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  1. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    The one that just appeared is the one in the back with the dark blue at the edge of the handle. It originally appeared on top of the gray plastic bag to the right.
  2. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    I was actually thinking of asking my the my only cat-owning neighbor in my row of houses if she'd just lost her litter scoop but was afraid she'd think I was losing my mind (although weird stuff has happened in her house too).
  3. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    This is true :omg:
  4. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    This is minor as in not scary or earthshaking but it’s freaking me out anyway.… last night when I scooped my cats’ litter boxes before I went to bed I had one metal litter scoop, same one I’ve used for many years. The heavy metal ones are expensive and I’ve only ever had that one. This morning...
  5. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    I love this — I love that song (and film)!!!
  6. S

    BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary): Sightings & Apparitions

    I was raised Catholic (Catholic school for 12 years where I realized what a scam it was in high school) and this was so funny! I was howling when he impersonated a kid with the host stuck to the roof of his mouth. We were taught horror stories of children who chewed it up and had their mouths...
  7. S

    What Was Your Entry To The World Of Weird?

    ITA, I’ve watched the movie numerous times (read the book numerous times, too). I thought the remake was beyond ludicrous, though.
  8. S

    What Was Your Entry To The World Of Weird?

    High strangeness, hauntings, time slips Raised Catholic, went to Catholic school for 12 years, but can’t remember ever being told by anyone that there was anything wrong with being interested in ghost stories, which I always was. (I’m no longer Catholic though.) I can’t remember exactly when...
  9. S

    Phone Weirdness

    That has happened to me on my iPad. I watch YouTube videos on it all the time and I was shocked to see a video clip of a song that had been going through my head show up in my feed. It was a song from a movie that I had watched on my iPad but not on YouTube and it hadn’t been any time recent...
  10. S

    Phone Weirdness

    My sister’s iPhone called my landline today on its own. She normally calls my cell number when she calls me, not my landline number, so that was doubly odd. She wasn’t even near her phone when it happened. But my iPhone makes calls on its own too and it can be embarrassing. My previous iPhone...
  11. S

    Strange Coincidences?

    My sister was visiting me last week for a few days. She was reading on her Kindle Fire in the guest room one night while I was watching YouTube videos on my iPad in my room. I paused the video I was watching and put my iPad down as I was getting sleepy. But then I couldn‘t sleep so I opened my...
  12. S

    Minor Hauntings

    I do have two (elderly) cats, but they have never shown any interest in shoes… even if they had, though, they would have had to somehow elevate the shoe over the ones that were between it and the door to get it out of the closet (there was no path wide enough to have dragged it out through even...
  13. S

    Minor Hauntings

    Another shoe story… My sister visits me often so she keeps some clothes and a few pairs of shoes in my guest room closet. One day when she wasn’t here I went into that room for something and saw one of her shoes lying in the middle of the floor, one of a pair I knew she hadn’t just worn...
  14. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    Maybe it’s just time to stop saving the sleeves and throw away all the accumulated ones. If you don’t want to do that then perhaps take a photo under your sink each day so you don’t have to rely on your memory. If this kept happening to me — and random objects move around mysteriously in my...
  15. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    The other day when I dusted a candle and the glass bowl it sits in I noticed that one of the two little decorative plastic leaves that I keep in the same bowl was missing. This bowl sits on a small table in my upstairs hallway and I never touch it except to dust it (and I live alone) so I...
  16. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    I have the same issue with butter now, too, and I live in the US. I thought it was because I keep my house fairly cool, but that didn’t explain why it also takes almost twice as long even to soften butter in the microwave as it used to. (I cut it into as many oats as I think I’ll need before...
  17. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    My neighbor does have a fireplace. Maybe you’ve solved the mystery!
  18. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    That is strange, but I discovered several years ago that sound can travel in strange ways. I also live in a very small house with houses attached on either side, but I’d lived here for many years without ever once hearing my neighbors talking. Then very early one morning I heard muffled voices...
  19. S

    Strange Things That Scared You (But Aren't Obviously 'Scary')

    I was terrified of elevators as a child. No idea why.
  20. S

    Unearthly Calls

    Something similar happened to me a couple of times, only the snapping sound, which was very loud, sounded like a rubber band. The first time I was in bed but awake, and my sister in my guest room who was also awake heard it too. The second time it happened I was alone in the house talking on...
  21. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    Something like this happened to me several years ago, only it was both lips and the swelling must have happened overnight while I was asleep as I was fine when I went to bed. It looked as if I'd had lip injections when I woke up the next morning and luckily I didn't have to go to work that day...
  22. S

    I really dislike the new look of the site.

    I very much DISlike and see no use for the "likes received" or "trophy points." Ludicrous overkill. Is this a message board or contest?
  23. S

    The Case of the Teleporting Giant Spiders

    That disappearing spider thing is very weird. But as strange as it is, the worst thing is never knowing when it will show up again. I am extremely phobic about spiders too, and once I had a similar situation with a gigantic spider, completely black, as big around as a saucer and almost crab...
  24. S

    Visited By A Fairy

    I get it once or twice a year, too - though it was many years between my first instance and my second (almost always seems to be light related). The first time it happened, it scared me so much I immediately went to a retinal specialist who checked me out and diagnosed it as an ocular migraine...
  25. S

    'True Haunting' - Edwin F. Becker

    I read this earlier in the year - I read a lot of ghost books and this is one of the best ones I've read.
  26. S

    Ghosts I Have Seen (1919) & Cock Lane and Common Sense (1894)

    Thank you for the link - I just finished reading it and found it fascinating. Full of all kinds of weird stuff, and beautifully written.
  27. S

    Weird Personal Names

    A member of the military named Major Dick called my boss once - we had a good laugh when he got off the phone.
  28. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    I did not come into contact with the handle in any way or I wouldn't have been so startled when the water turned off -- it would have been quite difficult to the point of requiring some contortion to push in the handle with my back. Moving the handle requires external force -- plus the handle...
  29. S

    Re-occurring dreams/voices/figures/timeslip/creepiness.

