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A couple of atypical ones in the last week, with the intriguing (but frustrating) common theme of both being what we might call substitution dreams. That's to say incidents where the person appearing as a character in the dream is not the same as the person the dream would appear to actually be about. I've noted these in the past but its been a long time since I did.

In the first the subject of the dream was entirely myself. But as some overlayed silent narration during the dream had me understanding events to be taking place in Germany, I decided on waking to recount it on to friend J who I knew to be visiting Germany at that time.

So IF we accept this to be a hit, we can note the correlation of an aborted desire to purchase meat, tied in to a photographic portfolio.
But why did I dream of myself, and not of J? I don't know.

The second example has additional complications. Reported as potential telepathy, it appeared to be a dud. But only in retrospect did I realise it appears to have in fact been a precognitive dream....again with a subsitution:

Friend Y, who it needs to be noted is Asian, is still currently staying here while a house purchase goes through. He went to Amsterdam the weekend of the 13th. The day before he went I messaged him from my room asking if everything was ok with his eye as Id just dreamt of him entering the living room from the hallway with one eye closed or bunged up.

His eye was fine.

But while he was away.... that's to say 3 days later...new Airbnb guests checked in on their way to Ireland. It's only when they stopped again on their return journey a week later that I recalled the dream report and its significance hit me. They were an older couple with a dog. The man was an Asian gentleman..... with a large eye patch.
I don't know why they are clustering this way , but I've now had a third substitution dream. Or at least partly so. This is more intriguing than the others.

Two foreign friends are involved. One is E an Azerbaijani , who now lives in Amsterdam. The other is D, a Portuguese who lives in York. The latter is notable for his extraordinary accent ( Portuguese mixed with Yorkshire).

This morning I reported to D his first appearance in one of my dreams...

No obvious connection. But literally 40 minutes later I got a message out of the blue from E, the one in Amsterdam, inviting me to join him on a trip. His message ended...

Immediately it seems apparent the dream was about E, not D.

I told him about D and the dream. Not knowing each other, he started asking about him. I sent him a social media video clip I'd saved of him months ago reading from a book, as it showed his weird accent ..


Only afterwards it hit me that I had earlier told D one more detail about the dream..
The above provides an opportunity to acknowledge not everyone accepts these reports of mine are impressive. I sent the above screen capture to another friend (largely because i had a dream of him the other night and, as ever with him, he failed to spot any real life correlations. So i sent him the above without comment just to affirm i report dreams to people for reasons of experience, not desperate hoping.) Here is his take on it. Not a convincing one to me, but also not uncommonly offered by the sceptically minded. I should of course have started my reply by asking "how many is 'enough' people? I only asked one person. The one in the dream. Why would i ask anyone else?"

The following startled me. The recipient of my dream report didn't initially see a real world connection to the main part of my dream. But later the significance of this last scene hit him.

The name Tankard was a half remembered uncertain grasp at what i'd dreamt as the dream recall started to evaporate. I've redacted the real person's surname for privacy. It's not a rhyming name but has several of the same letters as is as he says assonant with the dream name. The name Sophie and career as well as the timing of dream and thought are quite remarkable.

A lot of no match found responses in recent weeks. So a relief to find a succession of "hits" in a single dream (well two dreams)
A number of minor things of note in recent weeks. One friend has appeared - uncommonly as he never used to and its not like we interact much - in a good 4 or 5 dreams that I've reported to him, and each and every one has left him blank, keen as he is to confirm a hit he recognises nothing I report to him as resembling real events. I often speculate on here and elsewhere that these misses are probably hits that the other party just fails to notice. But a couple of recent things have complicated that convenient face saving notion.

Firstly I reported a dream to another friend - the one in the other thread about the "Cabaret" signs around his dying father. I reported it to him before he told me his father was ill and he never responded to the dream account, causing me to assume it was a flop. But after his dad's funeral TWO WEEKS later his account of the day suddenly gave significance to the now old dream.

In the dream a young man was in front of a congregation playing the priestly role, and at the end of the scene the woman in charge made some comment about a small business. When my friend told me about the funeral a fortnight later he said he was "offered a job" as funeral celebrant by the female funeral director as he conducted the service himself to save money. The central part of my dream however involved a detailed physical description of the clerical stand in.....a description that does not fit my mate. Nonetheless the matching elements are too striking for me not to conclude that i dreamt about the friend's (and not my own) future experience. This is an unwelcome complication. If I have to start including "it may resemble something you experience at an unspecified time in the future" to my dream reports I will look even more like a desperate nutcase than i do when i simply seem to get it wrong repeatedly.

