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Doctor Who [Spoilers]

I had exactly the same problem with "I,Robot" because that's my favourite ever book but I was damned if I'd watch anything with Will bloody Smith in it!! :shock:
BlackRiverFalls said:
Is it any good Pietro? That was my favourite Asimov story ever, avoided the film as i didn't think i could face Robin Williams murdering it for me...
Better than I expected to be honest. Williams performance is quite underplayed, for a change.

Gets a bit schmaltzy towards the end, but it is a Disney film. However, I watched the whole thing from beginning to end and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I've read most of Asimov's Robot series, except for some of the really late stuff and it didn't seem to stray too far from the canon. :)
I know it's all a bit of fun but Could Roger Lloyd Pack's lines have been any more cliched?

He even had a go at the villain's maniacal laugh......

I had it recorded for me tonight, not because I was working but because I had the night off celebrating a little FA Cup match, so that and potentially the best Dr Who episode this series, add some biccies and that's my perfect Saturday complete!! By the way I've just added this without looking at any comments about the episode so it's kinda exciting to watch it as new and as lucid as the Kronenbourg will let me lol!!! :shock:
I liked the new look Cybermen, more than a hint of Robocop in the design. I never found the earlier ones scary, except for the ones that had some sort of huge device strapped to their chests. They always looked like they had some sort of cyber-accordion. Now that was scary :shock:

The villian was a bit of a cliche though... evil robotic creatures with living tissue inside them created by a mad genius in a wheelchair. Now where have I heard that before? Ah yes, Davros.
bigphoot1 said:

The villian was a bit of a cliche though... evil robotic creatures with living tissue inside them created by a mad genius in a wheelchair. Now where have I heard that before? Ah yes, Davros.
Parallel Universe, parallel evolution? :)

It does seem a bit odd. As I remember it, the Cybermen came from another planet all together, the planet Mondas, Earth's twin.


Original Mondasian Cyberman
Pietro_Mercurios said:
It does seem a bit odd. As I remember it, the Cybermen came from another planet all together, the planet Mondas, Earth's twin.

Who is to say this is not the way Mondas developed in the parallel universe?

The villian was a bit of a cliche though... evil robotic creatures with living tissue inside them created by a mad genius in a wheelchair. Now where have I heard that before? Ah yes, Davros.

And more similarities besides: both disabled, both geniuses, and both barking-mad woo-woos with decidedly 'eugenic' leanings. Wonder if it was deliberate?

All good stuff though. The best bit was the highly sick moment when the screaming homeless got minced up for cyber-parts (in Battersea power station, no less!) to the tune of ... 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'!

And a real cliffhanger, too, without one of those you-can't-help-watching-it-even-though-you-know-you-shouldn't spoilers at the end. Pity said cliffhanger was so like the one at the end of 'The Empty Child' from last season - once more, the Doctor and pals get surrounded by droning nasties (and it looks like 'Delete!' is going to become the Cyberman equivalent of the Daleks' 'Exterminate!'), though I'm dying to find out how they get themselves out of it.
"Delete!" - very Windows. I was a bit disappointed the Cybermen took so long to turn up, but when they did it was worth the wait. Nice explanation of why they don't want emotions after Rose and Mickey's heartstring tugging this episode. The only thing I know about next week's (the Tardisode gives nothing away) concerns Mickey, but I won't spoil it.
Oh yeah, and Don Warrington as British President... after seeing his long suffering self on Grumpy Old Men, I like that idea...
barfing_pumpkin said:
And a real cliffhanger, too, without one of those you-can't-help-watching-it-even-though-you-know-you-shouldn't spoilers at the end. Pity said cliffhanger was so like the one at the end of 'The Empty Child' from last season - once more, the Doctor and pals get surrounded by droning nasties (and it looks like 'Delete!' is going to become the Cyberman equivalent of the Daleks' 'Exterminate!'), though I'm dying to find out how they get themselves out of it.

Yes glad they didn't have the on next weeks episode bit - makes a cliffhanger pointless.

Don't liek the chanting of delte however - too reminiscnet of Daleks constantly screaming exterminate - don't talk endlessly about it just do it.

The following are guesses - I have no knowledge at all of what is about to happen - if you want to avoid even supposition as a potential spoiler look away now.

