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What's The Most Outrageous Conspiracy Theory You Have Heard?

I've head of the Tartarian conspiracy theory but can't make out what questions it's supposed to solve, apart from, 'This building looks a bit weird.'

As so often with this sort of total bobbins, it's less about answering questions and more about showing how the discoverer isn't one of the "sheeple", finding stuff that "they" don't want you to know.
As so often with this sort of total bobbins, it's less about answering questions and more about showing how the discoverer isn't one of the "sheeple", finding stuff that "they" don't want you to know.
I watch a lot of videos on many different subjects and I've not come across that attitude so far but I'm certain there are some out there like that.
Sounds like the Tartarian Nation is along the same lines as Ancient Alien intervention in human technology and building.
The Tartars had a vast area of rule, challenging the more 'organised' Chinese empires, while living a simple lifestyle. This is the equivalent of native Americans bringing white settlement to a standstill ... which makes some people question it.
Is the suggestion that there had to have been a 'lost' empire that existed before the known 'degraded' tribes?
I try to point out that there is a Tatar ethnicity stretched across parts of Europe, but this is Chingits Khan... who was, according to them, a blackman and definitely not a Mongol.

As for an Empire that devolved, no StormKhan, it seems that it just grew from the Mongolian Empire. They are hinting that Humanity couldn't possibly build the previous examples of Architecture because it would've taken power tools or liquified stone in moulds.

Buildings like our Cathedrals are a point in question - also the size of the doors and the heights of the Vaulted ceilings indicate a technology that we are no longer capable of...some even suggest the involvement of the anunnaki which explains the oversized doors - 'cause vey were giants - innit!
I think that it takes less resolve to believe in a fantasy than to accept the reality of this world.

Society in general is going through quite a shitty period at present with figures of note who expound all sorts of claptrap and demand that this substituted reality is Gospel...

Then there are those others who just don't give a fuck and are making life as miserable as possible for entire populations...Sometimes I understand the relief of Illusion.
I think that it takes less resolve to believe in a fantasy than to accept the reality of this world.

Society in general is going through quite a shitty period at present with figures of note who expound all sorts of claptrap and demand that this substituted reality is Gospel...

Then there are those others who just don't give a fuck and are making life as miserable as possible for entire populations...Sometimes I understand the relief of Illusion.
Reality is complicated and that makes it alienating to a lot of people. Until they realise that our social species often doesn't need to worry about the difficulties of establishing what's most likely to be true, they only have to convince as many others as possible whatever make intuitive sense by being selective about what evidence they acknowledge.
I've never heard of a single 'mudflood' that brought an entire civilisation down.
Lots of floods and mudfloods might have done it, over a sustained period of time.
Did anything like that happen, outside of legend?
IIRC, archaeologists did find an ancient city that had been submerged under liquidised mud in Iraq or Iran, which had happened after wet weather and a massive earthquake. The earthquake had made the ground behave like liquid, and anything built on it just sank.

But no, I don't buy the idea of a single mudflood that buried an entire civilisation.
Hint: mud has two meanings in the conspiracy, and the second has to do with the color of some people's skin, and by Tartars they mean the Russian people.
Hint: mud has two meanings in the conspiracy, and the second has to do with the color of some people's skin, and by Tartars they mean the Russian people.
Is this knowledge something that you're privy to KTK:, or something that is obvious to you.

I have a desire to know all the intricacies of this alternate world view - part of my nature I suppose - and this conspiracy has an intrigue for me that I don't want to scroll past now.
Hint: mud has two meanings in the conspiracy, and the second has to do with the color of some people's skin, and by Tartars they mean the Russian people.
I've now watched quite a few videos about the alleged mud flood thing and although I'm not convinced there is something odd about some of the buildings mentioned and how they couldn't have been built in the time frame that history says they were. The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, for example. The theory is they had been built previously to the mud flood and were then re purposed or something along those lines.

The theory that the mud flood was a world wide event leaves me baffled as to the 'how'? The 'why' part is there was supposedly a war between the evil Cabal and the Tartarians. Apparently.... both groups had advanced technology. Other videos give the cause as a natural world wide event. No one mentioned anywhere where the mud came from. Mountains of liquified mud just doesn't manifest out of thin air.

