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Who killed JFK?

  • Lee Harvey Oswald

    Votes: 33 28.7%
  • Mafia

    Votes: 7 6.1%

    Votes: 41 35.7%
  • Cubans

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • KGB

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • The Illuminati/Masons/Lizards

    Votes: 10 8.7%
  • all of the above

    Votes: 22 19.1%

  • Total voters
I have absolutely no doubt this is the case. But I'm interested in the fact that Connally's take on events - he heard the first shot that hit JFK, turned, was shot himself, then heard the final shot - is overlooked these days. What is the explanation debunking his first-hand testimony?
Brains reconstruct events that consist of sights and sounds post hoc, so although the witness might think they heard something simultaneously with some seen event they can easily be incorrect.
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Oswald (shooter) in a white shirt leaves from the West side and gets into the Nash Rambler. Oswald (patsy) in a brown shirt leaves from the East side and gets on a bus.

Oswald (shooter) in a white shirt leaves from the West side and gets into the Nash Rambler. Oswald (patsy) in a brown shirt leaves from the East side and gets on a bus.

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Some really interesting information about that theory in the article link below, Oswald was such a controversial figure.
But it's more than that, something strange seems to have been going on around him.
For example, this statement which is in the article:
"There is in fact a memo from J. Edgar Hoover written in 1960 saying “there is a possibility that an impostor is using Oswald’s birth certificate.”

I don't recall that there has ever been an explanation as to why Lee Harvey Oswald also carried an id of 'Alek J Hidell' in his wallet.
Just another strange fact in this case.
Brains reconstruct events that consist of sights and sounds post hoc, so although the witness might think they heard something simultaneously with some seen event they can easy be incorrect.
Yes, I guessed this would be the reasoning i.e. both Mr and Mrs Connally were simply mistaken. But the Warren Commission was very happy to accept any eye witness testimony that fit its stated hypothesis, and then debunk or completely ignore anything else that didn't. Personally, I don't think they were doing this to hide a "conspiracy" as such that they knew about. Rather, as LBJ and Hoover state in the tapes, they were keen to avoid aggravating Russia and causing a potential conflict.

I do think, if you look at the Zapruder film carefully, it looks like JFK is already hit when the limousine appears from behind the sign and Connally isn't for a frame or two after that.
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Yes, I guessed this would be the reasoning i.e. both Mr and Mrs Connally were simply mistaken. But the Warren Commission was very happy to accept to accept any eye witness testimony that fit its stated hypothesis, and then debunk or completely ignore anything else that didn't. Personally, I don't think they were doing this to hide a "conspiracy" as such that they knew about. Rather, as LBJ and Hoover state in the tapes, they were keen to avoid aggravating Russia and causing a potential conflict.

I do think, if you look at the Zapruder film carefully, it looks like JFK is already hit when the limousine appears from behind the sign and Connally isn't for a frame or two after that.
Exactly, Connally is still holding onto his hat and had not been shot in the wrist yet, JFK was already shot in the throat.
I don't recall that there has ever been an explanation as to why Lee Harvey Oswald also carried an id of 'Alek J Hidell' in his wallet.
Just another strange fact in this case.

It was a pseudonym he'd used before - e.g., for the purchaser / recipient of the mail order rifle. "Alek" was supposedly a nickname by which he was known during his time in the USSR. This 1964 New York Times article summarizes the known uses and poses the question of whether Oswald had a "split personality." Such speculations about Oswald were common following the JFK assassination.

The name of “Alek James Hidell” was on a Selective Service notice of classification and a Marine Corps certificate of service, both found in Oswald's wallet when he was arrested, according to the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination. On the Selective Service card was Oswald's photograph, with the signature “Alek J. Hidell” in what the commission said was his writing.

