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Well that information would only be pertinent if they needed to watch a middle aged bloke going about his business, I don’t think I am of any interest to them, plus they can only get that information with a warrant or a court order, now if we lived in a more dictatorial country you would have a very good point
I admire your trust. I don't have any .
I admit a distrust of procedures being applied such as warrants and court orders, especially from current news affairs but I'm not sure we've descended into totalitarianism ... yet.
As I said. I admire your trust. We are within a hair's width of people who promulgate contrarian views being debanked and made non people. Why should I believe what 'people' say I should believe? I don't. I accept I could be completely wrong, but don't try and shut me up. I've never run with the crowd and I'm not starting now and surely Forteans should understand that.
I accept I could be completely wrong, but don't try and shut me up. I've never run with the crowd and I'm not starting now and surely Forteans should understand that.
I hope you didn't think that was what I was trying to do. I have no right - nor ability - to shut anyone up. I may disagree with your views but they're yours to have. I do reserve the right, however, to poke fun or mildly question them. That's not gagging you in the slightest. You do you, and I'll do me - I don't want to persuade you otherwise, nor do I want to push my views onto you.
I hope you didn't think that was what I was trying to do. I have no right - nor ability - to shut anyone up. I may disagree with your views but they're yours to have. I do reserve the right, however, to poke fun or mildly question them. That's not gagging you in the slightest. You do you, and I'll do me - I don't want to persuade you otherwise, nor do I want to push my views onto you.
Sorry. I meant 'them', not you. I am , I suspect like many on here, a very private person. I don't want anyone to know anything about me unless I give them permission. A smartphone tracks wherever you go, and I dislike that very much.
Here's something I was told in around 2004/5 by a passing acquaintance - that one's mobile can ping a nearby tower/source and hence be 'tracked' even when turned off. They told me if I really wanted to not have this happen, that you had to remove the battery as well.

This was the era between smartphones and basic phones, so phones with keypads and rudimentary WAP access, and around the start of the Blackberry popularity.

Was he talking guff or not? It sounds fairly logical to me but I am in no way an expert at mobile tech!
Here's something I was told in around 2004/5 by a passing acquaintance - that one's mobile can ping a nearby tower/source and hence be 'tracked' even when turned off. They told me if I really wanted to not have this happen, that you had to remove the battery as well.

This was the era between smartphones and basic phones, so phones with keypads and rudimentary WAP access, and around the start of the Blackberry popularity.

Was he talking guff or not? It sounds fairly logical to me but I am in no way an expert at mobile tech!
I was reading an article the other week about a guy in Gaza who was being contacted by Shin Bet (Israel's MI5) with instructions on getting people out of certain buildings and he said that even when he had a flat battery and/or no signal they still were able to get through to his phone.
Sorry. I meant 'them', not you. I am , I suspect like many on here, a very private person. I don't want anyone to know anything about me unless I give them permission. A smartphone tracks wherever you go, and I dislike that very much.
I get what you're saying but I doubt that with hundreds of millions of mobile phones in use, phones will only be tracked if someone becomes a "person of interest" as the authorities put it. Having said that, being paranoid doesn't mean there is nothing to be paranoid about as the old saying goes. I do sometimes wonder why local, county and UK authorities keep showing so much interest in my life (when there's beggar all of interest in it). When do I become a "person of interest"?
This was the era between smartphones and basic phones, so phones with keypads and rudimentary WAP access, and around the start of the Blackberry popularity.

Was he talking guff or not? It sounds fairly logical to me but I am in no way an expert at mobile tech!
When a mobile phone is switched off it sends a 'goodbye' signal which is picked up by the nearest mast. So even if the battery is removed the phone's last location can be roughly deduced.

This fact helped convict the child murderer Ian Huntley in Soham. Flukily, his garden was the only part of the village covered by the particular mast that received the 'goodbye' signal when Huntley switched off a victim's phone.
I was reading an article the other week about a guy in Gaza who was being contacted by Shin Bet (Israel's MI5) with instructions on getting people out of certain buildings and he said that even when he had a flat battery and/or no signal they still were able to get through to his phone.
Yep I read that and was wondering whether to post it on here. I mentioned it to a friend who said she'd seen a documentary a few years ago about said technology having been developed (ie your phone could be taken over) and that the developers were in fact from Israel. I'd vaguely remembered reading something about it as well but wondered if it could have been on a conspiracy theory thread on here or fb rather than MSM, so neither of us were surprised but .... mmm.
Yep I read that and was wondering whether to post it on here. I mentioned it to a friend who said she'd seen a documentary a few years ago about said technology having been developed (ie your phone could be taken over) and that the developers were in fact from Israel. I'd vaguely remembered reading something about it as well but wondered if it could have been on a conspiracy theory thread on here or fb rather than MSM, so neither of us were surprised but .... mmm.
The Israelis are pretty thorough (until recently).
It takes me at least two hours to clear customs....................
Wile our authority's may have to jump through allsorts of hoops to track/tap
and so on your phone, there is nothing to stop a friendly foreign power from
doing it and passing into on, though you would have to be quite naughty to
make it worth their time,
Techy called it in 2006.

Registrering your phone will not make any difference anyway soon.
as the phone will contain technology to relay your RFID information from your ID card back to the Galileo Sateleite trackinf system, thereby giving your exact location to one metre or so in real time.
Most cars in production will also have a an RFID transponder and GPS location device as standard.

there are benefits to people and drawbacks

The emergency services would be able to find accidents victims
easier, and would know how many where traveling in the car at the time of the crash.