I've got an open mind on it all and for me it's a curiosity type thing. I don't think I'll be watching anymore videos.

I haven't come across any reference, or what have you, that mud flood refers to the colour of a persons skin though.
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I've never heard of a single 'mudflood' that brought an entire civilisation down.
Lots of floods and mudfloods might have done it, over a sustained period of time.
Did anything like that happen, outside of legend?
IIRC, archaeologists did find an ancient city that had been submerged under liquidised mud in Iraq or Iran, which had happened after wet weather and a massive earthquake. The earthquake had made the ground behave like liquid, and anything built on it just sank.

But no, I don't buy the idea of a single mudflood that buried an entire civilisation.
There's a theory that the area around The Sphinx was once flood land after The Sphinx had been built. I'd look it up and provide you with a link, something to do with ancient water erosion lines around the base but I've had a long day so I'm off to bed sorry.
There's a theory that the area around The Sphinx was once flood land after The Sphinx had been built. I'd look it up and provide you with a link, something to do with ancient water erosion lines around the base but I've had a long day so I'm off to bed sorry.
Over the years I've come across the same theory many time and with some very compelling evidence to support it. I've also come across theories that again seem to have some evidence, although not quite as compelling, that the original heads on the Sphinx's were a lions head.

Also that the Eye of the Sahara (Richat Structure) was Atlantis which has no evidence what so ever and is an 'out there' conspiracy theory.


Is this knowledge something that you're privy to KTK:, or something that is obvious to you.

I have a desire to know all the intricacies of this alternate world view - part of my nature I suppose - and this conspiracy has an intrigue for me that I don't want to scroll past now.
I'm on mobile as my main pc is down and my old one wont connect this forum for whatever reason, so I apologize for brevity. Please see below:


The tldr of the idea is that white people built all these "Great Tataria" buildings and non-whites couldnt stand thing so they destroyed everything and erased the history of the supposed worldwide thousand year white empire.

Thousand year global white person empire? Sounds like an idea straight from early 1940's Germany....
I'm on mobile as my main pc is down and my old one wont connect this forum for whatever reason, so I apologize for brevity. Please see below:


The tldr of the idea is that white people built all these "Great Tataria" buildings and non-whites couldnt stand thing so they destroyed everything and erased the history of the supposed worldwide thousand year white empire.

Thousand year global white person empire? Sounds like an idea straight from early 1940's Germany....
Sounds maybe like the Kazarian empire of a thousand years ago in what is now Ukraine. They were very warlike and had some very unsavoury and evil habits and originally came from the area of Yemen/Saudi Arabia/Iran. Vladimir the Great of what is now basically Russia invaded and threatened to kill them all but the ruling elite were warned before hand and fled throughout what is now Europe and they vowed revenge and infiltrated all areas of society. Trade, commerce, banking, etc. The Tartarians seem to have been in the main Russian, so it makes sense in a lose sort of way. That the descendants of the (originally middle Eastern) Khazars took their revenge on the Tartarians? Or does it?

There is also reference in many scriptures of a coming Golden Age. Some say a thousand years, some say ten thousand years.

I've now got a headache. Time to just breathe, one... two... three... breathe....
There's a theory that the area around The Sphinx was once flood land after The Sphinx had been built. I'd look it up and provide you with a link, something to do with ancient water erosion lines around the base but I've had a long day so I'm off to bed sorry.
I recall a theory that in order to get an absolutely flat foundation to the pyramid and sphinx complex, they built up temporary walls and flooded it. As the water gradually subsided, they 'trimmed' off projecting bumps and ridges until it was dry and utterly flat.
There's a theory that the area around The Sphinx was once flood land after The Sphinx had been built. I'd look it up and provide you with a link, something to do with ancient water erosion lines around the base but I've had a long day so I'm off to bed sorry.
I think that's part of Graham Hancock's theories about the age of the Sphinx.
I think it's quite feasible that it's 12000 years old.
I think that's part of Graham Hancock's theories about the age of the Sphinx.
I think it's quite feasible that it's 12000 years old.
Yeah. linked with Randall Carlson's flooding theory as a result of the Younger Dryas meteor shower.

