Scientific Investigation of Timeslips
As a brief introduction, my name is Ron. I'm 55 years old and have studied the subject of time for almost 35 years, of which the last 10 years have been spent developing a theory on the physical properties of time.
As well as the scientific aspects of time, I have also become fascinated by the subject of timeslips, a subject that is usually outside the realms of scientific research because of its paranormal nature. Being someone with scientific interests, especially relating to the subject of time, and having experieneced a timeslip myself I have felt compelled to study the subject further - in scientific terms.
To give you some idea of my path of investigation, I have always considered the possibility that matter can absorb information. After all, matter absorbs energy all the time, and what we perceive as visual and audible information through light and sound is itself energy.
Information can be absorbed by specially prepared mediums. For example, chemically prepared film can absorb light at the click of a camera. Sound and pictures can be absorbed by magnetic tape, and then replayed at will.
As an experiment undertaken by the airforce, it was shown that even unprepared, ordinary matter can absorb information. An aerial photograph was taken of an empty car park, but when the special infra red film was developed it had shown an image of a car park full of cars. The ground where the cars had stood during the day absorbed their heat, leaving an impression of car shapes that was later picked up by the film. So there's no doubt about the fact that even ordinary matter can absorb information of you and me and anything else that exists.
Obviously, the mechanism of witnessing a timeslip replay is probably somewhat different to that of using man-made instruments. People are seeing past events at first hand being replayed before their very eyes, as though they were part of the event and time period. And this is one aspect of scientific investigation I am looking into as well as a number of others.
Now, obviously I need lots of information to work with in order to carry out my investigation. I already have a growing file of timeslip reports from various sources, but I need more.
If you have experienced or think you have experienced a timeslip, or know somone who has and would like to contribute to this project, please contact me either through this notice board or personally at
[email protected]
Either way, I would eventually like to contact you personally to discuss the timeslip event and to email a questionnaire to you.
I hope to hear from some of you soon.