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Cannabis Is Good For You

Alcohol is truly additive to the letter of the Words, DDT's, shakes, emotional hysteria, etc. for the poor alcoholic trying to dry is unfortunately in for a very hard time. Alcohol related symptoms are very much physically as well as mental and can last for up to several weeks. Cannabis on the other hand can produce a milder mental habit, not an addiction..
Alcohol is truly additive to the letter of the Words, DDT's, shakes, emotional hysteria, etc. for the poor alcoholic trying to dry is unfortunately in for a very hard time. Alcohol related symptoms are very much physically as well as mental and can last for up to several weeks. Cannabis on the other hand can produce a milder mental habit, not an addiction..
I love ale when out or trying the Belgium, German and Czech Beers but my vice is Red Wine and bloody love it and consider myself a dependant drinker who likes the gym BUT I saw what drugs and then drink did to my brother who was fit Surfer and he ended up having seizures and stuff and downing a bottle of Vodka a day and after going through months of drying out but then both physical and mental damage he was like a zombie and was at the stage no one could help him and he couldn't help him self and was in stage 4 that he took his life.
I love ale when out or trying the Belgium, German and Czech Beers but my vice is Red Wine and bloody love it and consider myself a dependant drinker who likes the gym BUT I saw what drugs and then drink did to my brother who was fit Surfer and he ended up having seizures and stuff and downing a bottle of Vodka a day and after going through months of drying out but then both physical and mental damage he was like a zombie and was at the stage no one could help him and he couldn't help him self and was in stage 4 that he took his life.
A liter of vodka or any high proof liquor a day is a bit much. The poor chap may need detox facility? I've know a few early in life that falsely thought sports and PT canceled out the ill effects of additive drugs. This fallacy has been around for long time.
A liter of vodka or any high proof liquor a day is a bit much. The poor chap may need detox facility? I've know a few early in life that falsely thought sports and PT canceled out the ill effects of additive drugs. This fallacy has been around for long time.
He wasn't doing sport for at least 4 months when I found him dead from hanging...sometimes I blame myself as I tried to help him that very week and told him you can drink but not Vodka but instead got him Lagers and he was telling me how it wasn't helping him poor man and I can see why...as dropping from Spirts to Lager didn't help his alcoholic craving and maybe I should of got him Wine instead if you know what I mean as its a big drop off :( Bless You Stephen X
'Cannabis it's good for you' is the title of this thread. This image tells me otherwise, particularly if you're American and at this time of the year.

Yeah. I guess I'd kill somebody who gave me a joint to smoke.
How dare they?
Won't one addiction replace the other?
Most likely. If you have an addictive personality (like me) then you are most likely to find another addiction to fill the void.

I'm an alcoholic and although sober for just over a year I have simply found other "addictive" things to replace the alcohol.
Making cannabis oil at home ian't so good for you.

A man who was using butane to make cannabis oil caused an explosion that destroyed two flats, a court has heard.

James Toogood, 36, was seen fleeing the burning building on Whitchurch Road in Bristol with his clothes on fire, a jury at Bristol Crown Court was told. One woman escaped from the fire caused by the blast by jumping from an upper-floor flat on to a trampoline. Mr Toogood denies damaging property being reckless as to whether life was endangered.

Prosecuting, David Maunder said the explosion, just after 20:00 GMT on 23 February 2019, caused £260,000 of damage.

He wasn't making it the right way :worry:

I make weed oil and then put it into various types of food to ensure that I get the exact dose each time and that way I make sure I have a smooth but potent high.

But too much and you can find yourself on a roller-coaster of hell for 7 hours or more.
'Cannabis it's good for you' is the title of this thread. This image tells me otherwise, particularly if you're American and at this time of the year.

View attachment 31990

I'm assuming this poster is genuine & not a spoof but would hazard a guess based on no research whatsoever that the cases of men murdering their friend in a murderous craze after one toke of a joint fall into the 'rare to non-existent' category.
Why would you assume it's genuine?

