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Makes a change. In ST:TOS, all Romulans were depicted as bad, without honour, nasty... you sometimes wonder how their civilisation ever functioned. Same issue with the Klingons.
Actually, Romulans have always been depicted as living in a culture that is not friendly to outsiders and accepts political and other leaders who are ruthless and untrustworthy. Hmmm.
^ Politics! ^
Apparently the same with Cardassians. We do meet a few scientists from Cardassia and from Kronos over the years and they are written as more "human". I don't remember meeting any non-political or military Romulans (not counting Picard, which is comic-book presentation.)
Apparently the same with Cardassians. We do meet a few scientists from Cardassia and from Kronos over the years and they are written as more "human". I don't remember meeting any non-political or military Romulans (not counting Picard, which is comic-book presentation.)
DS9 was a bit more sympathetic towards Cardassians, generally.
Makes a change. In ST:TOS, all Romulans were depicted as bad, without honour, nasty... you sometimes wonder how their civilisation ever functioned. Same issue with the Klingons.

The Romulans were based on the Roman Empire - and that wasn't all bad...

Gul Dukat & Garak are great characters; some of the Cardassians in TNG were practically cardboard cut-outs.
Oh I agree that they're great characters. But Dukat is a murderous maniac, and Garak ethically questionable... on a good day. Ocett didn't get a lot of screen time, which lends to her being seen as a "cardboard" character, but the episode only really focuses on her for 5 minutes. Macet, is far more interesting. in part because ti's the same actor who played Dukat, but also because the role is someone who's genuinely trying to do the right thing, but has a difficult task.
The new ST cartoon looks absolutely hilarious:

And by hilarious, I mean laugh-free and hacky. I'm never very sure about ST's sense of humour, and this has made me even more sceptical.
I sense a great disturbance in the Force:

The, er, space force. Of Trek.
I thought it was amusing. After watching the trailer several times I realized that the scenes are not only short clips not in proper order but from several different episodes to make things even more confusing. Hypothesis:

There's an ep focused around the arrival of the main cast(well three of them) on the ship( USS Cerritos). half of the bits with the green girl(Tendi) are from here. This seems to be the one listed as named "Second Contact" since we see a short clip of two of the senior staff mentioning that. This might also be the ep the scenes on the crystal planet with the spear wielding natives comes from.

There's a bunch of scenes of the crew dealing with some sort of black goo that makes people crazy. (ep named Moist Vessel?)

There's some other scenes like talking to a bug in a jar, and getting attacked by giant spider? things in a jungle that don't seem to be part of either of those. I think the trailer has bits of all four of the first 4 episodes. ("Envoys" and "Temporal Edict" are the other two)

EDIT: second trailer:

This is all from the first ep and more like a piece of an episode than a bunch of random clips.
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Yeah, I saw that too and Rick & Morty do it a lot funnier and sharper. Even the 1970s cartoon was funnier, and that didn't have any jokes in it.
Well, (Janeway) was Admiral in Nemesis so there could be a bit of time-line juggling.
At the end of Voyager, the older Janeway goes back in time and alters the outcome of the Voyager/Borg skirmish, dying in the process, however the younger Janeway as a result lives in the altered timeline. Voyager gets a lot of flak, but I've always thought it was much closer in spirit to TOS than TNG. It was out on its own, its isolation forced it to adapt and respond. With TNG you always get the impression they could be home by Tuesday if they want.
I am now watching Discovery and am pleasantly surprised. What a delight to see Michelle Yeoh in action. Decent acting. A plot. Interesting and appealing characters. Standard ST visuals. Can't wait to see how she gets out of this one
Discovery is absolutely terrific - series two meshed so well with TOS, had the same spirit, well-developed, rounded characters and genuine tension. Can't wait for S3.
Makes a change. In ST:TOS, all Romulans were depicted as bad, without honour, nasty... you sometimes wonder how their civilisation ever functioned.
The Romulans were based on the Roman Empire - and that wasn't all bad...
Yeah, it was a simplistic comparison in TOS. remember the first sight of a Romulan, when they appear on screen, and Spock has to explain that they are connected to Vulcans, a pretty basic Vulcans = Greeks, Romulans = erm = Romans, classical powers with respectively intellectual vs imperial social emphasis.

