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Are UFOs & Ufology In Decline? If So—Why?

Why is Ufology on the decline?

  • Pre-Millenial tension has subsided

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Preoccupied with terrestrial problems (war, terrorism, the economy)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No-one watches the X-Files anymore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No cases of significance in the last few years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too many recent hoaxes

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Realisation it will never be proven with photos and video alone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The visitors are lying low for some reason

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They’ve finally realized it’s all bollocks

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • UFOs are probably secret military stuff, and the military ain't talkin'

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • The internet has killed discussion groups off, by and large

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • All/some of the above

    Votes: 9 47.4%

  • Total voters
In the U.S. I think UFOs is most popular, but people are frightened to admit to this idea.

The U.S. History Channel most popular shows are about UFOs, for example the show Ancient Aliens started in 2010.

When the Chinese huge balloon first appeared, all people talked about was the spacemen are coming.
Obligatory rebuttal of Kecksburg.
The Kecksburg, Pennsylvania "UFO Crash" -by Robert Sheaffer

The Kecksburg Index - by Tim Printy
This includes
Chapter 1: A dark December evening.
Chapter 2: Excitement in the woods
Chapter 3: Science has the answer - (this page is missing, but I've reproduced part of it in this post)
Chapter 4: Out of the ashes.
Chapter 5: An earthly source?
Chapter 6: Science FICTION versus Science FACT

Chapter 7: Crash or crock?

Tim Printy's Sunlite 3.6 - includes several articles by Robert Young, including one demonstrating that the object fell in Ontario.

Kecksburg UFO Crash, Tim Printy and Steven Paquette

NASA lawsuit over Kecksburg UFO Documents -after being a proponent of the Kosmos 96 theory, Jim Oberg changes his mind. The Kecksburg object was a meteor(that fell in Ontario).
More here in the thread about Kecksburg.

Long story short; nothing to it. Complete garbage.
Very much like the Berwyn UFO 'crash' in North Wales that as researched in depth by Andy Roberts and found to be misinterpreted natural phenomena:


That said, both incidents are great campfire tales and lose nothing of their folkloric appeal by being debunked
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What interests me about stories like Berywn and Kecksburg is that they've carried on being perpetuated, and even expanded, but their underlying brand of nuts-and-bolts, stuff-under-a-tarpaulin ufology is now quite old fashioned. If the current paradigm is transdimensional 'craft' and 'intelligences' then where does that leave these ETH-flavoured tales?
Obligatory rebuttal of Kecksburg.
The Kecksburg, Pennsylvania "UFO Crash" -by Robert Sheaffer

The Kecksburg Index - by Tim Printy
This includes
Chapter 1: A dark December evening.
Chapter 2: Excitement in the woods
Chapter 3: Science has the answer - (this page is missing, but I've reproduced part of it in this post)
Chapter 4: Out of the ashes.
Chapter 5: An earthly source?
Chapter 6: Science FICTION versus Science FACT

Chapter 7: Crash or crock?

Tim Printy's Sunlite 3.6 - includes several articles by Robert Young, including one demonstrating that the object fell in Ontario.

Kecksburg UFO Crash, Tim Printy and Steven Paquette

NASA lawsuit over Kecksburg UFO Documents -after being a proponent of the Kosmos 96 theory, Jim Oberg changes his mind. The Kecksburg object was a meteor(that fell in Ontario).
More here in the thread about Kecksburg.

Long story short; nothing to it. Complete garbage.

While the link on the index page is wrong, chapter 3 of Printy's piece is still accessible via internal links, it's here:
