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Time Or Dimensional Slips

It wouldn't necessarily have to have been an intentional hoax. As with many supposedly paranormal occurrences, there's quite a lot of ground between hoax and really supernatural. Misunderstandings, misperceptions, things that seemed 'mildly odd' at the time being discussed and 'talked up' into being odder than they were.
Well to answer my own question, they only told friends and family about their experience, however the story leaked out after three years.

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=i1aWDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT54&lpg=PT54&dq=geoffrey+simpson+dover&source=bl&ots=Ibmk8sVg04&sig=ACfU3U2YX4_nmkjgNu7w19g9dJie9c5l_A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8lvOM35D2AhXIa8AKHX4SBvwQ6AF6BAgLEAM#v=onepage&q=geoffrey simpson dover&f=false

A sceptic would point out that is a lot of time in which the story would have 'grown' in the retelling.

Some other points from the link above:

  • the date was 3rd October 1979
  • the car was a French rental
  • They left it until 21.30 to find somewhere to stay, so add tiredness to the list
  • they first tried a motel and encountered a staff member in an odd plum-coloured suit.
    • it was this staff member in the plum suit who told them about the hotel
    • on their return, the motel manager denied any such person worked there
  • As they looked for accommodation they noticed old fashioned posters advertising a circus
    • they were very intrigued by these posters
    • however they found these posters again their return
  • the whole area became very old fashioned before they found the hotel eg cobbled streets
  • despite the missing photographs, the film in one camera was damaged in such a way that it indicated the mechanism had tried to wind the film forwards
  • a local news reporter heard the story from a friend or relative of one of the couples and published it in a local Dover newspaper
    • this was three years after the event
Speaking to the strange male motel staff member in the plum suit seems to have been the beginning of the weirdness. The motel is described as 'plush-looking' yet this strange man in 1979 directs them to a hotel in 1905(ish) that is no longer there. However, it is such an unnecessary detail that it has a ring of truth to it.
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My own take on this, it has to be an alternate reality rather than a time slip, because actually going back in time presents far to many difficulties it's the old "what if you killed your Great Grandfather" conundrum

On the other had there could be visions of the past were the person does not actually interact

I am reading a book at the moment on Time Slips (it is hard going) but the author is making all types of claims like Civilizations was brought to hunter gatherers by time slippers (their word not mine) the Titans, the early Egyptian Gods, The early Sumerian Gods Etc were all visitors from a future time, also goes on to mention things found in coal mines like chains and gold necklaces are proof of time slips, without actually presenting the evidence that the things were actually found and were not newspaper hoax's, suffice to say I am struggling to believe it
I've searched their four names with Companies House and it appears none of them have ever been company directors

A detailed account from the excellent Jenny Randles, who is a member of this forum:

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=wJWeDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT18&lpg=PT18&dq=geoff+simpson+dover&source=bl&ots=f6BoK5t3pY&sig=ACfU3U0jW5eFDhq7-xqWhHXnTrxpAg3DlQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSyo7W75D2AhVOeMAKHT6WBgoQ6AF6BAgMEAM#v=onepage&q=geoff simpson dover&f=false

Some additional details:
  • Geoff Simpson was a railway worker
  • It was 10pm when they arrived at the hotel
  • the hotel was described as a curious ranch-style building with just two floors and 'quaint and old-fashioned'
  • they took the photos after breakfast and at that time "they did not think of it as anything other than a charming rural place".
  • when they failed to find the hotel two weeks later Cynthia Gisby became upset ("was crying"), presumably by the impossibility of the situation
  • they were "mildly intrigued" by the whole experience until their three photos of the hotel were found to have vanished from their negatives
    • it was only then they they considered a paranormal event had taken place
  • it was mutual friends who suggested they had experienced a 'time slip'
  • Len and Cynthia were interested in the time slip theory, but Geoff and Pauline wanted to forget about it
  • It was only after the story was leaked and the commencement of the 'media bandwagon" that the couples decided to retrace their steps
  • There were numerous inconsistencies in the televised reconstruction
  • Geoff is adamant that they didn't make any money out of it
  • Some commentators have questioned their recollection of being served lager and not wine, however they were on the edge of Provence with its long history of lager beer brewing

Well it is evident that they didn't seek publicity or to make money out of their experience, indeed one couple just wanted to forget all about. They also didn't countenance a paranormal experience had taken place until the absence of the photos.