To escape from the cybermen on all sides - the Dr does have a recharging battery in his pocket - when fully charged it can potetnially get the TARDIS back online so we're looking at something powerful so a quick partial discharge will pack a powerful punch and disable / kill the cybermen allowing our heroes to escape. Also I think Mickey will die saving things next week. Mind knowing our luck it will be Rickey who dies and we still get stuck with Mickey.

To escape from the cybermen on all sides - the Dr does have a recharging battery in his pocket - when fully charged it can potetnially get the TARDIS back online so we're looking at something powerful so a quick partial discharge will pack a powerful punch and disable / kill the cybermen allowing our heroes to escape. Also I think Mickey will die saving things next week. Mind knowing our luck it will be Rickey who dies and we still get stuck with Mickey.

My theory (OK - more like my 10yr old stepson's theory): Cybermen move in to kill the Doctor and snatch his pals for 'upgrading'. Confusion then reigns amongst the Cybermen when they realise - by some standard SF-ish means or other - that both Mickey and Rickey have identical DNA, which leads to a momentary Windows-style 'can't find appropriate DLL file' breakdown amongst the assailants, allowing the Doctor and chums to escape.
Or perhaps all is suddenly postponed al la Vista, till the bugs are ironed out which means Deletion is not expected til around Christmas giving the Doctor et al plenty of time to hatch a plan at their leisure.

Meanwhile evil genius John Lumic starts wearing v- neck wolly jumpers, "nerd" glasses and giving millions to charity, changing his name to John Linux to confuse the opposition.

Intitial vieiwing figures are in and a bit buggered up by the 22 minutes late start but we're looking at an estimate of between 7.7 and 8.4 million and when the proper figures are realeased including time shift views and repeats we are probably looking at over 9 million. Erm that's a lot more than double what ITV had.

ITV really have already given up that part of the schedule. What was Dr who up against? A repeat of the first X men film.

gncxx said:
Oh yeah, and Don Warrington as British President... after seeing his long suffering self on Grumpy Old Men, I like that idea...
Yes. He did seem to fit the part better than any real life British politicos that I can think of.
I thought last night's episode was great (am I the only one who doesn't mind the Mickey character? :confused:) and I'm sure I heard some little kids tearing past here earlier shouting 'Delete!' at each other!
And the Beeb axed Blake's Seven because of low viewer numbers, and the last episode was watched by 13 million. Apparently. :roll:

I missed the end, as my new bike arrived at just before 8pm, and thanks to the bloody football, therefore clashed with the end. I'll have to tape the repeat tonight. I was fairly disappointed though, up to that point. I thought the "It's Alive!!" beginning was terribly lame, and the Cybermen took their time in appearing. I like the look of 'em, though.

Surely there's enough Ratner's jewellry in the Tyler household to see 'em off? ;)
gordonrutter said:
Also I think Mickey will die saving things next week. Mind knowing our luck it will be Rickey who dies and we still get stuck with Mickey.


I'm guessing that it's Ricky who dies and Mickey has to take his place, eventually staying on in the parallel universe to look after his Gran.

I'm hoping for a spectacular piece of airship destruction too...
Timble2 said:
gordonrutter said:
Also I think Mickey will die saving things next week. Mind knowing our luck it will be Rickey who dies and we still get stuck with Mickey.


I'm guessing that it's Ricky who dies and Mickey has to take his place, eventually staying on in the parallel universe to look after his Gran.

I'm hoping for a spectacular piece of airship destruction too...
I hope they don't get rid of Mickey. The Doctor and Rose are just a bit too close and giggly. Mickey has growth potential and is much more the type to ask questions, so that the Doctor can explain things, or to attempt to explain things himself, for the benefit of the audience. He's also a dab hand with the computer hacking and funny.

Rose is usually a bit too busy, trying to get famous historical characters to unwittingly provide the punchline for dirty jokes.

But, plenty of spectacular airship destruction, please. :D
Timble2 said:
I'm guessing that it's Ricky who dies and Mickey has to take his place, eventually staying on in the parallel universe to look after his Gran.

I'm hoping for a spectacular piece of airship destruction too...

I wouldn't be surprised if he discovers that there is an alternative universe Rose after all and they all live happily ever after.