It's not in the Humour thread. Can't read the blurred text at the bottom re Ad Council. So I got hold of the wrong end of the stick & it is a joke then..
It might be genuine, but I wouldn't put my money on it.
It's a bit of a blanket statement that "xxxxxx is good for you" as it lacks all context around who, where, which form, when, how much, etc.,

It's more accurate to say "cannabis can have beneficial effects at certain doses in certain situations". I personally no longer partake as@
a) I've given up smoking anything
b) the beneficial aspects (including being fun/nice) were outweighed the mental health effects it had as I grew older.

Water is generally known as being "good for you" (indeed, essential for life) but too much or too little at the wrong frequency is fatal.
'Cannabis it's good for you' is the title of this thread. This image tells me otherwise, particularly if you're American and at this time of the year. ...

It's a fake.
Don't believe that viral 'Ad Council' marijuana Thanksgiving PSA - it's fake

A PSA that looks decades old warning people to "remember the cranberry sauce, but forget the marijuana" because it will throw you into a "murderous craze" is currently doing the rounds on social media.

The spot, which appears to be Ad Council approved, may slide into your Instagram DMs via a popular meme account over the Thanksgiving holidays after surfaced on Reddit.

But you can rest assured that it is indeed fake. The Ad Council has confirmed it cannot be verified. The PSA source is not clear. ...

If you need further proof this PSA's a dud, check the "Ad Council" fine print that instructs you to "order Domino's, rent a tape and enjoy" if you're high. ...


Here's an enlargement of the footnotes at the bottom.
It reads:

This ad brought to you by the Ad Council
Dept. of Studiohouse Designs.
If you or smeone you know is addicted to marijuana,
call Domino's at (215)-712-1000, rent and tape, and enjoy!
I personally think that in moderation it is good for you.

But in edibles rather than smoking.

I have an amazing cookbook which is filled with loads of recipes and has instructions on the best way to get the THC (ingredient which gets you high) out.

It certainly can help with sleep but it's definitely something you want to be careful with and be sure to not have too much.

You can have an amazing time on it but too much and you'll regret it.
I personally think that in moderation it is good for you.

But in edibles rather than smoking.

I have an amazing cookbook which is filled with loads of recipes and has instructions on the best way to get the THC (ingredient which gets you high) out.

It certainly can help with sleep but it's definitely something you want to be careful with and be sure to not have too much.

You can have an amazing time on it but too much and you'll regret it.
Actually a dry herb vaporizer is a very safe way to ingest cannabis. It heats the crushed bud without burning it so as not to produce nasty tars and possible carcinogens. It produces more of a mist than a cloud of smoke. Mig Khan makes some very good ones.
Actually a dry herb vaporizer is a very safe way to ingest cannabis. It heats the crushed bud without burning it so as not to produce nasty tars and possible carcinogens. It produces more of a mist than a cloud of smoke. Mig Khan makes some very good ones.
Yes, I know people who use them and say it's very good.

I smoked it for 15 years and loved it but had to stop as I was getting chest infections constantly and antibiotics were no longer working properly.

But since discovering edibles I actually prefer them coz the high is totally different.

I don't do it often though coz my appetite increases hugely on it but as a treat every now and then it's perfect.
Newly published research indicates CBD does not impair driving capabilities, and THC impairs driving for only about 4 hours. This is the first evidence suggesting CBD is driver-safe for medical use, and it purports to be the first evaluation of how long THC affects driving abilities.
Landmark Study: Cannabidiol (CBD) in Cannabis Does Not Impair Driving

Research shows cannabidiol safe for driving and THC effects fade in hours.

A landmark study on how cannabis affects driving ability has shown that cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabis component now widely used for medical purposes, does not impair driving, while moderate amounts of the main intoxicating component tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) produce mild driving impairment lasting up to four hours.

The study was led the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics at the University of Sydney and conducted at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. It was published today in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association. ...

Lead author Dr. Thomas Arkell said: “These findings indicate for the first time that CBD, when given without THC, does not affect a subject’s ability to drive. That’s great news for those using or considering treatment using CBD-based products.” ...

“While some previous studies have looked at the effects of cannabis on driving, most have focused on smoked cannabis containing only THC (not CBD) and have not precisely quantified the duration of impairment.

