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Fortean Headlines

This incident does have news reporting from Peru, but it's in Spanish and unfortunately my Spanish isn't good enough. While the reported creatures are claimed to float in the air, there is no report of a UFO per se.

Google translate has reporting that it's not aliens, it's illegal miners.
OK, my translation of the first article: Ciudadanos denuncian ser atacados por 'seres extraños' durante las noches en Loreto, from the website of La República, Peru.

Citizens denounce being attacked by ‘strange beings’ at night in Loreto

By Sebastián Aponte, published 7 August 2023 at 17:29

The members of the Ikitu tribe indicated that they are hooded beings that can stand up to 2 meters high. The request the presence of the Peruvian Navy.

A group of citizens of the Ikutu tribe, located in Loreto, declared that the community is being attacked in the nights by ‘strange beings’. Jairo Reátegui Dávila, president of the aforementioned community, indicated that the attacks have been taking place since 11 July of the current year.

What do these ‘strange beings’ denounced by the Ikutu tribe look like?

The reports by members of the community indicate that these men are hooded, that they wear black and can be as much as 2 meters tall. Reátegui Dávila confirmed that it concerns extra-terrestrials that are terrifying the whole tribe which can be found in the Alto Nanay district.

Since the tribe reported that a minor had been attacked by these ‘strange beings’ and that, as a result of the struggle, received a cut on the neck. She was attended in the community first-aid post, where hours later she recovered from the shock. The citizens demand the presence of the authorities, especially the Navy, to deal with the situation.

What are the ‘pelacara’(face-peelers) and why do they blame them for the attacks?

Some of the local media have indicate the the beings known as ‘face-peelers’ (pelacara) are responsible for the attacks. These mythical beings devote themselves to hunting the locals, they indicated.

Where does the Ikitu tribe live?

According to the Indigenous Peoples Database, the Ikitu live mainly in the Maynas province, in Loreto department. According to the results of the national census of 2017, 1352 people have self-identified by their customs and ancestry as part of the Ikitu people at a national level; and by the fieldword that has been undertaken by the Ministry of Education.

What did the authorities do in response to the inhabitants’ complaint?

The police arrive in the area, where the locals reported the presence of these ‘strange beings’. The agents arrived on board a speedboat. The also explored the perimeter of the community, especially the area where a 15-year old girl had been attacked by these beings.

How many indigenous peoples exist in Loreto?

Loreto has around 32 indigenous or native peoples: Achuar, Arabela, Ashaninka, Asheninka, Awajún, Bora, Chami- curo, Chapra, Ikitu, Jíbaro, Kakataibo, Kandozi, Kapanawa, Kichwa, Kukama Kukamiria, Maijuna, Matsés, Muni- che, Murui-Muinant, Ocaina, Omagua, Resigaro, Secoya, Shawi, Shipibo-Konibo, Shiwilu, Ticuna, Urarina, Vacacocham Wampis, Yagua and Yine.

What did the citizens say to the police and soldiers about the ‘strange beings’?

The forces received the citizens’ accounts about the happening. Some mentioned that this ‘face-peeler’ “hides its face” and another indicated that it was seen “floating”. The complainants requested the intervention of law-enforcement, ever since the events had started last 11 July.

How many indigenous or native peoples exist in Peru?

At the moment, 55 indigenous or native peoples of the Andes and Amazonia live in Peru, which mainly are organised in agricultural and native communities. Likewise, to date, 48 indigenous or native languages have been identified.
Brilliant! Cheers Simon.
(Sorry to have made work for you!)
Next one:
Perú: una tribu indígena denunció ataques de "extraterrestres de más de dos metros de altura", from Perfil, Argentina, credited only to CA/ED, published 10 August 2023.

Peru: an indigenous tribe denounces attacks by “aliens over 2 meters tall”

The Ikitu tribe alerted the authorities to the repeated apparition of mysterious figures with dark hoods that at night “attack” the villagers of the rural district of Alto Nanay, northwest of Lima.

Members of the indigenous Ikitu people, native to San Antonio, alerted the Peruvian authorities about the presumed appearance of “strange beings” that had attacked groups of villagers that live in the rural district of Alto Nanay, northwest of Lima. Upon relating their experiences, the locals were visibly terrified by the sudden arrival of “7-foot (2.10m) tall extraterrestrials” which they have given a peculiar name: “The Face-peelers” (Los Pelacaras).

The Ikitu tribe of the native community of San Antonio denounce the presumed apparition of mysterious figures with dark hoods that had been attacking the villagers of the rural district since the night of 11 July.

A 15-year-old girl was wounded as a result of the apparent attacks and had to be taken to a clinic.

The leader of the indigenous community, Jairo Reátegui Dávila, told the media that the girl managed to esape but was wounded in the neck as a result of the struggle.

According to local media, the members of the community are organising ‘night watches’ to protect the women and children, while they raised a request to the authorities so they deploy military personnel to the region.

