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I have to confess that when I am sick, hot tea with sugar and milk makes me feel better than coffee with sugar and cream.

I don’t know why this is so ?
I think it is the acidity of coffee. I don't drink coffee if I feel unwell, but I will sip a hot cuppa lightly steeped tea.

Black tea I will have with some milk. Not cream nor evaporated milk :puke2:
Green or white tea with nothing.

I love a tea such as chai for those cold, dark, blustery winter days. Just the smell makes me feel warm and cozy.
Drinking coffee with Baileys now but I do like tea....Earl Grey , orange pekoe, oolong, green .and chai.
I tend to drink more tea in the winter especially if am feeling a bit under the weather.
Tea in American restaurants is usually crappy.
I like this music track...I'm sure it must have been posted here before.
Tea in American restaurants is usually crappy.
^this^. Now, I've not had much experience with American restaurants, but their "sweet tea" is awful - I like iced tea.

When I went to New Orleans and visited the French Quarter, I was near Cafe du Monde and I was excited to have a good coffee and a beignet.

What a disappointment. It was more like lukewarm, weak drip coffee. The beignet was like a plain doughnut. I could have gotten these anywhere.

I guess I should have realized that the word cafe was used more like cafeteria. I was hoping for something outstanding, since it claimed to be of the world.

I did enjoy chatting with the singer (who lived in Treme) of Jazz Cats who played live jazz there. I bought their CD.
^this^. Now, I've not had much experience with American restaurants, but their "sweet tea" is awful - I like iced tea.

When I went to New Orleans and visited the French Quarter, I was near Cafe du Monde and I was excited to have a good coffee and a beignet.

What a disappointment. It was more like lukewarm, weak drip coffee. The beignet was like a plain doughnut. I could have gotten these anywhere.

I guess I should have realized that the word cafe was used more like cafeteria. I was hoping for something outstanding, since it claimed to be of the world.

I did enjoy chatting with the singer (who lived in Treme) of Jazz Cats who played live jazz there. I bought their CD.
'Sweet tea' here is just overly sweet iced tea.....apparently the style comes from the southern states,.
One has to ask for expresso or dark roast if you want strong coffee.....but you'd think they could make a decent beignet
'Sweet tea' here is just overly sweet iced tea.....apparently the style comes from the southern states,.
One has to ask for expresso or dark roast if you want strong coffee.....but you'd think they could make a decent beignet
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I was very disappointed in the beignets, especially as I'd never had one before. Probably will not again.
When I went to New Orleans and visited the French Quarter, I was near Cafe du Monde and I was excited to have a good coffee and a beignet.

What a disappointment. It was more like lukewarm, weak drip coffee.
I've never been there, but I understand the Cafe du Monde coffee is mixed with chicory. Originally a way to stretch the coffee budget, some New Orleaners developed a taste for it.
some Tea related trivia:

in the 18th century when tea drinking was the "In Thing" there were several grades of tea, the one made from dust and sweepings and other buts was known as Twanky. hence the name of the Dame in Alladin- Widow Twanky.
Forum members: I've recently experienced a strange phenomenon, and I've not yet recovered. I'm not sure that I should be liking it as much as I do, but....I may have become mildly substance-dependant.

Where do you stand on the curious Yorkshire Tea blend that is: Toast & Jam flavoured? Be very careful- I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. Because if you suspend your disbelief, and just....drink....it's nearly incredible. Yet common sense says it should not be. Help!!

Forum members: I've recently experienced a strange phenomenon, and I've not yet recovered. I'm not sure that I should be liking it as much as I do, but....I may have become mildly substance-dependant.

Where do you stand on the curious Yorkshire Tea blend that is: Toast & Jam flavoured? Be very careful- I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. Because if you suspend your disbelief, and just....drink....it's nearly incredible. Yet common sense says it should not be. Help!!

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We have something like that in. It's a 'bedtime' decaffeinated flavoured brew. Might indeed be of the Yorkshire brand, I'll have a look.

