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Spammers' Gate


Parish Watch
Staff member
Oct 29, 2002
East of Suez
A new thread dedicated to the display of the dismembered parts of our most interesting former members.

First up is tranthanh12324--a name that just rolls off the tongue. Hailing from sunny Hanoi, tranthanh12324 professes a career in marketing, but her profile gallery shows where the heart of this unusual twenty-four-year-old really lies: intimate relations with plush toys.


Alas, everything she has attempted to write in her profile appears to be composed of a kind of typographic alphabetti spaghetti and we have reluctantly decided to part company with her.
A new thread dedicated to the display of the dismembered parts of our most interesting former members.

First up is tranthanh12324--a name that just rolls off the tongue. Hailing from sunny Hanoi, tranthanh12324 professes a career in marketing, but her profile gallery shows where the heart of this unusual twenty-four-year-old really lies: intimate relations with plush toys.

Alas, everything she has attempted to write in her profile appears to be composed of a kind of typographic alphabetti spaghetti and we have reluctantly decided to part company with her.

Do you have her email address? Asking for a friend.
Today I'd like to present, Philipadzy from the wilds of Lagos. While he hasn't supplied such stimulating visual material as our previous subject, he has revealed the following: My name is Adebayo Shola, this appeared to be a good forum..

Good, we discover, for the purpose of selling us toilets; in fact, he runs a website dedicated solely to the review and sale of toilets and would really like us to visit. Unfortunately, my having just condemned him to the virtual dustbin, his numerous links are no longer available.

I'll give you a taster:

Obviously, a house without any toilet looks very incomplete and for sure flushing all waste particles will be very impossible without a standard toilet system. It is discovered that some toilets might need a certain level of pumping than can limit the ability of some toilets to work because they just don’t meet the pumping requirements.

A good toilet system will for sure help you in saving lot of water for every flush. Having such toilet will for sure be of a great benefit to you as they will not only help in saving water but also saving some cash that are meant to be used for bill. You can as well go off the web and get a perfect toilet if you wish. Either way, you’ll for sure get a toilet that can completely suit you right here as well.

Finally, one of the benefits of having a toilet at home is you will be receiving a great comfort. A good toilet should be good enough so that you don’t have to have any negative effect on your skin or leg and should be a noise free toilet as well.

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Today I'd like to present, Philipadzy from the wilds of Lagos. While he hasn't supplied such stimulating visual entertaining as our previous subject, he has revealed the following: My name is Adebayo Shola, this appeared to be a good forum..

Good, we discover, for the purpose of selling us toilets; in fact, he runs a website dedicated solely to the review and sale of toilets and would really like us to visit. Unfortunately, my having just condemned him to the virtual dustbin, his numerous links are no longer available.

I'll give you a taster:

Obviously, a house without any toilet looks very incomplete and for sure flushing all waste particles will be very impossible without a standard toilet system. It is discovered that some toilets might need a certain level of pumping than can limit the ability of some toilets to work because they just don’t meet the pumping requirements.

A good toilet system will for sure help you in saving lot of water for every flush. Having such toilet will for sure be of a great benefit to you as they will not only help in saving water but also saving some cash that are meant to be used for bill. You can as well go off the web and get a perfect toilet if you wish. Either way, you’ll for sure get a toilet that can completely suit you right here as well.

Finally, one of the benefits of having a toilet at home is you will be receiving a great comfort. A good toilet should be good enough so that you don’t have to have any negative effect on your skin or leg and should be a noise free toilet as well.

A toilet actually inside my house ? .. this is clearly witchcraft ..
Today I'd like to present, Philipadzy from the wilds of Lagos. While he hasn't supplied such stimulating visual material as our previous subject, he has revealed the following: My name is Adebayo Shola, this appeared to be a good forum..

Good, we discover, for the purpose of selling us toilets; in fact, he runs a website dedicated solely to the review and sale of toilets and would really like us to visit. Unfortunately, my having just condemned him to the virtual dustbin, his numerous links are no longer available.

I'll give you a taster:

Obviously, a house without any toilet looks very incomplete and for sure flushing all waste particles will be very impossible without a standard toilet system. It is discovered that some toilets might need a certain level of pumping than can limit the ability of some toilets to work because they just don’t meet the pumping requirements.

A good toilet system will for sure help you in saving lot of water for every flush. Having such toilet will for sure be of a great benefit to you as they will not only help in saving water but also saving some cash that are meant to be used for bill. You can as well go off the web and get a perfect toilet if you wish. Either way, you’ll for sure get a toilet that can completely suit you right here as well.

Finally, one of the benefits of having a toilet at home is you will be receiving a great comfort. A good toilet should be good enough so that you don’t have to have any negative effect on your skin or leg and should be a noise free toilet as well.

Not a chance in Bigphoot Towers. "Hey! Are you watching Blazing Saddles in there?"
Today we welcomed and said farewell to CharlesChaplin from Hyderabad.


Charles is a CEO of something or other, but his true love is comedy. He clearly has a deep love and understanding of the art as he has left the following insight for us:

Comedy is a literary genre and a type of dramatic work that is amusing and satirical in its tone, mostly having a cheerful ending.