“This is the first study to illustrate the lack of CBD effects on driving and to also provide a clear indication of the duration of THC impairment.”


Effect of Cannabidiol and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Driving Performance
A Randomized Clinical Trial
Thomas R. Arkell; Frederick Vinckenbosch; Richard C. Kevin; et al.
JAMA. 2020;324(21):2177-2186.
I have an amazing cookbook which is filled with loads of recipes and has instructions on the best way to get the THC (ingredient which gets you high) out.

Adam Gottlieb -'The art and science of cooking with cannabis'?

Sollywos x
A Thai hospital's restaurant has begun offering cannabis comestibles with claims of health benefits.
Thailand serves up cannabis cuisine to happy customers

“Giggling bread” and “joyfully dancing salad” aren’t the usual dishes on a menu in Thailand, but one eatery is hoping its cannabis-infused cuisine can lure foreign tourists and take the taboo out of the recently legalised leaf. ...

The restaurant at the Chao Phya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital in Prachin Buri started serving its own happy meals this month, after Thailand de-listed cannabis as a narcotic, allowing state-authorised firms to cultivate the plant.

“Cannabis leaves, when put in the food or even a small amount ... it will help the patient to recover faster from the illness,” said Pakakrong Kwankao, the project leader at the hospital.

“The cannabis leaf can improve appetite and make people sleep well, and also be in a mood, in a good mood.”

The hospital is known as a pioneer in Thailand for studying marijuana and its ability to relieve pain and fatigue. ...

The restaurant’s offerings include a happy pork soup, deep-fried bread topped with pork and a marijuana leaf, and a salad of crispy cannabis leaves served with ground pork and chopped vegetables. ...

“I’ve never taken cannabis before, it feels weird but it’s delicious,” said diner Ketsirin Boonsiri, adding it was “quite strange”.

Nattanon Naranan said the taste of the cannabis leaves was similar to everyday vegetables, but the after-effects were quite different.

“It makes my throat dry and I crave sweets,” she said. ...

FULL STORY: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...abis-cuisine-to-happy-customers-idUSKBN29K1LO
This post is making me very hungry. Thai cuisine has a light touch combine it with canabutter or canaoil and that's a win - win combo. The only trouble is edibles take ~ 1.5 hours for the buzz to kick in, however it last 2 - 3 times longer than when smoked.
This woman's chronic / debilitating itching condition improved after other treatments had failed and her doctors tried cannabis.
A woman's debilitating chronic itch disappeared after she started using marijuana

A woman's chronic itch defied all types of treatment, from steroids to opioids to light therapy, but it finally dissipated after her doctors told her to try cannabis.

The woman had dealt with chronic itch symptoms — medically known as chronic pruritus — for a decade ...

Chronic pruritus specifically refers to itching that persists for more than six weeks, and the symptom can be associated with a variety of diseases ... In the woman's case, her pruritus derived from a disease of the bile ducts of the liver called primary sclerosing cholangitis. ...

Doctors had previously prescribed a laundry list of treatments to combat this pervasive itching, including topical and oral corticosteroids; an opioid nasal spray; naltrexone, which works against the effects of opioids; and phototherapy, which involves exposing the affected skin to ultraviolet light.

When all these treatments proved unsuccessful, her doctors turned to medical cannabis. ...

They recommended she use cannabis two nights a week, either by smoking medical marijuana with 18% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, or by taking cannabis in tincture form by placing a liquid extract under her tongue. ...

The doctors followed up with the woman after five months of treatment and then again after a full year, and they found that she consistently rated her average daily itchiness as 4 out of 10, a drastic improvement from her previous 10 out of 10. At the 16-month and 20-month follow-ups, her itchiness rating plummeted even lower, falling to 0 out of 10. ...

"Aside from mild sedation, she reported no adverse effects," her doctors wrote. ... She was also able to stop taking her other prescribed medications.

The exact mechanism by which cannabis reduced the woman's itching is unknown, but her doctors presented several theories. ...

While this particular patient benefited from the use of cannabis with minimal side effects, the risks and benefits of the treatment still need to be assessed on a larger scale ...

FULL STORY: https://www.livescience.com/chronic-itch-cannabis-treatment.html