Just a thought, if Rose's dad is alive in this universe, maybe the Time Lords are too...
Well I finally watched last night's episode and I have to say (maybe due to the expectation of the return of my fave villans The Cybermen) that it wasn't my favourite episode. It had it's good moments but I just don't know about Ricky/Micky, either I don't like the character or the actor playing him and how he acts. The bit with just him and The Doctor in the Tardis was quite good and maybe this would be the best way to use him (if he stays as a comapnion after next week's episode) because when he and Rose are together with the Doctor it just doesn't work for me, it was like an older brother with two squabbling kids just before they split up. Maybe he'll grow on me like Rose has gradually but I'm not sure, he just doesn't seem to have much depth to him.
I'm a bit of a nostalgist and historian so I like hearing about the past Doctor Who adventures and want to know more about The Time Lords from the perspective of the last one of their kind, I do like it when the companions ask lots of questions (I know if it was me I would, to understand more and to feel like part of the Tardis crew) and The Doctor replies in detail. When The Doctor had Adric, Nyssa, Tegan, etc it was different companions from vastly different places and maybe in my eyes having two companions, same age, same area, past history together just doesn't work.
Anyway the episode was still good and I get the feeling that the second part will be twice as good as last night's, when they get the stories right with the right balance of plot, character development and depth, excitement, action and thrills it's still one of the best shows around and I think if Tennant stays and grows into the part over 4 or 5 years he could be as good as Davison (but not Tom Baker because I'm biased!!), he has promise, don't like the footwear though!!
So yes, this week I'll give it 7 out of 10, good and perfectly set up for next week.
P.S. It would be nice to if The Doctor showed off more of his power like was experimented with in the 80's with the 7th Doctor, maybe I didn't like the fact he didn't put up a fight against The Cybermen and next week we'll see his ingenuity, but I'm just thinking out loud rather than moaning lol, I still look forward to every week :lol:
bigphoot1 said:
Just a thought, if Rose's dad is alive in this universe, maybe the Time Lords are too...

And an alternative universe Doctor as well?
I loved the casual remark about "International Electromatics", a company led by a megalomaniac in the 1968 story "The Invasion" about the Cybermen trying to take over the world!
gordonrutter said:
Pietro_Mercurios said:
It does seem a bit odd. As I remember it, the Cybermen came from another planet all together, the planet Mondas, Earth's twin.
Who is to say this is not the way Mondas developed in the parallel universe?

Maybe this parallel Earth is Mondas? Maybe I'm thinking too much, and should just sit back and enjoy the show...
It does seem, though, that the writers of the new series have given serious consideration to previous stories, with references to things that happened 20 or 30 years ago on the BBC, so maybe this Mondas thing will get resolved next week.

One small criticism - SHUT UP ABOUT TORCHWOOD! WE GET IT! ENOUGH! There were at least two more mentions on Saturday. Is this supposed to be a sort of subliminal messaging for the viewers? Honestly, we know by now that there will be a new series at the end of the year called Torchwood, we now know that Shirley Valentine (er, sorry, Queen Victoria) set it up, we know that it was used in The Christmas Invasion to get rid of the Sycorax and we know (wink, wink) that it's an anagram of Doctor Who. Let it go! Let's have one week where the dreaded word does not get mentioned. Please! Is "Torchwood" this season's "Bad Wolf" or something?
Can I say that I really hate the rose character...I am so fed up with the populist chav promoting idea. Yeah, we get it...cor blimey. Kill her and bring back Sarah Jane. Micky? Micky? Well, I think he defined his own character a few weeks back: I'm the tin dog. Yes Micky you are, but without the acting talent. What I now look forward to in Doctor Who is the actors who can actually act, not the monkeys they get from stage schools who all sound the same (think Eastenders actors etc) - I've also noticed that because the esturine twang is no so ubiquitous, nobody, unless born to a posher family, can seem to master the vowels and consonants of an educated (read posher) accent. How sad.
GadaffiDuck said:
... I've also noticed that because the esturine twang is no so ubiquitous, nobody, unless born to a posher family, can seem to master the vowels and consonants of an educated (read posher) accent. How sad.
Why not tell us what you think, GaddafiDuck!

Thank goodness not everybody on TV still sounds like Jeremy bloody Clarkson-Paxman.

That's what I say. :rofl: