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Parish Watch
Staff member
Oct 29, 2002
East of Suez
Not a lot to go on, but the author seems to be Lucian Landau, psychic investigator, medium, dowser and condom pioneer!


I'm on a phone at the moment. Can anybody rustle up an image of the location?
Very good.

Lamps still in situ, too.
It looks as if the layout may have changed a bit (or even the numbering) but could she have gone down some of the steps to a basement level and either entered the building or hidden there? If 4 was unoccupied it could have been being used as a type of squat and if she shouldn't have been there may have not wanted to be seen.
It looks as if the layout may have changed a bit (or even the numbering) but could she have gone down some of the steps to a basement level and either entered the building or hidden there?
It certainly looks like that now.
Nos. 2-6 seem to have been merged into adjoining properties with access to those now perhaps throught the gate(s);