Picard. I'm on Episode 5 (late to the game, I've had way too much RL work to do). It's not really gelling for me: Patrick Stewart is brilliant as ever but he needs more to do rather than an elderly Jean Luc Picard impersonation, and I'm always glad to see Jeri Ryan albeit fleetingly, but the pace is too stately for its own good. I'll stay with it though.
Lots of stuff about the three proposed movies online today. Looks like Noah Hawley's pandemic one is postponed (can't think why), Quentin Tarantino's gangster planet (really) is too, so that leaves a follow-up to ST Beyond from JJ Abrams the most likely one to go ahead. But really, what is going ahead in Hollywood right now?
Neelix aside Voyager was good. Better than DS9 and all of its silly aliens.

Neelix made me shudder! :rollingw:
Voyager was great despite some of its silly episodes, for example the Janeway/Paris lizard babies one. I did have some issues with the ending though, just wish it had been done in a slightly different way.

I'm currently working my way through TNG as I'm a bit of an 'amateur trekkie', I've nearly reached Picard becoming a Borg so I'm excited for that. One of my friends raves about DS9 but I'm not convinced it's worth the time investment... my parents never rated it. I tried discovery but I couldn't get into it, the appearance of the Klingons really confused me tbh, I'm going to give it another go though.
Neelix made me shudder! :rollingw:
Voyager was great despite some of its silly episodes, for example the Janeway/Paris lizard babies one. I did have some issues with the ending though, just wish it had been done in a slightly different way.

I'm currently working my way through TNG as I'm a bit of an 'amateur trekkie', I've nearly reached Picard becoming a Borg so I'm excited for that. One of my friends raves about DS9 but I'm not convinced it's worth the time investment... my parents never rated it. I tried discovery but I couldn't get into it, the appearance of the Klingons really confused me tbh, I'm going to give it another go though.
The basic premise of Voyager virtually ensured that it'd have *insert space magic here* in the ending. There's no way the writers are going to write out a plot that actually covers 70 years, so for the crew to get home they'd have to find a short cut.

Voyager had some WIERD plots.... like a race of beings that use some sort of crude teleportation tech to inter their dead in the rings of some planet. Then Voyager finds that the process was somehow creating an element they'd never seen or heard of before...
Yes Enterprise was the pits. Zero acting, zero script... Kept waiting for the beagle to appear again as a high point. The only other real saving grace was that Jeff Combs was finally given a character with a through-story (not seven characters, some simultaneous), he's a good actor and was able to bring the cardboard script alive, mostly. You have to give credit to the folks who appear over and over in the special effects makeup, a few starting out in TOS, it's very hard to sell a real character, especially its non-humanity, when you're covered with goop.
Yes Enterprise was the pits. Zero acting, zero script...
I remember watching it with high hopes ... but the incredibly ill-placed theme music hit so many nerves, I watched less in appreciation and more in stunned silence. You know that scene in the original The Producers where an entire Broadway audience sat in stunned, opened mouth horror? That was the shared experience of many viewers.
Yup - the most important thing in a TV series is it's plot, the acting drawing in the audience to care about the characters and so on. But after the hype, many ST fans just listened to the opening music and gasped "what the actual f*ck? Are they doing Easy Rider in space? When does Bon Jovi come on to the command deck?"
So after "initial reception", they had to insert a hawt Vulcan woman in her undies thing to get fanboys interested. :rolleyes:
I remember watching it with high hopes ... but the incredibly ill-placed theme music hit so many nerves, I watched less in appreciation and more in stunned silence. You know that scene in the original The Producers where an entire Broadway audience sat in stunned, opened mouth horror? That was the shared experience of many viewers.
Yup - the most important thing in a TV series is it's plot, the acting drawing in the audience to care about the characters and so on. But after the hype, many ST fans just listened to the opening music and gasped "what the actual f*ck? Are they doing Easy Rider in space? When does Bon Jovi come on to the command deck?"
So after "initial reception", they had to insert a hawt Vulcan woman in her undies thing to get fanboys interested. :rolleyes:
They figured it worked in Voyager, all they need is a woman in a cat suit. I'm trying to find a nice way to say this, but Jeri Ryan looked good in her cat suit.
Trek has always had eye candy just for the sake of it... except maybe DS9... maybe. Seriously the female outfits in TOS and TNG were pretty... interesting.
Trek has always had eye candy just for the sake of it... except maybe DS9... maybe. Seriously the female outfits in TOS and TNG were pretty... interesting.

