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Any form of surveillance by the authorities can be made out to be innocuous, if not even beneficial, until it isn't.

I don't like the idea of the State being able, for one instance, to track the movements of my car and I in real time.

maximus otter
I don't think MI5 will be too concerned with your daily routine Max;

Shooting range, nail salon, Greggs, pub, bingo, sex shop
Shooting range, nail salon, Greggs, pub, bingo, sex shop
Any form of surveillance by the authorities can be made out to be innocuous, if not even beneficial, until it isn't.

I don't like the idea of the State being able, for one instance, to track the movements of my car and I in real time.

maximus otter
I understand that. But really, is the State ever going to check up on your whereabouts? Unless it's necessary? As a single woman who goes out alone most of the time, I am quite happy at the thought that someone might be able to find me should I go missing or someone try to abduct me (although how they'd manage that without industrial strength drugs and a sack truck I'm not sure). I'm not doing anything that anyone would be interested in watching, but I might just need rescuing at some point.
If you watch any modern day police documentary you can see that it's almost impossible to get away with a major crime, I watched The Merseyside Detectives about the investigation into the shooting of the little girl and a woman, in the shooting of the woman they showed that the criminals actually turned off their mobiles when they were committing the crime and then turned then back on when making their escape, it wasn't a vital bit of evidence but it added up to the case, but CCTV and ANPR were vital in proving the case