    The face against the glass immediately brought a scene from The Innocents to mind. Of all the frightening and disturbing things that happened in your house, that one would probably have been the one to give me the heart attack.
  30. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    This is pretty minor, but startling nonetheless...yesterday morning, during the moment in which I stepped into my shower stall and before I even had time to get wet, the showerhead, which had been running full blast (I always turn on the water for 30 seconds or so before getting in the show to...
  31. S

    Protective Male ?

    I'm not assuming anything. Whikeoak is experiencing something that possesses sentience, since it has responded to her.
  32. S

    Protective Male ?

    As the poster who originally brought up The Ghost And Mrs. Muir, I'd like to clarify my comments. I love that movie, but in real life, an interactive ghost in the house would freak me out, especially if it was the ghost of a male since I'm a female. You know, it may or may not be scary, but it...
  33. S

    Protective Male ?

    I absolutely loved this story - in fact, it kind of brought to mind one of my favorite old movies, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, even though there's nothing romantic about a real life ghost story. Are you sure, though, that your younger daughter's many absences from home are due to her popularity...
  34. S

    Weird Sleep And Half-Asleep Experiences

    heliart, I know that terrified feeling when you hear voices coming from outside in the wee (no pun intended!) hours of the morning because I had a similar experience a few years ago. I was in bed reading, it was around 1:30AM on a Monday and out of nowhere I heard voices coming from outside...
  35. S

    Weird Sleep And Half-Asleep Experiences

    I've probably posted this before but I think it bears repeating... One morning I was awakened by the sound of my sister's voice yelling my name in my year (we live over 40 miles apart). Hypnagogic experience, maybe - except that after I leapt out of bed in confusion and now wide awake, I...
  36. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    I really enjoy reading all the accounts of vanishing and reappearing objects. Almost everyone I know has at least one such story. I think I've got at least one in this thread but it was awhile ago, so....several years ago I took off my watch in the bathroom and when I went to put it down, it...
  37. S

    The Left Hand (Left-Handedness)

    I am an identical twin - I am left-handed and my sister is right-handed. But even though I call myself left-handed, I really only write and use forks and spoons with my left hand - everything else I do with my right hand (and I am right-footed, too), whereas my sister does everything with her...
  38. S

    FT now downloadable from Zinio

    I would love to buy the CD collections but they don't seem to be available in America. However, my sister and I have bought several years' worth of editions that were published in the 90's at reasonable prices on Ebay, though. The It Happened to Me books aren't available in America either...
  39. S

    Obama 'Birtherism' & Associated Conspiracy Theories

    As an American who voted for Obama, I wish he had not given into the demands that he release his birth certificate. But then, it is not unusual for Obama to give in to the right wing bat shit crazies, unfortunately.
  40. S

    Osama Bin Laden Is Dead

    Well said.
  41. S

    Only Children

    There is one possibility you haven't considered. You could give birth only once, but have more than one child if it's a multiple birth. I have an identical twin sister and my mother never had any other pregnancies before or after us. Identical twins get asked the stupidest questions you...
  42. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    I have a lamp that has started turning itself on. It's one of those lamps that doesn't have a switch. Instead, it has a metal base that you touch to turn it on. The bulb has 3 settings and each time this has happened, it has been on the middle setting, meaning that the metal based had to...
  43. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    I just thought of another minor oddity. In my front hallway is a small table, the open bottom shelf of which contains a stack of thick phone books, on the top one of which was a lint roller. One morning I came downstairs and found one of the phone books lying on the floor, with the lint...
  44. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    Yes, they are absolutely identical, other than the one I received in the mail having a small black smudge on it, as if somebody had stepped on it. I'm still baffled!
  45. S

    Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

    A couple of months ago, I had to have in and out surgery at a hospital. This necessitated my showing my insurance card at two different doctors' offices, a pharmacy, a radiological center, and then the hospital (I list all these different places to illustrate how many times I needed to have my...
  46. S

    Dark-Hooded Figures and Their Flower Gift(s)

    I would immediately call the police if this happened to me. As a woman who lives alone, it would scare the shit out of me. It seems utterly pointless, anyway. If I saw a flower on my patio the next morning, I would just assume it was blown there by the wind or some other natural...
  47. S

    Strange Girls/Possible timeslip in Calais

    I have an identical twin sister - I think both of us have posted this story here before, but after reading this I think it bears repeating. When we were teenagers, our best friends were also a pair of identical twin girls. One day we were all the local pool, and my sister and one of the other...
  48. S

    The Ventriloquist's Dummy & His Bottle Of Milk

    This is one of the freakiest things I've ever read - it will be hard to shut my eyes and go to sleep tonight without worrying about what I'll dream. And I've heard the rolling marble sound, too. I used to hear it all the time in my first apartment when I was lying in bed (I lived alone on the...
  49. S

    Celine Dion

    What church do you belong to? Because you're not a very good advertisement for it. And if I believed any of this, I would think Celine Dion should sue you for impersonation, and I'm not even a fan of hers (though she did impress me very favorably with her Katrina rant). However, I think you...
  50. S

    Hearing Your Name Called

    One morning a little over a year ago, I was awakened from a sound sleep by my sister's voice very loudy calling my name directly in my ear. As I lay in bed wide awake and feeling extremely startled and a bit worried since we live miles apart, I then heard her voice again loudly calling out "I'm...