The jist is massive meteor shower hit us about 12,000 years ago. It caused instant and masssive melting of ice causing global flooding - the scour marks being visible all over the world on a massive scale.

On a personal note, when I was in Egypt our guide said that moving the massive stones was easy as each year, the Nile would flood. So first the stone was quarried, then pits dug under them with supporting pillars left in place. Pontoons built between the pillars and then they just waited for the floods to make the pontoons float. Then it was easy sailing to the build sites.

At the sites, ramps and steps of mud bricks were used (and can still be seen in place today as well as water/mud high tide marks).

Water erosion around the Sphinx is not only probable but is historical truth according to the local guides.
The jist is massive meteor shower hit us about 12,000 years ago. It caused instant and masssive melting of ice causing global flooding - the scour marks being visible all over the world on a massive scale.
Possibly what also flooded Doggerland and washed away the land bridge between UK and France.
I'm on mobile as my main pc is down and my old one wont connect this forum for whatever reason, so I apologize for brevity. Please see below:


The tldr of the idea is that white people built all these "Great Tataria" buildings and non-whites couldnt stand thing so they destroyed everything and erased the history of the supposed worldwide thousand year white empire.

Thousand year global white person empire? Sounds like an idea straight from early 1940's Germany....
Well, my tiny mind is blown KTK:

I have never come across any of this before. The only nationalistic expression that I've come across with this tartarian view was that Mr Khan was not Mongolian....and I never recognised any other segregationalist aspect to it

Yer know...these dickheads will fuck up anything that they can get their grubby little paws on. I like a fantasy - mine, other peoples, what ever - but these showers of shit don't have fantasies in the literal sense, they have nasty, vindictive crepuscular dystopic wet dreams that smell and which utterly repulse any sane person.


Please excuse the venting.

Well there goes a funny little fantasy of alternate worlds of grand architecture, global in its reach, destroyed by an improbable act of God, to be replaced with stolid Brutalist erections...Bye Bye...
Well, my tiny mind is blown KTK:

I have never come across any of this before. The only nationalistic expression that I've come across with this tartarian view was that Mr Khan was not Mongolian....and I never recognised any other segregationalist aspect to it

Yer know...these dickheads will fuck up anything that they can get their grubby little paws on. I like a fantasy - mine, other peoples, what ever - but these showers of shit don't have fantasies in the literal sense, they have nasty, vindictive crepuscular dystopic wet dreams that smell and which utterly repulse any sane person.


Please excuse the venting.

Well there goes a funny little fantasy of alternate worlds of grand architecture, global in its reach, destroyed by an improbable act of God, to be replaced with stolid Brutalist erections...Bye Bye...
Rant of the Week.
Yer know...these dickheads will fuck up anything that they can get their grubby little paws on. I like a fantasy - mine, other peoples, what ever - but these showers of shit don't have fantasies in the literal sense, they have nasty, vindictive crepuscular dystopic wet dreams that smell and which utterly repulse any sane person.

Magnificent! Testify! :twothumbs: :oldm: :oldm: :oldm:
Well, my tiny mind is blown KTK:

I have never come across any of this before. The only nationalistic expression that I've come across with this tartarian view was that Mr Khan was not Mongolian....and I never recognised any other segregationalist aspect to it

Yer know...these dickheads will fuck up anything that they can get their grubby little paws on. I like a fantasy - mine, other peoples, what ever - but these showers of shit don't have fantasies in the literal sense, they have nasty, vindictive crepuscular dystopic wet dreams that smell and which utterly repulse any sane person.


Please excuse the venting.

Well there goes a funny little fantasy of alternate worlds of grand architecture, global in its reach, destroyed by an improbable act of God, to be replaced with stolid Brutalist erections...Bye Bye...

A righteous rant!
Best rant I've read in a long time and what's more, it's true.
Yup. There is no end to such nonsense.

I had a friend on a UFO discussion board who loathed any mention of "Nordic" aliens. "White people from space, here to save us," he'd say whenever the angelic astronauts would show up in the discussion. He and a few others were a refreshingly sane presence in that bunch of nutters, bleevers, and ideologues.