I've had unusual trouble remembering my dreams over the past several months. However, I had a memorable one the night before last.
In it, I was in an otherworldly landscape, very flat, a desert perhaps. The sky was a deep lavender color as if it were dusk. I was aware of being there in a disembodied state. Floating nearby were three glowing orbs. I understood they belonged to me. One was bright white, one a duller gold, and one grey-ish, as if it needed a cleaning. I was told (by another presence, I assume) that the white orb stood for my presence on the spiritual plane, the gold one for my presence on the earthly plane and the grey one...well, this is rather vague and hard to describe. I tried to keep the meaning of it in my mind as I woke up, but the only thing that I can really remember is the phrase, "It's obvious if you think about it, but hardly anyone ever thinks about it."
When I woke up, I tried to make a digital picture of the scene. It's clumsy, but serviceable enough.
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I've been pondering it ever since.