Have to say I am a bit perplexed that they left it until 21.30 to pull off the autoroute and find somewhere to eat and sleep. None of them spoke French and were they really prepared for a very uncomfortable night in the car if they didn't find somewhere? That puzzles me as much as anything as it seems an unnecessary risk, especially as they must have passed Lyon just an hour or so earlier
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Most cases seem to have a nice, neat ending too. I don't recall reading any case where the wtnesses get called out for looking weird or offering strange money and so on.
There are a number of time slip cases where a person the experiencer encounters is shocked/horrified to see them
They will have been showing their legs, was my point. Unless they were all wearing trousers (and THAT would have been remarked on), then the fashions of the 70's were for dresses that came not much past the knee. And, in France, in summer, it;s likely they were wearing summer dresses. Not full length dresses, and hats, as would have been appropriate for women travelling in the early years of the century.
Even small things like wristwatches, which were very common in the 70s, would look odd, not to mention those 1970s haircuts.
My own take on this, it has to be an alternate reality rather than a time slip, because actually going back in time presents far to many difficulties it's the old "what if you killed your Great Grandfather" conundrum

On the other had there could be visions of the past were the person does not actually interact

I am reading a book at the moment on Time Slips (it is hard going) but the author is making all types of claims like Civilizations was brought to hunter gatherers by time slippers (their word not mine) the Titans, the early Egyptian Gods, The early Sumerian Gods Etc were all visitors from a future time, also goes on to mention things found in coal mines like chains and gold necklaces are proof of time slips, without actually presenting the evidence that the things were actually found and were not newspaper hoax's, suffice to say I am struggling to believe it
It's sad to see the way people account for past human achievements, usually by "aliens," now by time slips! There have been genuine discoveries of out of place (or time) artefacts in mines and elsewhere, but linking them with either is absurd.
I love timeslips. It's my favourite form of paranormal happening, because I find them so fascinating. I've yet to read a full timeslip that I find totally compelling evidence, but some of the 'vanishing car/vanishing people' ones seem to indicate that something is going on.
I love timeslips. It's my favourite form of paranormal happening, because I find them so fascinating. I've yet to read a full timeslip that I find totally compelling evidence, but some of the 'vanishing car/vanishing people' ones seem to indicate that something is going on.
Trouble is, what do you take as compelling evidence? Sceptics will always make a case for some more conventional answer no matter what evidence there is. Take the Regent Street case, witness driving up Regent Street, finds himself back in the 1800s (maybe). Now on gravel not tarmac. Throws car into reverse, sending stones flying everywhere, some locals look over, he finds himself reversing into a car back in the present, manages to stop then drive on. Did he have a vivid hallucination? When he gets home he finds his paintwork scratched by the flying gravel.. The only account of this is from a man who worked for him, when he said the experience had changed his life completely. Unfortunately he had a very common name, Glyn Jackson, and although I've managed to contact a few people with that name, none of them are the right one!
Yes, it's easy to think that in their position I would have done this or that but when caught on the hop most of us probably wish afterwards that we had reacted differently.
I suppose also that, if I worked behind a bar or an Hotel, even if someone came in in weird clothes I would be too polite to remark about them.
Most cases seem to have a nice, neat ending too. I don't recall reading any case where the wtnesses get called out for looking weird or offering strange money and so on.
There was the 'Bold street' case where the woman's credit card wasn't accepted but I think that's the only one I know of.
Most cases seem to have a nice, neat ending too. I don't recall reading any case where the wtnesses get called out for looking weird or offering strange money and so on.
There was this case involving Ray Alan (ventriloquist), where there was some concern over money given/received in a shop;
Trouble is, what do you take as compelling evidence? Sceptics will always make a case for some more conventional answer no matter what evidence there is. Take the Regent Street case, witness driving up Regent Street, finds himself back in the 1800s (maybe). Now on gravel not tarmac. Throws car into reverse, sending stones flying everywhere, some locals look over, he finds himself reversing into a car back in the present, manages to stop then drive on. Did he have a vivid hallucination? When he gets home he finds his paintwork scratched by the flying gravel.. The only account of this is from a man who worked for him, when he said the experience had changed his life completely. Unfortunately he had a very common name, Glyn Jackson, and although I've managed to contact a few people with that name, none of them are the right one!
Very true. And my compelling evidence may not be someone else's compelling evidence.
Going back to the hotel time slip. it is pretty much inconceivable that a French hotel either in 1905 or 1979 would not have a family or place name sign but rather just a sign saying 'hotel'. You just have to look at photographs of both periods in France to understand that.

