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I've transcribed the ghostly anecdote from the interview above along with the next couple in order to convey a sense of completeness and tone. Truly, though, she is a wonderful talker with a lovely voice.

Ooh, yes, we… [there was] a haunted lock. We didn’t know anything about it; we were sent.. hired out to—after a bit—off the Grand Union, where we went to Coventry to get our coal. We were hired out to Barlow’s in…erm.. to take coal to radiators, which was behind Worcester College in Oxford. Getting onto the river was lovely. And, erm, we came to a lock, we went through this lock, and then we tied-up, and it was—I don’t know why—we had the afternoon off, and we all disappeared. I went for a walk, and Virginia took her dog and went for a walk, and Margaret was further down the river—she was the other side of the lock—and I came back and decided to give— get tea for Virginia, and I heard her dog on the roof with its toenails clutch— scrabbling on the roof like dogs’ toenails do, and I thought ‘There’s her dog, Candy, I will put the kettle’, and she never turnerd up—neither did the dog. And when she did turn up, I made tea, and eventually we went to bed. And I heard this noise again. And I never knew it could happen, but the hairs on the back of my head stood on end. I didn’t know why. I said ‘That’s that noise I heard’. Not long after that, Margaret, clutching all her belongings, came tearing up the towpath and said ‘I’m not going to sleep down there. I can’t stand it. I-I-I don’t like the atmosphere. I’m going to sleep with you. So she plunked down on the floor.​
Well, eventually, when we got back onto the Grand Union, we were met by Olga, who said ‘Where have you been?’ And we said we’d been to Napman [Napton?] Locks. Olga, of course said ‘Well they’re haunted’ And I said, ‘Oh, are they? What by?’ And being an Olga story, it was a bit mangled, but some man had… his boat had caught fire, I think, and he’d rushed for help and he’d scrabbled on the door of the lockeeper’s cottage and they wouldn’t let him in—they wouldn’t help him. And I think his horse had been burnt to death and that’s what we had heard (raps on table) on the top of the boat. But we knew nothing about this whatever, but I’ve never ever felt—I didn’t know it was possible—your hair stood on end—there—it stood right on end—this uncanny sort of scrabbling that was coming from… nowhere.​
But, you know, we had a lot of fun one way or another. I was rather shocked once by the most fearful old man with a bloodshot eye, I sat next to in a pub. They were always begging me to go to the pub, but I really prefered lying on my back, reading my book. He looked at me and said ‘Was you born on the boat?’ [laughs] I see Mother saying [adopts genteel tone] ‘I have a great desire for Helen to be born as a wandering Jew.’ Anyhow, I said ‘No, actually I wasn’t’. But that, I think, was… we went to Apsley Mill. We took— Apsley Mill was a paper mill and we took coal to them. And we’d been coaling, and it was hot and dirty and we were dirty, and [the] Apsley people, whoever it was I fell in with, said we could use their sloosh-room when they’d all gone. And, erm, whether the others did or not, I don’t know, but I went there and stood in their stone sink and had a good old sloosh-down, and I did think it is a singular way to behave really, because I’m in this unknown factory and I don’t know whether anybody’s about or not, but I do feel so dirty and scrubby, and then I put on one if my trousseau nighties and scampered up the towpath in it and leapt onto my piece of wood, erm, but somehow nothing ever seemed real. I mean that, vaguely I said ‘What will Granny think of me, going on the towpath in my nightie—in the middle of the night? Well, I suppose it was about half-past ten or something. But everybody was doing odd things that you didn’t think anything about it. Well, you thought vaguely, but not much.​
This may provide a general conception of the setting:


The Oxford canal and locks looking north at Napton on the Hill. Three children are on the towpath. 1910s
Source: https://www.ourwarwickshire.org.uk/content/catalogue_wow/napton-on-the-hill-oxford-canal-and-locks

There are either seven or nine locks at Napton, depending on what one counts:

Ford's book does not mention the case above, but he does mention the 'stop house' at Wigram's Turn (Napton Junction), a stop-house being where working boats would have cargos checked and pay the requisite tolls. The owners in the mid-90s employed a young lady and her mother to take care of the property and their dogs while they were away on holiday. Both women 'heard unusual sounds, saw strange forms, and sensed odd atmospheres in the house.'
I'm really enjoying this book. It's kind of a canal ghost index. I have an awareness of two not mentioned, one at Whixall Moss on what is now the Llangollen canal, and one at Husbands Bosworth tunnel on the 'old Grand Union'. I haven't the details to hand, sadly.
I asked a local guy in his 60s if he'd heard of anything at Whixall, Cochise and he hasn't- (which is not to say there definitely isn't of course).
I've transcribed the ghostly anecdote from the interview above along with the next couple in order to convey a sense of completeness and tone.

Thank you, much appreciated. That first one I thought Vardoger, but... *happy shudder*

Just came across this case:​

Hooded Figure​

Location: Beeston - Wharton Lock Bridge
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 11 August 2008 21:30h
Further Comments: A hooded figure crossing the bridge was spotted by a witness as she closed the lock gate. The woman's husband, travelling under the bridge at the time, did not see anything, but felt immense sadness and experienced a tingling on his face at the same time.

Another one:

Not a Jogger​

Location: Bosley - Macclesfield Canal, first bridge after top of Bosley lock flight on the permanent boat moorings
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: July 2007, circa 21:00h
Further Comments: A ten year old girl pointed out a figure running across a nearby field to her mother, saying the word 'jogger'. The mother looked and could see the person in black moving towards them, but as it approached, realised that the 'jogger' wore a monk's habit and no face under his hood. The figure stopped a short distance away, as if paused in mid-sprint, and when the woman turned to check her daughter was okay (she had run off back to the boat), the monk vanished.