The locals described the “aliens” as beings with “big heads and yellow eyes”, and clarified to the press that these mysterious apparitions were invulnerable to their hunting weapons.

According to the accounts of supposed witnesses, the villages had been subjected to the ‘face-peelers’ every night since 11th July.

Description of the ‘Face-peelers’ according to the leader of the indigenous tribe

A Peruvian media outlet (Latina Noticias) quoted the tribal chief, Dávila, when he narrated his ‘face to face’ encounter with one of the so-called aliens.

“Their face is barely visible. I have seen their whole body floating at a height of a meter”, the man said, suggesting that he aforementioned being was floating.

The group requested an immediate military presence from the Peruvian government.

Local reports revealed that the police patrolled the area on board a boat and explored the perimeter of the village, including the area where they had supposedly attacked the girl.

However, it was not clear if the authorities had identified elements that corroborated the accounts of the villagers and if the government had the intention of deploying military personnel in the region for an extended period in order to protect the tribe from the presumed threat.

“We need support for our community. The children can’t sleep and the mothers are awake all night”, continued Dávila. “They appear to be armoured. I shot one of them twice and it wasn’t injured, it rose up and disappeared.”

“We are very frightened by what is happening here in our community”, revealed the leader, whose declarations were reproduced in the Daily Mail.

He also explained that “the Face-peelers” use shoes of a circular form “to float… Their heads are tall, they use a mask and their eyes are yellow. They are experts at escaping”, said Dávila to the media.
Next one:
Perú: una tribu indígena denunció ataques de "extraterrestres de más de dos metros de altura", from Perfil, Argentina, credited only to CA/ED, published 10 August 2023.

Peru: an indigenous tribe denounces attacks by “aliens over 2 meters tall”

The Ikitu tribe alerted the authorities to the repeated apparition of mysterious figures with dark hoods that at night “attack” the villagers of the rural district of Alto Nanay, northwest of Lima.

Members of the indigenous Ikitu people, native to San Antonio, alerted the Peruvian authorities about the presumed appearance of “strange beings” that had attacked groups of villagers that live in the rural district of Alto Nanay, northwest of Lima. Upon relating their experiences, the locals were visibly terrified by the sudden arrival of “7-foot (2.10m) tall extraterrestrials” which they have given a peculiar name: “The Face-peelers” (Los Pelacaras).

The Ikitu tribe of the native community of San Antonio denounce the presumed apparition of mysterious figures with dark hoods that had been attacking the villagers of the rural district since the night of 11 July.

A 15-year-old girl was wounded as a result of the apparent attacks and had to be taken to a clinic.

The leader of the indigenous community, Jairo Reátegui Dávila, told the media that the girl managed to esape but was wounded in the neck as a result of the struggle.

According to local media, the members of the community are organising ‘night watches’ to protect the women and children, while they raised a request to the authorities so they deploy military personnel to the region.

The locals described the “aliens” as beings with “big heads and yellow eyes”, and clarified to the press that these mysterious apparitions were invulnerable to their hunting weapons.

According to the accounts of supposed witnesses, the villages had been subjected to the ‘face-peelers’ every night since 11th July.

Description of the ‘Face-peelers’ according to the leader of the indigenous tribe

A Peruvian media outlet (Latina Noticias) quoted the tribal chief, Dávila, when he narrated his ‘face to face’ encounter with one of the so-called aliens.

“Their face is barely visible. I have seen their whole body floating at a height of a meter”, the man said, suggesting that he aforementioned being was floating.

The group requested an immediate military presence from the Peruvian government.

Local reports revealed that the police patrolled the area on board a boat and explored the perimeter of the village, including the area where they had supposedly attacked the girl.

However, it was not clear if the authorities had identified elements that corroborated the accounts of the villagers and if the government had the intention of deploying military personnel in the region for an extended period in order to protect the tribe from the presumed threat.

“We need support for our community. The children can’t sleep and the mothers are awake all night”, continued Dávila. “They appear to be armoured. I shot one of them twice and it wasn’t injured, it rose up and disappeared.”

“We are very frightened by what is happening here in our community”, revealed the leader, whose declarations were reproduced in the Daily Mail.

He also explained that “the Face-peelers” use shoes of a circular form “to float… Their heads are tall, they use a mask and their eyes are yellow. They are experts at escaping”, said Dávila to the media.
After reading through a translated report on the Face-Peelers attacks, it seems that it was down to gold miners - or, maybe others working with, or for, the mine owners that wore jet-packs and did their worst to scare the villagers away so that they could take over and gain the gold - or/and timber from the land?
“The Penny Supermarket 45 miles west of Wiener, was shut on Tuesday over the scare..”


maximus otter
However, if it turns out that the spider that is thought to have been spotted, is the 4 inch 'Brazilian Wandering Spider.' It seems it can actually cause a four hour erection - along with other severe effects. . . and the chance that the venom then kills you!
It's not all bad though. . . there is the possibility that Science can make good use from researching the powerful effects from its venom.