If we are to believe what these four people have said and stick by then there might be a rational explanation.

i have previously posted about how back in the 90s I stumbled across two Nazi soldiers eating sandwiches at Staverton station near Totnes. Initially flummoxed, I then noticed their plastic lunchboxes and realised I was walking towards a film set (the dreadful 'Churchill The Hollywood Years'). I tried to make eye contact with these two extras in advance of a witty comment from myself but it was apparent they were bored, a bit pissed off and studiously ignoring me. I went on my way.

More recently, I had an amusing conversation over dinner with a family who had earlier that summer rented an Austrian holiday cottage up in the alps. On arrival, they discovered their neighbour - with who they shared the front entrance - was a lesser-known British film director. Within days, a whole cast of British actors turned up in the village and were billeted in the local bar/hotel and wherever there was a spare bed. They then commenced filming a version of a Shakespeare play that to my best knowledge has never seen the light of day due to the director running out of money. However, as filming commenced they suddenly found actors and actresses wandering into their side of the house to use the loo, one young British actor with a squeaky-clean image skulking in their back garden as he smoked a joint and much drinking and bed-hopping by all accounts

So, what if our two couples inadvertently gatecrashed a period drama film set? Two old buildings have been renovated for the hotel and police station. The hotel is as per the period bar the modern kitchen out the back that will be used to feed cast and crew. A caretaker is looking after the place and the cast and crew are staying at the plush motel that was fully booked. it's 10pm and to the caretaker's surprise a French rental car pulls up and two couples get out. He assumes they are a part of the production arrived early, doesn't speak English or they French, but doesn't want to displease the producer (his employer) and thus he gives them two rooms (remember : they are the only people staying and no locks on the bedroom doors etc.).feeds them steak, eggs and fries and shares his lager. In the morning he just charges them 19 Francs for the lager as dinner, bed and breakfast are on the production company.

Then early in the morning some extras arrive, get changed in the fake Police station and grab a free coffee in the 'hotel' (the two gendarmes and the lady in the ballgown). They see some inconsiderate so and so has parked their car in front of the hotel rather than the designated parking area and are more horrified to learn they are in the company of Les Anglais - not the most popular nationality in France...! So they are determined to ignore them and for a joke pretend not to know where the autoroute is etc.

The two couples then leave and not long afterwards the songwriter arrives to complete the hotel sign, followed later on by the cast and crew for rehearsals/filming...

If we leave aside not being able to find the film set again after two weeks, then that just really leaves the mystery of why the cameras didn't work.

Well, I prefer time slips but its a theory
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Going back to the hotel time slip. it is pretty much inconceivable that a French hotel either in 1905 or 1979 would not have a family or place name sign but rather just a sign saying 'hotel'. You just have to look at photographs of both periods in France to understand that.

If we are to believe what these four people have said and stick by then there might be a rational explanation.

i have previously posted about how back in the 90s I stumbled across two Nazi soldiers eating sandwiches at Staverton station near Totnes. Initially flummoxed, I then noticed their plastic lunchboxes and realised I was walking towards a film set (the dreadful 'Churchill The Hollywood Years'). I tried to make eye contact with these two extras in advance of a witty comment from myself but it was apparent they were bored, a bit pissed off and studiously ignoring me. I went on my way.

