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Former 9NEWS anchor Amelia Earhart releases new book​

Amelia Earhart has a new book about the lessons learned from her flight around the world.

DENVER — Pilot, public speaker and former 9NEWS anchor Amelia Earhart is now an author.

Earhart has released her new book "Learn to Love the Turbulence" on becoming the pilot in command of your own journey.

In 2014, Earhart became the first pilot in command of a flight around the world in a single-engine Pilatus PC-12 NG.

"Today, I’m thrilled to release the book about that very flight," Earhart said. "It’s been a long time coming, and it’s my sincere hope you connect with the stories and ideas I’ve shared within it in a meaningful way."

Available on Amazon, "Learn to Love the Turbulence" looks at how Earhart's challenges, obstacles and success taught her invaluable lessons about life.

"Blue skies and thank you all for your support and encouragement through the years as I’ve worked toward this huge goal!"


Former 9NEWS anchor Amelia Earhart releases new book​

Amelia Earhart has a new book about the lessons learned from her flight around the world.

DENVER — Pilot, public speaker and former 9NEWS anchor Amelia Earhart is now an author.

Earhart has released her new book "Learn to Love the Turbulence" on becoming the pilot in command of your own journey.

In 2014, Earhart became the first pilot in command of a flight around the world in a single-engine Pilatus PC-12 NG.

"Today, I’m thrilled to release the book about that very flight," Earhart said. "It’s been a long time coming, and it’s my sincere hope you connect with the stories and ideas I’ve shared within it in a meaningful way."

Available on Amazon, "Learn to Love the Turbulence" looks at how Earhart's challenges, obstacles and success taught her invaluable lessons about life.

"Blue skies and thank you all for your support and encouragement through the years as I’ve worked toward this huge goal!"

This is very weird.

Former 9NEWS anchor Amelia Earhart releases new book​

Amelia Earhart has a new book about the lessons learned from her flight around the world.

DENVER — Pilot, public speaker and former 9NEWS anchor Amelia Earhart is now an author.

Earhart has released her new book "Learn to Love the Turbulence" on becoming the pilot in command of your own journey.

In 2014, Earhart became the first pilot in command of a flight around the world in a single-engine Pilatus PC-12 NG.

"Today, I’m thrilled to release the book about that very flight," Earhart said. "It’s been a long time coming, and it’s my sincere hope you connect with the stories and ideas I’ve shared within it in a meaningful way."

Available on Amazon, "Learn to Love the Turbulence" looks at how Earhart's challenges, obstacles and success taught her invaluable lessons about life.

"Blue skies and thank you all for your support and encouragement through the years as I’ve worked toward this huge goal!"

aww, explaining that it's not that Amelia Earhart kind of ruins the joke/trick.
Drug-addled ‘cocaine sharks’ may be gobbling ‘bales of narcotics’

Experts have suspected that sharks off the coast of Florida are coming into contact with large amounts of cocaine that's getting dumped into the ocean.

Hauls of cocaine are said to be dropped in the ocean either to let smugglers collect them or as an attempt for criminals to escape law enforcement.


maximus otter

Bankman-Fried planned to buy Nauru and build apocalypse bunker – lawsuit​

Lawsuit filed against FTX founder, 31, includes memo that detailed plans to purchase Pacific island in case world came to an end

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday by FTX against its 31-year-old founder and three other former executives, and seeking $1bn, included a memo created by Bankman-Fried’s younger brother Gabriel and an FTX Foundation executive. The memo detailed plans to buy Nauru.
The plan was to “purchase the sovereign nation of Nauru in order to construct a ‘bunker/shelter’ that would be used for ‘some event where 50-99.99% of people die [to] ensure that most EAs survive’” the memo said, referring to “effective altruism”, a philosophical and social movement championed by Bankman-Fried that tries to maximize the impact of charitable giving.

The memo also noted plans to develop “sensible regulation around human genetic enhancement, and build a lab there”. It also said “probably there are other things it’s useful to do with a sovereign country, too”.



Bankman-Fried planned to buy Nauru and build apocalypse bunker – lawsuit​

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday by FTX against its 31-year-old founder and three other former executives, and seeking $1bn, included a memo created by Bankman-Fried’s younger brother Gabriel and an FTX Foundation executive. The memo detailed plans to buy Nauru.
The plan was to “purchase the sovereign nation of Nauru in order to construct a ‘bunker/shelter’ that would be used for ‘some event where 50-99.99% of people die [to] ensure that most EAs survive’” the memo said, referring to “effective altruism”, a philosophical and social movement championed by Bankman-Fried that tries to maximize the impact of charitable giving.


Does he see the irony here? (my bolding).

Two men have pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted deception of a post office worker concerning a deceased man’s pension in January last year.

Both co-accused Declan Haughney, 41, of 119 Pollerton Road, Carlow and Gareth Coakley, 37 of 44 John Sweeney Park, Carlow town are charged with attempted deception of Margaret O’Toole at Hosey’s post office on Staplestown Road, Carlow town contrary to common law of which they pleaded guilty on Wednesday.