The rifle with which the commission says President Kennedy was shot was ordered and shipped by mail in the name of “A. Hidell,” of Dallas. Oswald's New Orleans post‐office box listed “A. J. Hidell” as entitled to receive mail. In Oswald's Dallas effects was a vaccination certificate signed by “Dr. A. J. Hideel,” a variation the commission said was an Oswald forgery.
Much confusion over his 'Hidell' identification, and police being interviewed about it, a very long article with quite a bit of information and documents:


"Lee Harvey Oswald – Alek James Hidell

While working on my forthcoming paper Anatomy of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Interrogations Vol. 3, which I hope to release in the Autumn of 2021, I came across some documents that made me take a closer look into the find of the Hidell ID and realised something was amiss. This then got me to investigate and trying to figure out how the Alek James Hidell ID came forward during the time that Oswald was incarcerated and interrogated by the DPD until his death. The ‘discovery’ of the Hidell ID on Nov 22 and the significant developments on the 23rd and 24th are this article’s primary focus. And things are not as they are meant to appear at all."
Here's an interesting video by a mortician over getting Kennedy's body from Parkland Hospital in Dallas to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland and ready for the viewing in the Rotunda.
Here's an interesting video by a mortician over getting Kennedy's body from Parkland Hospital in Dallas to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland and ready for the viewing in the Rotunda.
It is an interesting video, however I am not going to take this woman's word for it, 'There was no question in their minds that the bullets all came from the same direction' (regarding the autopsy report), just because she says so.
Dr. Charles Crenshaw was at Parkland Hospital that day and wrote a book 'Conspiracy of Silence' in 1992, stating that the head shot came from the front, JFK was shot right above the right temple and the bullet came out the back of his head.
Here's an interesting video by a mortician over getting Kennedy's body from Parkland Hospital in Dallas to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland and ready for the viewing in the Rotunda.
I'm a big fan of Caitlin, and her channel. I purchased the books etc.

In no exaggeration, she (remotely) encouraged me to formulate my 'death plan' and - frankly - helped me come to terms with the recent death of my eldest son.
Though his funeral, wake etc. is next week and I know it'll all kick off and become a farce. But her sense of realism and humour has helped me.
She was quoting Lt. Richard Lipsky, witness to the autopsy. https://countryroadsmagazine.com/art-and-culture/history/eyewitness-to-history/ That's the one whose word you are not going to take for it.

Her quote is a small part of the video, so I'll just stay on topic about this.
She's a professional, and experienced, mortician and not a conspiracy theorist. She always stays within her ... remit.
Though some of her videos on, say Graham Parsons etc. posit things from a ... disposal point of view.
I'm a big fan of Caitlin, and her channel. I purchased the books etc.

In no exaggeration, she (remotely) encouraged me to formulate my 'death plan' and - frankly - helped me come to terms with the recent death of my eldest son.
Though his funeral, wake etc. is next week and I know it'll all kick off and become a farce. But her sense of realism and humour has helped me.
I wish you all the best in this difficult time, Stormkhan.
I'm a big fan of Caitlin, and her channel. I purchased the books etc.

In no exaggeration, she (remotely) encouraged me to formulate my 'death plan' and - frankly - helped me come to terms with the recent death of my eldest son.
Though his funeral, wake etc. is next week and I know it'll all kick off and become a farce. But her sense of realism and humour has helped me.

My condolences, take care.
Thanks for your condolences.
It is what it is. I'm off for a few days for the funeral next week. After that, I can move on.

My point is, though, that Caitlin's approach - sympathetic, sensitive and yet with humour - fitted in with my own point of view.
I'm a big fan of Caitlin, and her channel. I purchased the books etc.

In no exaggeration, she (remotely) encouraged me to formulate my 'death plan' and - frankly - helped me come to terms with the recent death of my eldest son.
Though his funeral, wake etc. is next week and I know it'll all kick off and become a farce. But her sense of realism and humour has helped me.

I can't imagine what it is you are going through. My deepest condolences. I hope the next week passes quickly and the future is brighter.
Mike Franzese on his Youtube channel alleges mob involvement. All the people involved are dead so he is free to discuss which is interesting given his access to senior mob guys back in the day through his father and later his own mob career.
The then CIA director John McCone was an outside engineer put in as the CIA director under Kennedy which had some politicians not too happy about his background and character.

Ten days before Kennedy died, Kennedy and McCone were at odds about releasing UFO information to the public which is documented in a memo.