Secondly I now know what its like to be on the receiving end of one of these "I dreamt of you messages". Two in fact. And i appreciate now what its like to be more than happy to confirm a match but genuinely unable to recognise the other person's dream as pertaining to anything at all. What's interesting about these two dream receipts is that they nonetheless appear to have a glimmer of a connection between them. A friend in the US messaged me yesterday to say he dreamt of me...i was on a balcony above him as he drove past. The buildings were "orange like it was in Spain or something." I came down to greet him. He described it as "comforting". Like i say, nada. But today, 24 hours later, a recent airbnb guest who stayed here for a month messaged me to say he'd just had a dream about living in my house again. The first thing of note is he's from Spain. The second is that he described the house as much larger and different and in a strange location...and his room was "on the second floor". Finally he too ended his account with a positive emotional response "it felt really good".

I've cherry picked the parallels and omitted the detailed differences. But its interesting. And as i say i can't relate either dream to anything in my waking awareness. Yet...?
Edited to create a single photo montage, and to correct an assumption I made in the commentary at the bottom of this post.


This one is interesting on a couple of levels. Firstly it's G again, the same friend who always manages to identify a dream as a hit ..I still don't know if that implies an especially clear connection to him, or whether he's just much better at recognising the links to reality while others are blind to them.

Secondly is that, at least at the time of responding to me, he was confused that the drone represented a fly, when in fact its a separate part of the sculpture and a more dramatic/accurate match for the dream. At first i wondered if this discovery... depicted in the last image, taken from the Guardian... indicated i was picking up more information than he possessed. But he's clarified that he did know there was an actual fly on the sculpture, he just wasn't thinking clearly.
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Most of the odd things that occur to me generally fall into the category of "psychic" daydreams and multi-layered coincidences. Seemingly precognitive dreams make an occassional appearance, but lately dreams have been to the fore, in my thoughts, (failed) experiments and conversations, with a couple of precognitive images thrown in. And then...this:

Last night I woke up from a dream about visiting a friend, Renato, in Australia, who didn't make me feel very welcome in his home. I check my phone for the time and find its 4am...and that there's a message for me. It had just been sent by the self same Renato in Australia.

Eerie enough but when I tell him in the morning about my dream he reports that he too had woken from a disturbing dream at 4am Australian time...a dream in which he was fending off an "unwelcome visitor". (His words.. it was actually someone breaking in to try and kill him)

Hay, ya, Thanks for sharing. I used to get a lot of Psychic Dreams too. Not so many anymore.
Since writing the above tale it has become evident that it is in fact only a small part of a much larger and rather mindboggling web of synchronicity triggered by an experiment in dream telepathy.

This is a long tale, but I hope worth it. I shall try my best to break it up into small bite sized chunks to aid clarity.

The two key names are Gadge (Gary) and Rennie (Renato). The former is a brit living in Holland and the latter is the Australian friend from the story above. They don't know each other, have never met or had any contact.

It all began a few weeks ago when, following a seemingly successful attempt to "will" a long lost friend to get in touch by sending telepathic instructions at night while he dreamt - a success that could have been coincidence and so needed to be tested - I set upon the idea of actually planting an image into the mind of someone else. Gadge was chosen as he's an artist and so would have a strong visual imagination and a possible propensity for "psi".

The exact nature and purpose of the experiment seemed to change each day over the course of a week and was all rather half-arsed. But the essential point was to get him to dream about, and report that he'd dreamt about, an image of which he had no knowledge and could not reasonably hit upon by chance. The image was of a winged elephant.

Rennie was one of the handful of people I was keeping informed of my activities. Intriguingly no sooner had we begun but Rennie himself had a startling precognitive dream. It involved someone he'd never seen before turning up in real life the following day.

The experiments with Gadge meanwhile were generally a flop. He kept a dream diary but no elephant, winged or otherwise, turned up in his recollections. On the 3rd night of trying I altered things slightly and to aid me in properly "aiming" my thoughts I chose to look at a printed out photo of Gadge as I willed him to dream of the elephant. The only photo I had to hand was of him at a halloween do dressed rather like Freddie Kruger, and I was looking at it in the dark by the dim light of my phone which added to its rather creepy appearance. But I didn't think it relevant.
Once more no winged elephant appeared in his reported dream. But - and it took a while for the potential significance to occur to me - he reported that night he'd had a nightmare He was at home and being pursued by a horror movie bogeyman trying to kill him.....

Realising that the photo of him I'd been looking at might have worked its way into his dreams, where the elephant motif had not, we changed tack. The elephant was sacked and replaced by a vivid image, produced in photoshop, of Gadge himself as a Spanish bullfighter. Would this have more success? That night - nothing. He had almost no dream material to report and certainly nothing related to the image in question.