The pair also faced a charge of the attempted theft of the old age pension of 66-year-old Peadar Doyle totalling €246 on January 21st, 2022.

On Tuesday both had pleaded not guilty during a court appearance, and a trial was due to proceed today. The trial had been expected to last into the end of next week.

However, this morning Judge Eugene O’Keeffe was informed by Defence Counsels David Roberts for Mr Haughney, and Defence Counsel Richard Downey for Mr Coakley, that their clients were changing their pleas in respect of one of the charges.


Pair of idiots, if they'd pleaded guilty from the start instead of at the last moment they might have gotten fools pardons via suspended sentences.

Two men have been sentenced for attempting to use a dead man's body to deceive a post office and claim his pension in the Irish Republic.

Declan Haughney, 41, was sentenced to two years and 37-year-old Gareth Coakley was sentenced to 18 months in prison.
The incident occurred in Carlow town in January 2022.

On Friday the Circuit Criminal Court in Carlow was shown CCTV footage of both men dragging the lifeless body of 66-year-old Peadar Doyle, who had a hat on, from his home to the post office.

The footage also showed a member of the public, Claire Knight, stopping the two men to check on Mr Doyle after seeing him being dragged down the street from his home, Irish broadcaster RTÉ reports.


Football match called off after hearse ‘spins circles’ on Tyne and Wear pitch​


Be very interesting to hear what the back story is, as there was a second car and the occupants were throwing leaflets out the windows - the Guarding giving no clue as to what the leaflets say.
No mention of what the leaflets were about which might explain why the hearse was there in the first place. It's the half a story syndrome again.

38-year-old Florida manatee dies after ‘high-intensity’ sex with brother

A Florida manatee died earlier this year after having too much “high-intensity” sex with his brother, officials revealed this week.

Necropsy results revealed that 38-year-old Hugh died in April after succumbing to traumatic injuries caused by a sexual encounter with another, larger, male manatee at the facility — his brother, Buffett.

One of the fatal injuries was a 14.5-centimeter rip in Hugh’s colon, the report said.


maximus otter

Russians drop bombs on New York

"Russian invaders have launched 31 artillery strikes on the Donetsk region’s Vuhledar and dropped two aerial bombs on the urban-type settlement of New York.

“In the Volnovakha direction, Russians launched 31 artillery strikes on Vuhledar. Prechystivka is remaining under enemy fire. […] In the Horlivka direction, the enemy dropped two aerial bombs on New York: nine houses and an administrative building were damaged."


"New York, Donetsk — also rendered Niu York or Нью-Йорк — founded by German settlers under Catherine the Great in 1892. The name was chosen because a wife of one of the founders came from America and wanted to remember her place of birth."


maximus otter
Last edited:

38-year-old Florida manatee dies after ‘high-intensity’ sex with brother

A Florida manatee died earlier this year after having too much “high-intensity” sex with his brother, officials revealed this week.

Necropsy results revealed that 38-year-old Hugh died in April after succumbing to traumatic injuries caused by a sexual encounter with another, larger, male manatee at the facility — his brother, Buffett.

One of the fatal injuries was a 14.5-centimeter rip in Hugh’s colon, the report said.


maximus otter
Hugh Manatee?
Very sad indeed and this is why these creatures should not be locked up together.

Parachuting beavers created a fire-resistant wetland​



Some people have a negative view of beavers: they tear down trees and build dams that can flood the adjacent landscape. In Idaho in the 1940s, officials rounded up beavers from populated areas and relocated them – sometimes by parachute – to remote areas such as Baugh Creek. Now, nearly 70 years later, NASA satellite images show that these areas where beavers settled are lusher, greener, and more resistant to fire and drought.

Some of the areas that Idaho wanted to relocate the beavers to were so remote that there were no roads to get them there. So, they came up with a novel solution. Idaho Fish and Game used surplus parachutes from World War II to drop the beavers into their new homes.

At first, the fish and game people figured they could drop the beavers in woven willow boxes. Then the beavers could chew themselves to freedom upon landing. But as soon as they put the beavers in the boxes, they began to chew their way out. And they didn’t want a plane full of loose beavers. Instead, Idaho Fish and Game designed a box that would open upon impact. They tested the box’s design on one eager beaver they aptly named Geronimo. After several test drops onto a field, they were assured that the design would work.
Chinese zoo denies bear is a human in costume
Visitors to Hangzhou Zoo suspect one of the animals is fake

From The Times
To be fair, though, the bear's movements in the video are surprising. Just the pics look like a person, but the short video really shows the bear and it's movements.

Now if that bear were in our forests in Canada, I could totally imagine people thinking Sasquatch when it stands upright.

Once I saw that it is a sun bear the colouring on the neck is right. I thought from the pics that it was a person's neck seen through a costume.