More recently, I had an amusing conversation over dinner with a family who had earlier that summer rented an Austrian holiday cottage up in the alps. On arrival, they discovered their neighbour - with who they shared the front entrance - was a lesser-known British film director. Within days, a whole cast of British actors turned up in the village and were billeted in the local bar/hotel and wherever there was a spare bed. They then commenced filming a version of a Shakespeare play that to my best knowledge has never seen the light of day due to the director running out of money. However, as filming commenced they suddenly found actors and actresses wandering into their side of the house to use the loo, one young British actor with a squeaky-clean image skulking in their back garden as he smoked a joint and much drinking and bed-hopping by all accounts

So, what if our two couples inadvertently gatecrashed a period drama film set? Two old buildings have been renovated for the hotel and police station. The hotel is as per the period bar the modern kitchen out the back that will be used to feed cast and crew. A caretaker is looking after the place and the cast and crew are staying at the plush motel that was fully booked. it's 10pm and to the caretaker's surprise a French rental car pulls up and two couples get out. He assumes they are a part of the production arrived early, doesn't speak English or they French, but doesn't want to displease the producer (his employer) and thus he gives them two rooms (remember : they are the only people staying and no locks on the bedroom doors etc.).feeds them steak, eggs and fries and shares his lager. In the morning he just charges them 19 Francs for the lager as dinner, bed and breakfast are on the production company.

Then early in the morning some extras arrive, get changed in the fake Police station and grab a free coffee in the 'hotel' (the two gendarmes and the lady in the ballgown). They see some inconsiderate so and so has parked their car in front of the hotel rather than the designated parking area and are more horrified to learn they are in the company of Les Anglais - not the most popular nationality in France...! So they are determined to ignore them and for a joke pretend not to know where the autoroute is etc.

The two couples then leave and not long afterwards the songwriter arrives to complete the hotel sign, followed later on by the cast and crew for rehearsals/filming...

If we leave aside not being able to find the film set again after two weeks, then that just really leaves the mystery of why the cameras didn't work.

Well, I prefer time slips but its a theory
Maybe if there is a local historian around there he might shed some light on that theory, although one would imagine that having a film shot in a renovated hotel might have come up when the story first broke. Good theory though.

Couldn't get much on the couples' children: Leonard Gisby was born July-Sept 1925 in Blean, Kent: in Jan-March 1951 he married Cynthia Gilbard in Dover: son Graham P. Gisby born Jul-Sept 1954 in Dover; daughter Susan E. Gisby born Jul-Sept 1957 in Dover.
Geoffrey Simpson married Pauline Jordan, Oct-Dec 1954 in Dover -- no children that I can locate, although the genealogy program I use can miss things occasionally.
Maybe if there is a local historian around there he might shed some light on that theory, although one would imagine that having a film shot in a renovated hotel might have come up when the story first broke. Good theory though.

Couldn't get much on the couples' children: Leonard Gisby was born July-Sept 1925 in Blean, Kent: in Jan-March 1951 he married Cynthia Gilbard in Dover: son Graham P. Gisby born Jul-Sept 1954 in Dover; daughter Susan E. Gisby born Jul-Sept 1957 in Dover.
Geoffrey Simpson married Pauline Jordan, Oct-Dec 1954 in Dover -- no children that I can locate, although the genealogy program I use can miss things occasionally.
Susan Gisby is probably this person:


Attended Dover Girl's Grammar School in 1969 -74
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With regard to the film set theory, it would explain the lack of 1905 smells (people didn't wash much back then and were heavy with perfumes and scent) and the fact the mattress was just described as "a bit saggy" when in actual fact it would have been more primitive with noisy metal springs:

"By the late 1800s, however, the posts were typically much smaller, and headboards and footboards also shrunk accordingly.