And indeed, a visit to the site that he has linked to multiple times gives us the following comical gem:
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"Readymade iPhone whatever / asymmetrical dreamcatcher / fingerstache Helvetica" is such a great commentary song on hipster culture. I think. It even rhymes.
Fingerstache? I had to look that one up.
Mumblecore, too.
A new thread dedicated to the display of the dismembered parts of our most interesting former members.

First up is tranthanh12324--a name that just rolls off the tongue. Hailing from sunny Hanoi, tranthanh12324 professes a career in marketing, but her profile gallery shows where the heart of this unusual twenty-four-year-old really lies: intimate relations with plush toys.

Alas, everything she has attempted to write in her profile appears to be composed of a kind of typographic alphabetti spaghetti and we have reluctantly decided to part company with her.

I like those cats... The bear is quite good, but I do like those cats. I think a "whatever typewriter" might also make a nice ornament. And "craft beer" is good. But I like the cats.
And Penny Lee from Foshan, China has left the Fortean building. It was a tough decision with testimonials of such luminous quality for her shower-booth company:

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I don't understand the popularity of Lorem Ipsum's work. Maybe I'm just too old. I tried reading one of his short stories. Didn't make it very far. Looked like a lot of gibberish to me.
I don't understand the popularity of Lorem Ipsum's work. Maybe I'm just too old. I tried reading one of his short stories. Didn't make it very far. Looked like a lot of gibberish to me.


Is that the chap from Bonanza and Battlestar Galactica?
I don't understand the popularity of Lorem Ipsum's work. Maybe I'm just too old. I tried reading one of his short stories. Didn't make it very far. Looked like a lot of gibberish to me.
He does have a prodigious output. He may be paid by the word, pulp mag style.

Is that the chap from Bonanza and Battlestar Galactica?

Hmmm. I'm not sure. Never saw Ben Cartwright as a stream-of-unconsciousness type, but you never know. Jed Clampett was quite the dancer.
And farewell to DariusPerez after two well-spent minutes as a member. He works for a company that promises you will:

Experience a new way of doing your homework
The essay experts are here to write everything you need.
The 'new way of doing your homework', it transpires, is to pay somebody else do your homework, which is actually a rather 'old way' of getting it done.

And here we have the glorious prose of those essay experts who are rubbing their hands eagerly at the prospect of securing you your all-important A-Grade!


To Do Homework is Not a Problem Anymore!
However, not all subjects are exciting and fascinating, but rather boring and useless. Still, you are to do homework given by teachers of that disciplines and “interesting” is not the right adjective to describe your home tasks. Usually, you are to do tons of monotonous exercises, write hundreds of letters and essays, do not extremely interesting projects and read numerous books, whose genres do not appeal to you. It takes you a lot of time to do homework, which is not inspiring at all. Even if you are enthusiastic about studying and ready to spend whole days just to impress your teacher and get excellent marks, themes may be hard to understand, tasks – complex and hard nuts to crack.

We all know how convivial school days could be as you spend a lot of time with your friends and classmates doing things you all enjoy, laughing at numerous jokes and making up your one ones, getting involved in numerous fun stories. However, this bright and cheerful picture is spoiled by piles of homework, which are to be done after each class. It does not allow you to live on full scale and enjoy all the advantages of juvenility, as education is your duty and it promises to give you attractive perspectives in the future.


I think we all wish that our juvenility had been filled with convivial school days, during which we would laugh at numerous jokes and live life on full scale while not neglecting those attractive perspectives in the future.
We've just lost a member from Vietnam promoting this new luxury development.
I'm sure it'll look exactly like these artist's impressions...

Chung-cu-6th-Element-05.jpg Chung-cu-6th-Element-06.jpg Chung-cu-6th-Element-09.jpg Chung-cu-6th-Element-08.jpg
I don't understand the popularity of Lorem Ipsum's work. Maybe I'm just too old. I tried reading one of his short stories. Didn't make it very far. Looked like a lot of gibberish to me.
This one's very popular:
i find lorem ipsum strangely comforting whenever i come across it, genuinely glad that as a design tool/motif it hasnt just faded away ...
i find lorem ipsum strangely comforting whenever i come across it, genuinely glad that as a design tool/motif it hasnt just faded away ...
Exactly so...it reminds me of those far-off days of ClarisWorks on a Macintosh Classic.

2018-02-19 10.34.44.png

However.... lorem ipsum predates even Locoscript, Speedscript, Wordwise or MASS on a VAX VMS...

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
i find lorem ipsum strangely comforting whenever i come across it, genuinely glad that as a design tool/motif it hasnt just faded away ...

It's become one of those curious 'usual suspects' when some sort of illustration of text is needed. We used it as the demo text in some design mockups as recently as 2016 / 2017.
We still use it all the time as placeholder text - in fact, I used it on an intranet wireframe this morning!
i find lorem ipsum strangely comforting whenever i come across it, genuinely glad that as a design tool/motif it hasnt just faded away ...
I use it whenever I'm working out a document layout. The version I use is different from the one posted by Vardoger.
Rivastark--the lady with the fungal face-infection--was (until recently) offering (still more) essay-writing services.


It's your standard ludicrous setup but with this amusingly false disclaimer:

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