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The Pyramids Of Giza

I never thought too much about the pyramids except I wondered what light source was used inside while Egyptians where building the pyramid because no trace of soot from a fire has been discovered.

But I can across an opinion article that claimed that even with modern equipment, to build the Pyramid today would almost be impossible.

Supposedly the pyramid was built in 20 years, which meant a 3 ton block had be in place every 5 minutes to get to the required 2.3 million blocks used.

It is thought the work force were Egyptians on conscript, and not Hebrew slaves.

It is thought any slave in Egypt at that time around 2,500 B.C. were used as house servants or used to built normal living structures.

Well, I can see now how people look at the Pyramids as “ alien “ construction as I really can not see how these pyramids could be built without “ paranormal “ help !
Firstly, with enough workers, there is no need to lay one block at a time... multiple construction teams can be laying blocks in different places simultaneously.

Secondly, I read somewhere, and can probably find it again, that the pyramids were not built with slave labour as is popularly supposed, they were built with seasonal agricultural workers when they were not tending their fields.

Thirdly, there are some real anomalies inside the Great Pyramid that have not yet been explained (see Corliss' Archaeological Anomalies books if you can still get hold of them), such as the Grand Gallery, that looks to have been part of an ancient device, probably used during the construction (some kind of winch is my bet).
Well SimonBurchell,

Suppose the ancient Egyptians had a workforce of 50,000 people or more, it stretches the imagination how to feed all those people ?

The amount of resources all of this would take ?
Well SimonBurchell,

Suppose the ancient Egyptians had a workforce of 50,000 people or more, it stretches the imagination how to feed all those people ?

The amount of resources all of this would take ?
Yes, the logistics were challenging, but the ancient Egyptians were very clever... as clever as anyone today, just without the technology.
Yes - truckloads of fresh food would be required, along with huge quantities of water, all day long, every day.
How did they bathe? (In that heat!) Mountains of fresh clothing would be required also.
And what about bathroom facilities??
Supposedly in ancient Egypt having a toilet made of limestone was a sign of status of wealth and social standing in the community.

Otherwise you got a wood chair with a hole in it and a sandbox underneath.

There must have been a lot of these chairs present when building the Pyramids.

Believe it or not ancient Egyptians tried to stay clean, wore a lot of makeup, and sprayed perfume because they thought they could not enter the afterlife being dirty.

The gods only wanted clean people.
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Newly published research findings indicate there was a branch of the Nile that permitted water transport of materials up to the edge of the Giza plateau. This would have greatly facilitated the logistics associated with building the 3 largest pyramids at Giza.
A Hidden Landscape We Can No Longer See May Explain The Mystery of The Pyramids

... A new study suggests favorable environmental conditions enabled the construction of the pyramids of Giza, with an ancient arm of the Nile River serving as a navigable conduit for freight transport.

"To edify the plateau's pyramids, tombs, and temples, it now seems that ancient Egyptian engineers took advantage of the Nile and its annual floods, using an ingenious system of canals and basins that formed a port complex at the foot of the Giza plateau," physical geographer Hader Sheisha of Aix-Marseille University in France and colleagues write in their paper.

"However, there is a paucity of environmental evidence regarding when, where, and how these ancient landscapes evolved."

Archeologists have thought for some time that Egyptian pyramid builders might have dredged waterways from the Nile River to form canals and harbors, harnessing annual floods that would act like a hydraulic lift to transport building materials.

The port complex that archeologists hypothesize serviced the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure currently lies more than 7 kilometers (or 4.3 miles) west of the present-day Nile River. The inlets also had to be deep enough to keep barges laden with stones afloat.

Core drillings taken during urban engineering works around modern-day Giza have yielded stratigraphic evidence of rock layers that are consistent with an ancient branch of the Nile extending towards the base of the pyramids.

But questions linger about how Egyptians engineered water access to the pyramids of Giza. ...

Extracting pollen grains from five cores drilled on the present-day Giza floodplain east of the pyramid complex, the team identified an abundance of grass-like flowering plants which line the banks of the Nile River and marsh plants that grow in lake-edge environments.

This, they say, reveals the presence of a permanent waterbody that cut through the Giza floodplain and swelled thousands of years ago. ...

"The Khufu branch remained at a high-water level… during the reigns of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, facilitating the transportation of construction materials to the Giza pyramid complex."
FULL STORY: https://www.sciencealert.com/a-hidd...r-see-may-explain-the-mystery-of-the-pyramids
Here are the bibliographic details and abstract for the published study.