One striking advance to the bed during this time was the invention of metal bedsprings to support the mattress, instead of ropes or wool straps. While these gave more support and stability to the mattress, they were also annoyingly squeaky."


Also whilst steak, eggs and fries are traditional fare, I can only imagine that an egg in 1905 would have been from free-range, pretty much organic hens that spent all day pecking around a farmyard and thus would have tasted divine. The steak would probably have been horse meat and the fries hand cooked in delicious - if unhealthy - beef fat. Yet this doesn't come across in their rather matter-of-fact, 19070s description of the meal. Ditto the lager, which would have been served at a rather tepid temperature in 1905 and arguably not at all to the taste of a 1970s Brit.

They give a detailed account of their stay but there are many details they don't address in addition to the lack of smells, such as why was there not a proprietor's family or business name on the menus? How did the other people travel to this hotel i.e. where were the horses and carts?
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With regard to the film set theory, it would explain the lack of 1905 smells (people didn't wash much back then and were heavy with perfumes and scent) and the fact the mattress was just described as "a bit saggy" when in actual fact it would have been more primitive with noisy metal springs:

"By the late 1800s, however, the posts were typically much smaller, and headboards and footboards also shrunk accordingly.

One striking advance to the bed during this time was the invention of metal bedsprings to support the mattress, instead of ropes or wool straps. While these gave more support and stability to the mattress, they were also annoyingly squeaky."


Also whilst steak, eggs and fries are traditional fare, I can only imagine that an egg in 1905 would have been from free-range, pretty much organic hens that spent all day pecking around a farmyard and thus would have tasted divine. The steak would probably have been horse meat and the fries hand cooked in delicious - if unhealthy - beef fat. Yet this doesn't come across in their rather matter-of-fact, 19070s description of the meal. Ditto the lager, which would have been served at a rather tepid temperature in 1905 and arguably not at all to the taste of a 1970s Brit.
But then, it was France. If they were unfamiliar with France in general (ie, they didn't live there or holiday there several times a year) then any unfamiliarities may be put down to it 'being French'. So the food may well have tasted different and things may well have smelled different, but it was 'French'. Whether it smelled or tasted like 1900's France or late 1970's France, they may not have been able to quantify.

Food always tastes better on holiday.
But then, it was France. If they were unfamiliar with France in general (ie, they didn't live there or holiday there several times a year) then any unfamiliarities may be put down to it 'being French'. So the food may well have tasted different and things may well have smelled different, but it was 'French'. Whether it smelled or tasted like 1900's France or late 1970's France, they may not have been able to quantify.

Food always tastes better on holiday.
Good point.

Well its been fun delving into this story but time for something else now...!
Going back to the hotel time slip. it is pretty much inconceivable that a French hotel either in 1905 or 1979 would not have a family or place name sign but rather just a sign saying 'hotel'. You just have to look at photographs of both periods in France to understand that.

If we are to believe what these four people have said and stick by then there might be a rational explanation.

i have previously posted about how back in the 90s I stumbled across two Nazi soldiers eating sandwiches at Staverton station near Totnes. Initially flummoxed, I then noticed their plastic lunchboxes and realised I was walking towards a film set (the dreadful 'Churchill The Hollywood Years'). I tried to make eye contact with these two extras in advance of a witty comment from myself but it was apparent they were bored, a bit pissed off and studiously ignoring me. I went on my way.

More recently, I had an amusing conversation over dinner with a family who had earlier that summer rented an Austrian holiday cottage up in the alps. On arrival, they discovered their neighbour - with who they shared the front entrance - was a lesser-known British film director. Within days, a whole cast of British actors turned up in the village and were billeted in the local bar/hotel and wherever there was a spare bed. They then commenced filming a version of a Shakespeare play that to my best knowledge has never seen the light of day due to the director running out of money. However, as filming commenced they suddenly found actors and actresses wandering into their side of the house to use the loo, one young British actor with a squeaky-clean image skulking in their back garden as he smoked a joint and much drinking and bed-hopping by all accounts