The early TNG ones were fantastic.

Troi in a mini-skirt and calf-length boots looked like a go-go dancer.
No Trek will ever plumb the depths of Enterprise. I had to pretend it was an extended Quantum Leap to get through it.

I really liked Quantum Leap when I was young. Does it still stand up? I'm reluctant to investigate...
It is amazing how religious most of the QL stories are. I didn't really remember that from watching it when it originally aired, but I still quite enjoyed re-watching the first series recently.
So today's Lower Decks... A plot: Boimler and Mariner try to escort a Klingon dignitary to a Federation Embassy for a meeting. They end up wandering around an alien colony and meet all sorts of aliens.

B plot: Tendi wants to hang out with Rutherford, and Rutherford's schedule as an engineer causes him to try to find a new job on ship so that he has more time to hang out with her.

The weird aliens... SO MANY races we've not seen recently. a Vendorian, Kaelons, a Lurian, and more! :D
So today's Lower Decks... A plot: Boimler and Mariner try to escort a Klingon dignitary to a Federation Embassy for a meeting. They end up wandering around an alien colony and meet all sorts of aliens.

B plot: Tendi wants to hang out with Rutherford, and Rutherford's schedule as an engineer causes him to try to find a new job on ship so that he has more time to hang out with her.

The weird aliens... SO MANY races we've not seen recently. a Vendorian, Kaelons, a Lurian, and more! :D

Why does pretty well every race depicted in ST (Ferengi excepted) end with an 'N'?

As for Voyager, that almost ruined the whole ST franchise for me, as I took an instant dislike to old Ms gravel voice and the ridiculous buffoon Neelix. The whole "odd couple" antagonism between Neelix and Tuvok was nothing short of cringeworthy. The doctor (EMH) had potential, but seemed to achieve sentience far too quickly and was often merely used as a comic foil. Gross overuse of that implausible Macguffin the holodeck, made for plenty of cheap and disposable scripts too.
For me, TNG was the high point of the whole saga, with Voyager and Enterprise vying for the wooden spoon.
I really liked Quantum Leap when I was young. Does it still stand up? I'm reluctant to investigate...
It is amazing how religious most of the QL stories are. I didn't really remember that from watching it when it originally aired, but I still quite enjoyed re-watching the first series recently.
Me too - it did get a little repetitive from time to time in later series, but there were some decidedly Fortean episodes, some that had quite deep philosophical themes, and the finale was (I thought) brilliantly done and actually quite touching.
As for Voyager, that almost ruined the whole ST franchise for me, as I took an instant dislike to old Ms gravel voice and the ridiculous buffoon Neelix. The whole "odd couple" antagonism between Neelix and Tuvok was nothing short of cringeworthy.
Once they ditched Neelix and Kes it got considerably better, and whilst I agree there are some episodes that are instantly forgettable / trite / cringeworthy, there are some that genuinely well done (the encounter with Species 8472 was worthy of any Trek series, the Vear turning out to be evolved Hadrosaurs that had left Earth 70 million years ago was cleverly done, etc) and the final series actually concluded it satisfyingly.