However....another change of tack that very night was deciding to record my own dreams, to see if anything interesting happened. Nothing of note did...at first. It was only 3 days later that one of the dreams (arial footage of a german city and the place of Hitler's birth being singled out) was replayed before my very eyes on a television documentary. This represent the 3rd Psi-seeming event in the course of the week, not one of which involved the images I was actually trying to send.

At this point we decided the dream influencing experiment was a flop. It occurred to me that it was bound to be so. I'd heard of the Maimonides program, and how its procedures involved sending the image while the subject was categorically in a dream state, then waking them from the dream before anything has a chance to fade. This we clearly weren't in a position to do.

So a final change of tack. A daytime remote viewing exercise, still using the bullfighter image. I would concentrate on it for 15 minutes while Gadge in Holland tried to clairvoyantly perceive what I was looking at. Again, a complete failure.

And so the experiments came to an end with only the "bogeyman" dream, at this point, suggestive of any kind of success.

Several days passed and on Sunday night the account at the beginning of this topic involving a semi-shared and eerily timed dream with Rennie in Australia occurred. He happened to be sending me a message at the very time I was dreaming about him, and I woke at 4am...then later found that he had woken at 4am his time from a symbolically related dream.

Two things struck me about this. The first was that we had accidentally followed the procedures of the aforementioned Maionides project - thoughts "sent" during the actual dream state, and being woken from the dream so as to report it fresh - this inspired me to send off for the book of those events, Dream Telepathy by Ullman, Krippner and Vaughan, which arrived yesterday. The second thing that passed my thoughts was the essential similarity between Rennie's dream - which involved a killer trying to break into his house to get him - and the "bogeyman" dream of Gadge's over a week earlier during the experiments. But as there was no connection between the two individuals or events I thought it not worth expressing.

Yesterday the book arrived and I began reading it while the television was on in the background, showing a repeat of the sitcom Duty Free. My attention was pulled suddenly from the book by the certainty someone on the television had just used the word "mulato". This word had been the key element of a much earlier "telepathic" experience, but one which I'd been recounting just a couple of days ago. So I payed attention to the TV show and found that this episode largely revolved around an encounter with a bull fighter......

Hmmm...2 similarities to the Gadge experiments within a couple of days? Still perhaps too far fetched to mention. So I carried on reading the book and within minutes........

I come to an account of a famous psychiatrist in 1914 being pestered by a clairvoyant to do some ESP experiments. He agrees and they do exactly what we were doing. For 15 minutes at lunchtime the psychiatrist is concentrating on an object in his study while the clairvoyant tries to see it psychically. The clairvoyant's reading, like ours, turned out to be complete rubbish. But here's the twist...

Before the clairvoyant's report arrived the psychiatrist heard first from a friend of his who'd just had a remarkable dream...involving the very thing the shrink was concentrating on and trying to send. What was it? The image of an elephant.....

(From the book "Would suggest evidence for Jung's hypothesis of synchronicity - an intricate web of meaningful coincidences clustered around an emotional situation.")

Every thought I have about this whole thing is also constantly turning up in the book. Does the idea that Rennie and Gadge should share a dream sound like total nonsense when they've no connection to each other? On the subject of cases in the world of psychoanalysis it remarks " When patients who have never met have intermeshing dreams on different nights (Gadge and Rennie?) and these dreams become meaningful only when discussed with their common point of contact, the psychiatrist (me?), one begins to wonder just who might be sending telepathic messages to whom."

My head hurts.
Wow. This is a a long one. But I get the drift of it, and I like the way you analyze your dreams.
Here's an interesting one that may provide more clues to what the dreaming mind is doing.

Yesterday I had a new digital smart lock installed on the front door as for some reason a lot of guests have recently started going home with my door key still in their pocket.

I recorded a video clip of me showing how it works, to send my siblings and a couple of friends.

I considered sending the video to T, a frequent guest over the years. But he's not stayed for a while, I've not communicated with him lately and am not expecting him any time soon. So I decided against sending.

However - as he's one of those I got interested in the subject of psychic dreams - I DID message him this morning relating to the Trump shooting last night.

His reply was intriguing. He declared it odd to receive a message from me this morning as last night he dreamt of being back at my house and I was showing "the latest guest upgrades" . I'm not in the habit of upgrading anything so this strikes me as a clear allusion to the message I had intended to send. What's more tantalizing though is the upgrade in his dream was an "Orange press/squeeze". As the message he did receive from me was not about a new household gadget but Donald Trump could this be his unconscious combining the intended and received messages by making "Orange press" out of the "orange Pres".

Another friend of mine literally referred to him as "the orange one" in a text this morning.

Was it really July the last time I posted one of these here? I'm sure there have been several since then.

Here's a new one.