I suspect the CIA was involved with Kennedy’s death.

Rumors is that actress Marilyn Monroe knew too much which got herself killed by a rectal enema overdose which left no clues.
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Guy who knew Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife is publishing a book soon.




As a 21-year-old college student, I returned to my hometown of Ft. Worth for the summer of 1962. At the same time, an ex-marine defector to the USSR returned the Ft. Worth with his wife and infant daughter. I was thus thrown into the life and troubled marriage of Lee and Marina Oswald, as Lee struggled to fulfill his dreams of fame and Marina was introduced to a new life in the United States. Through the pretext of Russian language practice, I became a frequent visitor as they settled into their run-down Mercedes Street duplex. As their only visitor besides Lee’s brother, I got hints of Lee’s visions of grandeur, abuse of Marina, and her scornful dismissal of her “loser” husband. It was through my initiative that we introduced the couple to the “Dallas Russians,’ who took an immediate dislike to Lee, as they became determined to free Marina from her unfortunate husband.

I returned to college, and the Oswalds moved to Dallas. Other than reports from Dallas of Lee’s outrageous behavior, I did not hear or see them until shortly before Thanksgiving, as Lee used me as a pawn to get Marina to move back in with him. My last image of Lee and Marina was them running to the Dallas bus at the Ft. Worth bus station on Thanksgiving Day 1962. My next image was November 22, 1963, as a bruised Lee was dragged into Dallas police headquarters to my shock and horror. Sitting in front of a TV screen at Norman, Oklahoma, I immediately understood that Lee had done it, and why, and that he had done it alone. I had ample opportunity to express my reasons before the US Secret Service and the Warren Commission. I was picked up early morning the day after the assassination as a ”known associate” of one Lee Harvey Oswald.

This book combines my experiences with Lee and Marina with the testimonies found in the tens of thousands of pages of the Warren Commission report, a reading to Lee’s largely unknown writing on socialism and communism, and Oswald’s KGB file. Some of the most important insights come from my father’s account of translating for Marina at a hideout arranged by the Secret Service in the week following the assassination as the FBI and Secret Service clashed and Lee’s mother went off the rails.

I largely refrained from writing on my experiences with the Oswalds because my parents both considered our association with a Marine deserter and communist to be shameful and best not talked about. Virtually everyone I write about is now gone; so it is time to tell the story.
That sounds terrible.
A guy who once knew Oswald says he was the only shooter; I immediately understood that Lee had done it, and why, and that he had done it alone. Brilliant.
And Oswald was court-martialed from the Marines.
Robert Kennedy,Jr. along with other people have filed a lawsuit against the government to release more JFK information.

Some experts believe this will never happen since it would expose a few CIA agents who went “ rogue “ during that time period.

This happened during Trump’s presidency and he stopped this same lawsuit.
Our NY Post ran an article yesterday on someone who knew Lee Harvey Oswald during the year before the Kennedy assassination, describing a troubled man.

Pal reveals Lee Harvey Oswald’s weird, paranoid life one year before killing JFK​

When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, graduate student Paul Gregory shared in the nation’s horror.

But his shock was compounded when, watching TV a couple hours later, he saw his former friend Lee Harvey Oswald in handcuffs for committing the assassination.

Even so, “within an hour, it made sense to me,” Gregory told The Post.

While Gregory had no inkling of Oswald’s plans, his former friend’s secretive nature, intelligence, grandiosity, inferiority complex and violent ways all added up to the picture of a lone-wolf assassin, he said.

“The next morning when the Secret Service came to question me, I told them, ‘I’m convinced he did it.’”

In his new book, “The Oswalds: An Untold Account of Marina and Lee,” Gregory, 81, recalls his first evening in the company of Lee and his wife, Marina, when all three were in their 20s. Now a professor emeritus of economics at the University of Houston and a research fellow at Stanford, Gregory recalls the summer of 1962 when they spent significant time together.

The definition of Nothing Burger, that article. The latest in a long line of them in the MSM about JFK. Notice that the salient question about why the Dallas Russians would show ANY interest in a failed defector and left-wing agitator is never asked or even implied. I cannot imagine why.