. (End of extract)
So... if hypothetical cover-up begins around 5:11 and weather balloon confirmation comes at approximately 7:30... then just over 2 hours to source and deliver to Ramey's office, the complete picture of a debris recovery, which mimics the real thing?