Our NY Post ran an article yesterday on someone who knew Lee Harvey Oswald during the year before the Kennedy assassination, describing a troubled man.
Pal reveals Lee Harvey Oswald’s weird, paranoid life one year before killing JFK
When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, graduate student Paul Gregory shared in the nation’s horror.
But his shock was compounded when, watching TV a couple hours later, he saw his former friend Lee Harvey Oswald in handcuffs for committing the assassination.
Even so, “within an hour, it made sense to me,” Gregory told The Post.
While Gregory had no inkling of Oswald’s plans, his former friend’s secretive nature, intelligence, grandiosity, inferiority complex and violent ways all added up to the picture of a lone-wolf assassin, he said.
“The next morning when the Secret Service came to question me, I told them, ‘I’m convinced he did it.’”
In his new book, “
The Oswalds: An Untold Account of Marina and Lee,” Gregory, 81, recalls his first evening in the company of Lee and his wife, Marina, when all three were in their 20s. Now a professor emeritus of economics at the University of Houston and a research fellow at Stanford, Gregory recalls the summer of 1962 when they spent significant time together.