Nile waterscapes facilitated the construction of the Giza pyramids during the 3rd millennium BCE
Hader Sheisha, David Kaniewski, Nick Marriner, et al.
PNAS. August 29, 2022 119 (37) e2202530119

The pyramids of Giza originally overlooked a now defunct arm of the Nile. This fluvial channel, the Khufu branch, enabled navigation to the Pyramid Harbor complex but its precise environmental history is unclear. To fill this knowledge gap, we use pollen-derived vegetation patterns to reconstruct 8,000 y of fluvial variations on the Giza floodplain. After a high-stand level concomitant with the African Humid Period, our results show that Giza’s waterscapes responded to a gradual insolation-driven aridification of East Africa, with the lowest Nile levels recorded at the end of the Dynastic Period. The Khufu branch remained at a high-water level (∼40% of its Holocene maximum) during the reigns of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, facilitating the transportation of construction materials to the Giza Pyramid Complex.

SOURCE: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2202530119
There are relatively recent photos showing how close the Nile can get when it floods;
I would love to visit the pyramids, but this video by William Sonbuchner, who goes around the world to sample the most bizarre ethnic foods and presents the Best Ever Food Review Show, has really put me off. Of all the places he and his team visited, Egypt was by far the worst.

I found this 2022 paper suggested from the comments section of the above video - Ancient Architects are a great channel that I follow although admittedly I haven't watched them so much since abstaining from a certain herb.

Amazingly there's virtually no reporting on this that I can see in English language publications, though the method they use seems to have been effectual in locating the existing voids, the recently confirmed corridor behind the chevron blocks and also a significant number of other internal structures, including two ramps running along two sides of the pyramid.

Article on the link below with extract.

It's a lot of words and formulae but if you skip to just past half way down it explains the findings, with diagrams.

Synthetic Aperture Radar Doppler Tomography Reveals Details of Undiscovered High-Resolution Internal Structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza

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Well SimonBurchell,

Suppose the ancient Egyptians had a workforce of 50,000 people or more, it stretches the imagination how to feed all those people ?

The amount of resources all of this would take ?
Part of the reason Egypt was so regularly taken over towards the end of the ancient era and why it was so prized by Rome was its good production. The regular flooding of the Nile kept the soil fertile, and part of ancient Egypt wealth was based on their ability to produce large amounts of food.
Keep in mind Egypt was much greener and wetter compared to today even past the Roman era.
That and the Pharoah wielded massive bearucratic power. He was the head of a very organized state that at the time of the Old Kingdom was the biggest power around.
Wealth wasn't coinage, but focused on food and resources.
Between the cattle and grain Egypt was very wealthy and heavily organized. We've found examples of workers villages that show they were well fed by the standards of the day. Lots of remains of butchered cattle as well as bakeries and breweries.
Going to antique sales, I came across a used DVD of this video - Ancient Pyramids: Lost Legend of Enoch that tries to tie the Pyramids to Christianity.
The official site:
The foolishness of the common assumption, that the Giza plateau pyramids were built and utilized by fourth Dynasty kings as funerary structures or tombs, cannot be overstated.

It is a matter of archaeological fact that none of the fourth Dynasty kings put their names on the pyramids supposedly constructed in their times, yet all other pyramids of Egypt had hundreds of official inscriptions, leaving us no doubt about which king built them.

Even those archaeologists who still stubbornly subscribe to the “tomb theory” of the pyramid do not believe that a queen or anyone else was ever buried in the limestone chamber.

Mysterious legends and records tell of watermarks that were clearly visible on the limestone casing stones of the Great Pyramid suggesting that the Great Pyramid existed before the pharaohs during the great flood of Noah’s time.

Although much research remains to be done in these areas, legend, archaeology, mathematics, and the earth sciences seem to indicate that the Great Pyramid was a monumental device for gathering knowledge and information to be revealed and decoded at a latter time for the spiritual benefit of human beings.

That time has come.

When originally built, the pyramid was encased in granite, but over time lost part of its covering. The renovation aims to restore the structure's original style by reconstructing the granite layer.

Work is slated to last three years and will be "Egypt's gift to the world in the 21st century", said Waziri, who heads the Egyptian-Japanese mission in charge of the project.

But under the video, dozens of upset people left comments critical of the work.



I suspect the original casing was rather better than this "reconstruction". Maybe we could clean the stones at Stonehenge and complete it with newly quarried blocks.
I'm enjoying this recent discussion of Egyptian technology with Christopher Dunn.

This chap:


I don't feel qualified to say whether the conclusions drawn from his practical expertise are valid, but it's interesting to hear his views. In short, the drilling ability evident is not consistent with the tools traditional history/archaeology grants the builders. He's about to get onto his more radical theory that the pyramids were a kind of power plant.

See here

I seem to be the target of these Pyramid power station videos at the moment. Lots of them tie into Tesla’s free energy ideas. They still have interesting things to say though. For instance, I never realised Giza is actually an 8-sided pyramid.
Large Anomaly Discovered in Cemetery Near Pyramids of Giza

A team of researchers have discovered an unusual L-shaped structure between roughly one and a half and six and a half feet below the surface of the Western Cemetery, adjacent to the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza.

