Hi fellow Forteans. Been away for a while, but I'm back . . . .
I saw a UFO, once, many years ago; 1974, to be exact. Or, let me put it this way; I experienced something I can best describe using the UFO model. I was at a campsite in a (Canadian) national park, just south of Jasper, Alberta; a green, glowing disc, or I suppose it could have been a sphere, about full moon apparent size, drifting fairly slowly across the patch of sky I could see from where I was sitting, at a picnic table. Early afternoon, clear blue sky, so not the moon or a planet or a balloon, or ball lightning. Not car headlights reflected off clouds, not any kind of aircraft I'm familiar with, so none of the usual culprits. An enigma, then.
I described my sighting on a so-called "skeptics' " forum, a few years ago; the response was drearily predictable. It's a long time ago, you're not remembering it correctly, you didn't observe correctly, you imagined it, you heard about it from someone else, and anyway it's just an anecdote, therefore it didn't really happen, therefore we don't have to concern ourselves with it, don't bother us with this nonsense any more, blah blah blah. Zero interest in trying to speculate what might have caused it - it just didn't happen. None of them were there, of course; but they all knew it couldn't possibly have happened. Oh, and I didn't hallucinate it, I wasn't on any kind of drugs. Well, maybe caffeine.
Nevertheless, it was an interesting insight into the workings of the "skeptical" mindset. Not only were they "true believers" in the current mechanistic-materialist paradigm, but they were absolutely certain that things like UFO's, ghosts, ESP, etcetera, simply don't exist. That, my friends, is not "skepticism" by any reasonable definition. And, of course, for the person undergoing the experience, one personal experience outweighs all the so-called skepticism, theorising, evidence - or lack of evidence - in the world.
So I, personally, know that UFOs exist.
You may be sure I didn't tell them about my ghost experience . . . .