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I only notice my tinnitus when someone mentions it or it pops up as a subject on a thread.....damn!

Certain foods and drinks can also exacerbate it: some ales (but, strangely, not all) really make my ears ring, for example.
I only notice my tinnitus when someone mentions it or it pops up as a subject on a thread.....damn!

Certain foods and drinks can also exacerbate it: some ales (but, strangely, not all) really make my ears ring, for example.

Same here!

Most of the time its not a problem.
Yup, i tend not to think about it, until i read it on here, it will drive you mad, everybody with tinnitus stay away from this thread lol
Last week I was at a presentation on hearing protection ( By 3M-very good, may be on line). They informed us that 30% of the population will experience tinnitus at some point and that 10% will have some degree of tinnitus more or less permanently. Speaker advised of "you tube" clip about Tinnitus and the link to suicide, I don't have my note book so cannot give the exact title something like "I have tinnitus and want to die", apparently its quite disturbing.

As of last week there was no credible treatment, the harsh truth is you have to learn to cope.

I have intermitent tinnitus, usually hisses and "mumbling". But if I get any kind of infection or excessive stress it gets really noisy- musical notes and dodgy plumbing spring to mind. I use background noise as " pink noise" for distraction, we have quite noisy aircon and some heavy handed typists at work which help distract from the noises in my head.

Oddly, many people with tinnitus have quite acute hearing for certain types of sound or discrepancy in noises, particularly when concentrating. Not surprised Mikfez could detect dodgy fan or JimV a noisy PC unit.

In my case, the point is that my doctor had grown used to her noisy pc and had filtered it out. There wasn't really any acute awareness on my part. Most patients would have experienced the same background noise she simply stopped hearing.
This site below helps me a lot with anxious moments. Mr Pigeon is a genius. But there are several things he's made for tinnitus, which maybe some of you might find useful? My mother had a bad spell of it and it seemed to be spiralling. But thank god she found some ways to cope (eg the sound of water when she washed her hair) and with reduced anxiety about it, it seemed to get less bad. Who knows.
Anyway you could have a look at these:
I have tinnitus due mainly to decades of shooting. The annoying thing is that l always take great care over hearing protection. When training for, and competing in, pistol matches l used to wear quality earmuffs and foam ear plugs.

Unfortunately, over the decades, the instances of removing the ear defenders before l should, just as someone fired a large calibre rifle fitted with a muzzle brake, begin to add up...

Mine manifests as a constant high-pitched reedy whistle in both ears. l’m resigned to it, and it doesn’t affect me as badly as most people, but as a lover of quiet places l’d prefer it to Foxtrot right Oscar!

maximus otter
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I've found that after many years of suffering unless it's completely quite I don't notice it. Yes it's always present but my brain has sort of tuned it out.

Alcohol intensifies a great deal.
I'm wondering if there is a way of 'turning it off'?
I dunno...maybe with botox to deaden the nerve endings temporarily?
With mine sticking a finger in the ear to more or less seal it then
pulling it out can reduce it but you have to do one ear at once
not both together,, taking Zinc tablets is also supposed to help.

..and also, not reading this thread to remind me..

Got to agree.

I wasn't noticing the 'zizzing' in my head until I read that. One's brain generally does a good job of 'tuning out' the annoyance.

Interesting TED talk on tinnitus. Good to know people are working on it.

In this talk Josef Rauschecker illuminates the science behind tinnitus as well as the current state of treatment options.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Interesting TED talk on tinnitus. Good to know people are working on it.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Too much background noise to hear it properly.
Thanks hunck for pointing toward this thread :)

I've suffered from noises in my ears for as long as I can remember; it's got worse in recent years though (used to be occasional, now it's there all the time). I'm always slightly perplexed when I read that tinnitus is a "ringing in the ears" because for me it's a constant sort of wooshing 'ssssssssss' sort of noise, interspersed with the occasional high pitched whistle in my right ear.

I used to suffer terrible earaches as a child, and occasionally as an adult I still get them. As for what caused it; I don't know for certain, but there is some mention of a link with people with EDS also being more prone to getting blocked ears and tinnitus so I wouldn't be surprised if that was it (everything else I've ever had medically wrong can be linked back to EDS so why not this :D )

Back in 2007 I had a TIA episode.

Ever since then I have had a 'zizzing' sound in my head. It phases in and out rather like the old short wave radio signals used to do. But it never goes away.

It isn't a problem except when I am listening to people talking really quietly, and then the noise drowns out the signal; so to speak.

Thanks hunck for pointing toward this thread :)

I've suffered from noises in my ears for as long as I can remember; it's got worse in recent years though (used to be occasional, now it's there all the time). I'm always slightly perplexed when I read that tinnitus is a "ringing in the ears" because for me it's a constant sort of wooshing 'ssssssssss' sort of noise, interspersed with the occasional high pitched whistle in my right ear.

I used to suffer terrible earaches as a child, and occasionally as an adult I still get them. As for what caused it; I don't know for certain, but there is some mention of a link with people with EDS also being more prone to getting blocked ears and tinnitus so I wouldn't be surprised if that was it (everything else I've ever had medically wrong can be linked back to EDS so why not this :D )

Mine is a constant high pitched white noise variety. It never goes away. Bloody annoying isn't it? You have to zone out of it somehow - having some sort of sound source like radio or something else helps in a quiet environment. It's one of those things that you don't want to get worse.

Mine is only really noticeable if I'm in a quite environment, like now as I am typing in a room with no background noise.
About a year after it began, I was walking through work when there was a strange 'Hisss', and I discovered I was completely deaf on my right hand side. A week or so later the hearing came back just as suddenly. I have had hearing tests and it appears I'm pretty normal for my age (73).


Mine is only really noticeable if I'm in a quite environment, like now as I am typing in a room with no background noise.
About a year after it began, I was walking through work when there was a strange 'Hisss', and I discovered I was completely deaf on my right hand side. A week or so later the hearing came back just as suddenly. I have had hearing tests and it appears I'm pretty normal for my age (73).


I would doubt you went "completely deaf" on one side. A noticeable loss one one side can seem like it - you feel somehow 'unbalanced'. Glad to hear it came back for you.
I couldn't hear anything via my right ear. Banging a spoon against a cup right alongside the ear ! Only hearable on the left side. That's as near deaf on one side as makes no difference.

INT21 :)
fair enough. Must be some sort of brain weirdness..
Wax maybe, do you wash your hair in the bath, submerging your head?
..do you wash your hair in the bath..

Hair, what hair ?

The bit I have left is easily dealt with over the sink. No total immersion necessary.

I've had tinnitus for a while now, I get a single tone constantly, only changes in volume. Sometimes its quite painful.

Totally my own making on the whole, years of drumming without ear protection will cause some kind of damage...somewhere...lol!!
I've had tinnitus for a while now, I get a single tone constantly, only changes in volume. Sometimes its quite painful.

Totally my own making on the whole, years of drumming without ear protection will cause some kind of damage...somewhere...lol!!

That'll do it all right. Drums & cymbals are extremely loud & you're sitting right next to them.