According to the team’s report, published May 5 in Archaeological Prospection, the structure measures roughly thirty-three by forty-nine feet and is filled with sand, which the archaeologists believe mean it was backfilled following construction. Connected to and below this structure, at a depth of between about sixteen and thirty-three feet, is “a highly electrically resistive anomaly” of about thirty-three by thirty-three feet, whose properties they were unable to ascertain. The researchers noted that “electrically resistive material in a sand dune can be a mixture of sand and gravel, including sparse spacing or air voids within it.”


Close-up of the L-shaped object. Credit: Sato, M. et al., Archaeological Prospection (2024)

Beginning in 2021, the team used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to map the shape of the anomaly without digging up the cemetery.

Given the placement of the anomalies and their discerned characteristics, the team hypothesized that the upper structure “could be vertical walls of limestone or shafts” leading to the lower structure, which the archaeologists suggest could be a tomb, though they acknowledge that “a more detailed survey would be required in order to confirm this possibility.”


maximus otter
an unusual L-shaped structure

I'm querying the L-shaped bit.

alternative interpretations:

1 the L shaped bit is actually a thingy (note technical term!) which is part of a larger thingy indicated by the wider (scattered) vertical stripe to the left of it. So it isn't L-shaped except as in an animal pen using an existing structure is L-shaped.

2 the thingy isn't the L shaped bit it's the low response blue rectangle it partly encloses. Again the L-shaped thingy is attached to the other thingy as in #1

things to be investigated:

1 the free end of this thingy doesn't reach the limit of the surveyed area. Typically entrance is a possible interpretation

2 can the survey be extended to the top area or is that survey line actually the pyramid? or a cliff edge, river quarry or whatever.

3 there's a very annoying and extremely sod's law glitch in the readings where the L-shaped bit meets the scattered vertical bit. Need to resurvey the area, and if an alternative relevant methods are available then use those as well as repeating the original method.

Nice find @maximus otter

4 given The shallow structure, which is L-shaped in the horizontal plane, 10 m by 10 m, was clearly imaged by GPR. It seems to have been filled with sand, which means it was backfilled after it was constructed. from the report abstract then the thing is obviously a children's play area and that is a sand pit! :D
Didn't the Sphinx supposedly have a lion's head at some time? Perhaps it's just a litter tray.
Didn't the Sphinx supposedly have a lion's head at some time? Perhaps it's just a litter tray.
I remember Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert suggested a dog/jackal head for the Sphinx although, looking at their diagrams, I don't think the snout would have withstood gravity without substantial supports that would have rather ruined the overall effect.
I'm querying the L-shaped bit.

alternative interpretations:

1 the L shaped bit is actually a thingy (note technical term!) which is part of a larger thingy indicated by the wider (scattered) vertical stripe to the left of it. So it isn't L-shaped except as in an animal pen using an existing structure is L-shaped.

2 the thingy isn't the L shaped bit it's the low response blue rectangle it partly encloses. Again the L-shaped thingy is attached to the other thingy as in #1

things to be investigated:

1 the free end of this thingy doesn't reach the limit of the surveyed area. Typically entrance is a possible interpretation

2 can the survey be extended to the top area or is that survey line actually the pyramid? or a cliff edge, river quarry or whatever.

3 there's a very annoying and extremely sod's law glitch in the readings where the L-shaped bit meets the scattered vertical bit. Need to resurvey the area, and if an alternative relevant methods are available then use those as well as repeating the original method.

Nice find @maximus otter

4 given The shallow structure, which is L-shaped in the horizontal plane, 10 m by 10 m, was clearly imaged by GPR. It seems to have been filled with sand, which means it was backfilled after it was constructed. from the report abstract then the thing is obviously a children's play area and that is a sand pit! :D

You spoil everything.

maximus otter

Great Mystery of How Ancient Egyptians Built The Pyramids Finally Appears Solved

Scientists have discovered a long-buried branch of the Nile river that once flowed alongside more than 30 pyramids in Egypt, potentially solving the mystery of how ancient Egyptians transported the massive stone blocks to build the famous monuments.

The 64-kilometre-long river branch, which ran by the iconic Giza pyramid complex among other wonders, was hidden under desert and farmland for millennia, according to a study revealing the find on Thursday.

The existence of the river would explain why the 31 pyramids were built in a chain along a now inhospitable desert strip in the Nile Valley between 4,700 and 3,700 years ago.


The strip near the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis includes the Great Pyramid of Giza – the only surviving structure of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Researchers used radar satellite imagery to map the river branch, which they called Ahramat – "pyramids" in Arabic.

Radar gave them the "unique ability to penetrate the sand surface and produce images of hidden features including buried rivers and ancient structures," Ghoneim said.

Surveys in the field and cores of sediment from the site confirmed the presence of the river, according to the study in the journal Communications Earth & Environment.

The once mighty river was increasingly covered in sand, potentially starting during a major drought around 4,200 years ago, the scientists suggested.


maximus otter
I kinda hate archeology reporting. The docks at the pyramid sites have been known about for a long time.
Mapping the river branch is new, and good research. But it doesn't solve any mysteries that weren't solved by the discovery of the docks and Merers Diary.