One of the tea companies brought out orange and vanilla varieties which I loved. Just regular tea that you could drink with milk in, possibly serve with a nice biscuit.
Seems they weren't popular as they quietly disappeared.
Haven't used a teapot for years. Used to have a big aluminium teapot which lasted for aeons. I'd make a new cosy for it now and then.
However, there was a scare about aluminium being linked to dementia around the time the whole family seemed to leave home at once so it fell into disuse.

Its replacement was a large steel vacuum flask. I stopped using that when something so awful happened to the family that I couldn't even plan far enough ahead to my next brew. :(

These days I make brews in big mugs with one of those one-cup fast-boil hot drink makers. They're great. I gave my mother one. She has about 100 brews a day so it saves her money.
The awful thing was 18 years ago. Life went on but I never again made tea in a teapot or even the vacuum flask.

However, I've recently come across the flask and a steel teapot, tucked away in a cupboard, waiting patiently to comfort me.
The time may be near. :nods:

I'll have to make a cosy for the pot though. Can't have it going cold.
Currently eyeing up the lining of an old hi-viz coat someone gave me to harvest.

Hmm, a hi-viz tea cosy? Are there such things? There might be. :cool:
Yes. Hot as hell. But not out of a flask...never out of a flask; instant coffee actually tastes nicer when it's been in a vacuum flask for a couple of hours - but tea tastes like three day old horse-piss that's been passed through a rusty steam engine.
:nods: Railway tea.
The awful thing was 18 years ago. Life went on but I never again made tea in a teapot or even the vacuum flask.

However, I've recently come across the flask and a steel teapot, tucked away in a cupboard, waiting patiently to comfort me.
The time may be near. :nods:

I'll have to make a cosy for the pot though. Can't have it going cold.
Currently eyeing up the lining of an old hi-viz coat someone gave me to harvest.

Hmm, a hi-viz tea cosy? Are there such things? There might be. :cool:
My friend still uses a teapot and, apparently, it's now almost impossible to find tea cosies!
That's interesting, I was aware that putting milk first was considered more "common", that would explain why. I put milk last, simply because it's easier to judge the correct amount.

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When I was a small child, adults would sometimes give us some of their tea to drink from the saucer. I thought it was to cool it for us.
My friend still uses a teapot and, apparently, it's now almost impossible to find tea cosies!
Tea cosies, yup, I have never bought one. Sometimes I've been given very twee knitted ones, like little Rasta hats. (Rasta headwear did of course use to be nicknamed 'tea cosy hats'.)

All my teapots have had custom tea cosies. They were sternly utilitarian, not like the thatched cottage or sleeping pussycat designs that were sometimes popular. Far too dangerous for the kitchen table where children might take a fancy to them.

As mentioned upthread, I've seen many scars from childhood scaldings. See also Jimmy Savile's TV series on preventing accidents to kids in the home.
(Yup, we know now that he personally harmed children, but this was about kettles and sharp edges.)

Tea cosies are easy to make and they work well.
I always used less-favoured fabrics, cut from worn-out clothes, as the cosies would stain badly inside and at the lower edge.
No way was I wasting a gorgeous print on a tea cosy.
Forum members: I've recently experienced a strange phenomenon, and I've not yet recovered. I'm not sure that I should be liking it as much as I do, but....I may have become mildly substance-dependant.

Where do you stand on the curious Yorkshire Tea blend that is: Toast & Jam flavoured? Be very careful- I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. Because if you suspend your disbelief, and just....drink....it's nearly incredible. Yet common sense says it should not be. Help!!

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Anyway, @Yithian spotted that a couple of years ago.
Here's my Bedtime Tea. :)

Techy sometimes has a morning headache from not having any of his 909 mugs of strong coffee after about 5pm.
If he remembers and has coffee later on he can't sleep.

With tea, now, there's no such trouble. :nods:


  • Yorkshire bedtime tea.jpeg
    Yorkshire bedtime tea.jpeg
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Where do you stand on the curious Yorkshire Tea blend that is: Toast & Jam flavoured? Be very careful- I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. Because if you suspend your disbelief, and just....drink....it's nearly incredible. Yet common sense says it should not be. Help!!

my friend! what is this? let me find you someone to talk to! stay calm! :rollingw:

PS when are you coming over? You can even come in the house! :twothumbs: