Stu Neville says:
I did mention it in an animated manner, to a somewhat less enthusiastic reception.
Thanks for the information.
I have noted that when I have a chance to talk with anyone that has seen a "triangle" or something in the sky that falls (somewhat) into that catagory, often a peripheral observation concerns the casual way that either the "sightee" or companions of the sightee react to the sighting.
For example, one friend who was with several other people saw a triangle drift overhead late one night, coming into sight just over urban homes. (It was huge, silent, etc.) When he pointed it out to the others, they glanced up and barely acknowledged it, and continued talking to each other. (Caveat: They had just left a bar after several beers but no one was stumble-down drunk.)
Another acquaintance saw (this one during the day,) a huge rectangular object appear over the trees in a suburban setting. He said it was green, and didn't appear to be an advertising dirigible since there was no lettering, etc, on the thing. He says that at the time of the sighting he was very excited about it and ran into the house to get his housemate to come outside to see it. But when he got inside, the housemate was napping and he decided he wouldn't disturb him. That in itself is not too strange, except that in retrospect, he says he can't understand why he didn't wake his housemate, because it wouldn't have been that big a deal to rouse him, and he was very interested in the thing outside.
And in my own sighting, (of a huge, silent triangle, etc,) occured at a heavily traffiked intersection on a busy Friday night at about 7pm. When I got out of my car, (stopped at the light,) to better see the thing, and wanted to go over to some other car to ask if they knew what it was, there was no other car at the intersection. This is not an impossibility, just a peculariarity that I recall as being strange in retrospect.
(I also found an incident posted on the web that said some people at a garden party all witnessed a triangle while they also stood outside and although groups of partiers were all seeing the triangle, the poster said that he didn't call out to a nearby group of people even though he thought about it. Then he decided, it wasn't important enough. He also noted that later, none of the people that saw the triangle mentioned it during the remainder of the party. Which he said in retrospect, was weird.)
Anyway. I just think that, even though not extraordinarily unbelievable, some of the retrospective observances about people's reactions to the triangles are interesting.
Of course, I understand the reaction of the Ab Fab viewer, since the magnetic draw of the program would definitely trump the anti-grav-space-time-distortion engines of the craft you observed.
Thanks again for your reply