We were looking at this article from Sky News today. It starts with a discussion of an abuser's use of an app called mSpy.
Such apps are marketed to parents who need access to their children's phone activity and whereabouts.

'I thought I'd been microchipped': How abusers spy on partners with 'parental control' apps

Software marketed as tools to keep children safe may not be all it seems - with some apps exploited by domestic abusers. Survivors speak to Sky News about the impact of being secretly tracked and monitored via their mobile phones.

"I felt like my entire life had been ripped from me," she says. "They could see everywhere I'd been. Every person I'd spoken to. Everything in my diary. Stuff to the police and to court."

mSpy is what is known as stalkerware: software covertly installed on someone's phone so they can be monitored remotely.

The most common features of these apps include tracking someone's location, spying on messages and calls, remotely activating their camera and viewing social media and browsing history, according to researchers at Montreal's Concordia University, who identify mSpy as stalkerware.
An interesting point is that installing spyware without the phone owner's knowledge or consent is intrinsically abusive.

Had similar in my own family. The police took it seriously enough to peremptorily confiscate a car tracker and advise my relation not to return home as they were in immediate danger.

Techy and I have the Life360 that's mentioned. When it works it's highly reassuring.
An officer of the law tells me that the mobile phone has been a great help in solving many crimes they would solve a lot more if they had the resources, yes your phone is tracking you and they can triangulate your location from what masts you ping other than not owning one there is very little you can do about it
Well there are a couple of things here. The network know where you are, to the nearest mast, because it has to, by definition.
Secondly, there's your shitty Google / Apple GPS thing constantly phoning home to the mothership.
Well there are a couple of things here. The network know where you are, to the nearest mast, because it has to, by definition.
Secondly, there's your shitty Google / Apple GPS thing constantly phoning home to the mothership.
Someone stated they were amazed at how Google maps and Waze (google owned) know the traffic conditions, they do because they are constantly broadcasting your exact location and speed, someone somewhere knows exactly where you are at any given moment, and there nothing you can do unless you decide to go off grid completely, but it’s what they do with the information, I guess in a democratic liberal society not a lot except target advertising but if things turn out differently

On the subject of criminals and mobile phones the smarter ones are ahead of the game they know that every government will have back door access to encrypted services like WhatsApp (that’s why EncroChat was formed) and they only use burner phones
An officer of the law tells me that the mobile phone has been a great help in solving many crimes they would solve a lot more if they had the resources, yes your phone is tracking you and they can triangulate your location from what masts you ping other than not owning one there is very little you can do about it
On the plus side, you might have an alibi if necessary.
Though in my experience from working in the Courts it's hard for the defence to prove anything with a mobile phone.
In 2020, Berlin-based artist named Simon Weckert conducted an experiment where he put 99 smartphones into a cart and wheeled them around the streets of Berlin. Each phone had Google Maps running, and as he moved the cart, it tricked Google Maps into thinking there was a traffic jam in the area. This caused the app to reroute drivers to avoid the non-existent traffic.
It's why the bad guys use burner phones they make 1 or 2 calls and get rid,
first call they are detected second call it is confirmed if you make a third
and you are deemed worth the money you've got trouble.

Just like taking the third light was considered bad luck in the trenches.
It's why the bad guys use burner phones they make 1 or 2 calls and get rid,
first call they are detected second call it is confirmed if you make a third
and you are deemed worth the money you've got trouble.

Just like taking the third light was considered bad luck in the trenches.
On the Novosibirsk Metro we saw hundreds of discarded SIMs all over the platform floors. Looked suspicious!
A shop nearby sells mobile phones that are only an inch high, and which come with hidden number and voice changer. For entirely legitimate purposes I am sure.
A shop nearby sells mobile phones that are only an inch high, and which come with hidden number and voice changer. For entirely legitimate purposes I am sure.
Nanophone,probably a Zanco,you can also improvise a phone blocker by carrying your phone in an empty crisp packet,doesn't ping on a tower.
One aspect that worries me is people reporting on a crime in progress. If you see something and call the police, there will probably be a record of your phone number. How long before the criminal gets hold of that number and tracks you down?
In all the conspiracy-theory laden talk about people being tracked, don't forget how many deceased people are found by their mobile phone, that otherwise might have lain dead-but-missing for years.
I'm with you there catseye. Police here are doing a marvelous job bringing murderers to justice via mobile phone tracking.

Regarding fear of being tracked, police forces world wide have better and more important things to do than spend time and money tracking law abiding Joe Citizen.

The hard core conspiracy theorists may be surprised to learn nobody gives a sh*t about them.
Nobody is going to waste precious time and resources tracking persons of no interest.
We seem to be spending a lot of money on CCTV, ANPR, etc., though.

maximus otter
But certainly in the case of our shop, these aren't for tracking people generally, they are to look at if something bad happens, to help find out what happened. Nobody is just watching them 24/7. They are recording 24/7 but that's against something dreadful happening and needing to be recorded.
But certainly in the case of our shop, these aren't for tracking people generally, they are to look at if something bad happens, to help find out what happened. Nobody is just watching them 24/7. They are recording 24/7 but that's against something dreadful happening and needing to be recorded.

Any form of surveillance by the authorities can be made out to be innocuous, if not even beneficial, until it isn't.

I don't like the idea of the State being able, for one instance, to track the movements of my car and I in real time.

maximus otter