Supernatural vision
November 26, 2004
Giant killers, angels and ghosts are just part of the charm of St Michael's Mount, writes David Wilson.
In England, if you head for the Cornish coast, five kilometres east of the town of Penzance, you will find what enthusiasts call the jewel of Cornwall: St Michael's Mount.
This 8.5-hectare island is small enough to take in easily, but also dramatic, thanks to the castle perched on top. Approached by ferry at high tide and causeway at low tide, the mount, which is essentially a granite crag rearing out of the sea, has hidden depths.
According to legend, it was created by a giant called Cormoran, who would wade to the mainland to seize cattle from local farms and carry them back across the water. After a reward was offered for killing the giant, a boy called Jack came forward. One night, as Cormoran slept, Jack crept over to the mount and hollowed out a pit halfway up one side. In the morning, Jack blew on his horn to wake the thief.
The giant raced down the side of the mount but, blinded by the sun, failed to see Jack or the hole and fell in. Jack then filled it, burying Cormoran alive. Apparently delighted by this, the local people dubbed the perpetrator Jack the Giant Killer and he promptly went professional, butchering a slew of overgrown men.
If you climb the pathway to the castle at the top of the mount you will stumble upon a heart-shaped stone said to be Cormoran's heart. Stand on it and you can supposedly hear the giant's heartbeat.
Another supernatural with a stake in the mount is St Michael, the high-flying angel who led the army of God during an uprising led by an upstart called Lucifer.
Even by the standards of immortals, St Michael has a dazzling resumé. He supposedly works against temptation and on behalf of ambulance drivers, artists, bakers, bankers, boatmen, medical technicians, paratroopers and paramedics. He also moonlights for Spanish cops, sailors and radiotherapists, among others. In his spare time, he lobbies for Texas, Florida and, of course, Cornwall (and you thought you were busy).
In 495, fishermen spotted this phenomenal multi-tasker either suspended high on a ledge or walking on the water. By coincidence, around the same time he was spotted at the island of Mont St Michel, across the Channel off the coast of Brittany.
In 1135, a Benedictine priory linked to the mount's French twin was built on the English crag in Mounts Bay, destined to endure until the early 15th century, when King Henry V declared war on France and seized the mount for the Crown as an alien priory. By 1424, all links between the pair had been severed.
The Cornish one then evolved into a fortress that was armed, defended, stormed and recaptured routinely over the centuries before it morphed into a shrine for pilgrims, then a castellated mansion. It came into the possession of the aristocratic
St Aubyn family in 1659. Three centuries later, the St Aubyns teamed with the National Trust and their private fortress and its grounds were thrown open to the public.
Today, if you slog up the steep, rough steps you can tour the castle, which features an armoury, a drawing room and a 14th-century church. Naturally, this complex is haunted by two ghosts. One, which sounds like a poltergeist, just twiddles doorknobs and generally plays up. The other, a grey lady with issues, supposedly rushes along the Long Passage and vanishes at the window at the end.
Look out and you will experience some of the best views around. If you are lucky, when summer takes the chill off the Channel you might just catch a glimpse of some seals or bottlenose dolphins.
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