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Worst Movie EVER?

The Wild, Wild Planet is pretty good fun, actually. Technology has surpassed it in many ways, but it's an entertaining space opera. Franco Nero is in it!

Check out The Green Slime too, more fun in the same vein.
Earthfall is pretty dreadful, and gives no final clue as to if the batshit crazy idea to get things back to normal worked or not! Just filled with cliche characters (father trying to get back to his wife and daughter, fathers conspiracy mad friend, secret government base that gets its location broadcast for all and sundry to find it, disposable secondary characters, and acting more wooden than the sets!
A twenty four minute and forty two second review of why Braveheart was crap

It's quicker to read the wiki page on Wallace, the cattle thief...:rup:

....but he's not wrong...
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The Wild, Wild Planet is pretty good fun, actually. Technology has surpassed it in many ways, but it's an entertaining space opera. Franco Nero is in it!

Check out The Green Slime too, more fun in the same vein.

And from the director of Battle Royale! :D
Looks funny enough, though the book was creepy too, but disappointed Franco isn't doing the accent.
I'm watching the second Sin City movie, for the look of it. So that is what it would be like if 12 year olds made movies.
observe & report

For a comedy that is one unbelievably bleak movie, I can't say I hated it, but it is a very uncomfortable watch in a horribly compelling way. It's Paul Blart: Mall Cop remade by the world's biggest misanthrope.
Charlie Sheen’s ‘9/11’ Thriller Looks Like One of the Most Offensive Films Ever Made

There are really no words to describe how disgraceful and offensive the trailer is for Charlie Sheen’s “9/11.” We know you shouldn’t necessarily judge an entire movie based on the trailer, but that motto doesn’t apply for a drama that turns the tragedy of September 11, 2001 into a survival thriller and uses the impending collapse of the towers as a ticking-time clock against which your main characters must escape if they want to live.

He’d be lynched by some of our less tolerant American chums.

Time to go way off topic but…
I went to Las Vegas in early 2002, because, frankly, flights were a relative bargain because of the attacks.
Also, I’m shallow and am entertained by sparkling lights and water features…

Anyhoo, one of the casino’s there is modeled on the New York skyline, and is called, appropriately enough, “New York New York”.

As I walked down the strip on my first day, I was shocked, surprised and amazed to find that an impromptu shrine had grown on the sidewalk next to “New York New York”.

Flowers, teddy bears, t-shirts, flags… you name it, if it was tacky and pointless, it was there.

Now, two things struck me about this; firstly Las Vegas is 2500 miles from New York, so not exactly showing that much support to the victims, and secondly, and I think this is key, when “New York New York” was built, the twin towers were never incorporated into the design. So what the hell were they mourning in the desert…?

I’m sure it won’t shock anyone to learn that there were many people weeping, whilst stood at this pile of tat, stood next to a temple of capitalism, shrouded in an incomplete copy of a skyline of a city half a continent away.

It was one of those occasions where I felt utterly disconnected from the emotions of every other human around me.

Anyway, back to bad films…
Why have I never been told about this bobby dazzler ? .. Night Of The Lepus looks ace ! :)

It has a few unintentionally funny lines and images, but sad to say it's a bit boring. It's more like a TV movie than a trash classic.
It has a few unintentionally funny lines and images, but sad to say it's a bit boring. It's more like a TV movie than a trash classic.

Night Of The Lepus was one of my childhood obsessions. The budget of our local TV station must've been pretty chintzy, because they played it often on the late-late show.
Night Of The Lepus was one of my childhood obsessions. The budget of our local TV station must've been pretty chintzy, because they played it often on the late-late show.

It has Dr McCoy from Star Trek in it! Can't recall if he gets eaten by a big bunny. The late night horror movie when I was a kid always seemed to be Death Line or The Ghoul (Peter Cushing version).
It has Dr McCoy from Star Trek in it! Can't recall if he gets eaten by a big bunny. The late night horror movie when I was a kid always seemed to be Death Line or The Ghoul (Peter Cushing version).

I loved those giant bunnies!
I loved those giant bunnies!

From what I recall there's only about a minute or two of the big bunnies in the film, the rest of the 90 minutes is middle-aged actors discussing what to do about them.
From what I recall there's only about a minute or two of the big bunnies in the film, the rest of the 90 minutes is middle-aged actors discussing what to do about them.

More than 40 years since I saw it!