So, what if our two couples inadvertently gatecrashed a period drama film set? Two old buildings have been renovated for the hotel and police station. The hotel is as per the period bar the modern kitchen out the back that will be used to feed cast and crew. A caretaker is looking after the place and the cast and crew are staying at the plush motel that was fully booked. it's 10pm and to the caretaker's surprise a French rental car pulls up and two couples get out. He assumes they are a part of the production arrived early, doesn't speak English or they French, but doesn't want to displease the producer (his employer) and thus he gives them two rooms (remember : they are the only people staying and no locks on the bedroom doors etc.).feeds them steak, eggs and fries and shares his lager. In the morning he just charges them 19 Francs for the lager as dinner, bed and breakfast are on the production company.

Then early in the morning some extras arrive, get changed in the fake Police station and grab a free coffee in the 'hotel' (the two gendarmes and the lady in the ballgown). They see some inconsiderate so and so has parked their car in front of the hotel rather than the designated parking area and are more horrified to learn they are in the company of Les Anglais - not the most popular nationality in France...! So they are determined to ignore them and for a joke pretend not to know where the autoroute is etc.

The two couples then leave and not long afterwards the songwriter arrives to complete the hotel sign, followed later on by the cast and crew for rehearsals/filming...

If we leave aside not being able to find the film set again after two weeks, then that just really leaves the mystery of why the cameras didn't work.

Well, I prefer time slips but its a theory
Very Jonathan Creek - and I mean that in a good way.

Nice bit of thinking/theorising.
Very Jonathan Creek - and I mean that in a good way.

Nice bit of thinking/theorising.
Ha ha! It was him I had in mind as I was theorising :) I remembered the one about the film set house disappearing and also my own experience of wandering onto a film set. Low budget film and tv work can go on almost unnoticed. Rosamunde Pilcher's books are very popular in Germany and tlevion adaptionsof her work were often being filmed in Exeter a few years ago:


You could walk past and almost not notice them filming outside some of Exeter's old buildings, it was all very low key and you are not accosted by security personnel or whatever. As much as I love time slips, this perhaps 12-hour in duration French hotel experience is very untypical of what are usually fleeting glimpses of another time and for that reason my money is on them having unwittingly gatecrashed a low budget period film or tv set
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Ha ha! It was him I had in mind as I was theorising :) I remembered the one about the film set house disappearing and also my own experience of wandering onto a film set. Low budget film and tv work can go on almost unnoticed. Rosamunde Pilcher's books are very popular in Germany and tlevion adaptionsof her work were often being filmed in Exeter a few years ago:


You could walk past and almost not notice them filming outside some of Exeter's old buildings, it was all very low key and you are not accosted by security personnel or whatever. As much as I love time slips, this perhaps 12-hour in duration French hotel experience is very untypical of what are usually fleeting glimpses of another time and for that reason my money is on them having unwittingly gatecrashed a low budget period film or tv set
That's the episode I was thinking of.

And I suspect things like that could account for some fortean episodes. Something that should be impossible, but isn't, just extremely unlikely.
Ha ha! It was him I had in mind as I was theorising :) I remembered the one about the film set house disappearing and also my own experience of wandering onto a film set. Low budget film and tv work can go on almost unnoticed. Rosamunde Pilcher's books are very popular in Germany and tlevion adaptionsof her work were often being filmed in Exeter a few years ago:


You could walk past and almost not notice them filming outside some of Exeter's old buildings, it was all very low key and you are not accosted by security personnel or whatever. As much as I love time slips, this perhaps 12-hour in duration French hotel experience is very untypical of what are usually fleeting glimpses of another time and for that reason my money is on them having unwittingly gatecrashed a low budget period film or tv set
Likewise York, where it seems there is an almost permanent 'film crew' presence.

Which reminds me of the time my husband, I and our three very small children, walked through a wood in Cornwall into a filming of The Three Musketeers. Mildly startling, for a moment or two.
Ha ha! It was him I had in mind as I was theorising :) I remembered the one about the film set house disappearing and also my own experience of wandering onto a film set. Low budget film and tv work can go on almost unnoticed. Rosamunde Pilcher's books are very popular in Germany and tlevion adaptionsof her work were often being filmed in Exeter a few years ago:


You could walk past and almost not notice them filming outside some of Exeter's old buildings, it was all very low key and you are not accosted by security personnel or whatever. As much as I love time slips, this perhaps 12-hour in duration French hotel experience is very untypical of what are usually fleeting glimpses of another time and for that reason my money is on them having unwittingly gatecrashed a low budget period film or tv set
I still don't buy the film set theory. It seems most unlikely that people on a film set in any country would decide to play what would have been an elaborate hoax on an unsuspecting group of tourists, which would entail hiding the film equipment' including the lights, wardrobes, sound system, pretending not to understand English and allowing them to intrude on the set., Why? And how quickly would they have been able to do all this immediately after the group's arrival? And there are quite a few time slips that lasted more than a brief glimpse.

There was another hotel case in France which might be thrown into the mix:


  • French hotel case 2.pdf
    354.7 KB · Views: 61
I still don't buy the film set theory. It seems most unlikely that people on a film set in any country would decide to play what would have been an elaborate hoax on an unsuspecting group of tourists, which would entail hiding the film equipment' including the lights, wardrobes, sound system, pretending not to understand English and allowing them to intrude on the set., Why? And how quickly would they have been able to do all this immediately after the group's arrival? And there are quite a few time slips that lasted more than a brief glimpse.

There was another hotel case in France which might be thrown into the mix:
Good response and the attached story was really intriguing.

It is the only rational explanation I can think of and also answers all the questions raised about money, dress and the car etc. The film crews I saw around Exeter could fit into a Transit van. We also once had filming take place in a hotel I worked in for a regional cookery completion. The crew consisted of the director, a single cameraman with a hand-held camera and a small monitor screen. That was it and the footage was shown on TV a few weeks later.

But it is only a theory and I much prefer the idea of a time slip, but I have to take into account that it was when they discovered the camera glitch weeks later that they considered it was anything other than an odd rural place with characters in old-fashioned attire. Unlike your attached story and most other time slips they did not notice anything unusual about the 'atmosphere' of the place or the expressions of the other people and they were unable to revisit the location as it existed in their own time.
Good response and the attached story was really intriguing.

It is the only rational explanation I can think of and also answers all the questions raised about money, dress and the car etc. The film crews I saw around Exeter could fit into a Transit van. We also once had filming take place in a hotel I worked in for a regional cookery completion. The crew consisted of the director, a single cameraman with a hand-held camera and a small monitor screen. That was it and the footage was shown on TV a few weeks later.

But it is only a theory and I much prefer the idea of a time slip, but I have to take into account that it was when they discovered the camera glitch weeks later that they considered it was anything other than an odd rural place with characters in old-fashioned attire. Unlike your attached story and most other time slips they did not notice anything unusual about the 'atmosphere' of the place or the expressions of the other people and they were unable to revisit the location as it existed in their own time.
Bear in mind that film equipment was a lot bulkier in the 1970s.
Good response and the attached story was really intriguing.

It is the only rational explanation I can think of and also answers all the questions raised about money, dress and the car etc. The film crews I saw around Exeter could fit into a Transit van. We also once had filming take place in a hotel I worked in for a regional cookery completion. The crew consisted of the director, a single cameraman with a hand-held camera and a small monitor screen. That was it and the footage was shown on TV a few weeks later.

But it is only a theory and I much prefer the idea of a time slip, but I have to take into account that it was when they discovered the camera glitch weeks later that they considered it was anything other than an odd rural place with characters in old-fashioned attire. Unlike your attached story and most other time slips they did not notice anything unusual about the 'atmosphere' of the place or the expressions of the other people and they were unable to revisit the location as it existed in their own time.
Interesting that both cases involved very decrepit hotels. (However, the hotel that I booked in Paris for my own honeymoon was also like something out of the remote past, didn't even have electrical sockets!)