After reading through a translated report on the Face-Peelers attacks, it seems that it was down to gold miners - or, maybe others working with, or for, the mine owners that wore jet-packs and did their worst to scare the villagers away so that they could take over and gain the gold - or/and timber from the land?
On that note, my final translation from the 3 links I posted earlier in the thread:

¡No eran extraterrestres, eran mineros ilegales! Fiscalía revela investigación de comunidad en Loreto, from La Republica, Peru, by Milagro Corrales, 10th August 2023.

They weren’t aliens, they were illegal miners! The prosecutor’s office reveals investigation of community in Loreto

The investigations carried out by the Public Ministry (Ministry of Justice – SB) determined that the cause was illegal miners that intended to cause fear among the Ikitu indigenous people in order to carry out their illicit activities.

The Public Ministry revealed that the investigation was carried out in the community of Loreto, in which the citizens claimed they were attacked by “strange beings” at night.

According to information from the Prosecutor’s Office, the cause is illegal miners that intended to cause fear among the Ikitu indigenous people in order to carry out their illicit activities without any interruptions.

As you will remember, after the citizens denounced the apparition of aliens in Amazonia (very close to the Nanay River. The authorities went to the area to verify the events that were described and recorded by the members of the community.

In the videos, terrifying scenes were shown in which the populatio of the area (including children) had to defend themselves from the apparition of strange beings that rose up or were masked. The episodes occurred at night and didn’t allow them to rest.

The prosecutor who is investigating the case, Carlos Castro Quintanilla, has indicated to RPP that the people behind these events would be illegal miners from Brazil and Colombia.

As such, he declared that there are foreign mafias that decicte themselves to the illegal extraction of gold and operate in different villages of the Loreto region.

Furthermore, he narrated that the presumed individuals responsible for the attacks use high tech equipment, such as propulsion packs that allow them to ascend and descend in the air. This confirms the version of a teacher who was a witness to the attempted kidnap of a minor and who described the previously mentioned equipment.

What is know about the illegal miners?

The illegal miners from Brazil and Colombia search for gold in the Peruvian jungle. Actually, they pollute the rivers by using chemicals that cause the death of many living creatures.


A teacher from the area was witness to the attempted kidnapping of a minor last 29th July. The teacher mentioned the use of propulsion and high tech equipment, which permitted the people to ascend (fly) and descend with ease.

What appearance do the ‘strange beings’ have that the Ikitu tribe reported?

The community members’ reports indicate that these men are hooded, that they wear black and can even measure 2 meters tall. Reátegui Dávila confirmed that they are aliens that are frightening the whole tribe, which is found in the Alto Nanay district.

Concerning this, the ufology expert Anthony Choy explained that these phenomena are fairly repetitive in Peruvian Amazonia. He emphasised that this year, near these reported events, the citizens of Pucallpa also reported similar events.
On that note, my final translation from the 3 links I posted earlier in the thread:

¡No eran extraterrestres, eran mineros ilegales! Fiscalía revela investigación de comunidad en Loreto, from La Republica, Peru, by Milagro Corrales, 10th August 2023.

They weren’t aliens, they were illegal miners! The prosecutor’s office reveals investigation of community in Loreto

The investigations carried out by the Public Ministry (Ministry of Justice – SB) determined that the cause was illegal miners that intended to cause fear among the Ikitu indigenous people in order to carry out their illicit activities.

The Public Ministry revealed that the investigation was carried out in the community of Loreto, in which the citizens claimed they were attacked by “strange beings” at night.

According to information from the Prosecutor’s Office, the cause is illegal miners that intended to cause fear among the Ikitu indigenous people in order to carry out their illicit activities without any interruptions.

As you will remember, after the citizens denounced the apparition of aliens in Amazonia (very close to the Nanay River. The authorities went to the area to verify the events that were described and recorded by the members of the community.

In the videos, terrifying scenes were shown in which the populatio of the area (including children) had to defend themselves from the apparition of strange beings that rose up or were masked. The episodes occurred at night and didn’t allow them to rest.

The prosecutor who is investigating the case, Carlos Castro Quintanilla, has indicated to RPP that the people behind these events would be illegal miners from Brazil and Colombia.

As such, he declared that there are foreign mafias that decicte themselves to the illegal extraction of gold and operate in different villages of the Loreto region.

Furthermore, he narrated that the presumed individuals responsible for the attacks use high tech equipment, such as propulsion packs that allow them to ascend and descend in the air. This confirms the version of a teacher who was a witness to the attempted kidnap of a minor and who described the previously mentioned equipment.

What is know about the illegal miners?

The illegal miners from Brazil and Colombia search for gold in the Peruvian jungle. Actually, they pollute the rivers by using chemicals that cause the death of many living creatures.


A teacher from the area was witness to the attempted kidnapping of a minor last 29th July. The teacher mentioned the use of propulsion and high tech equipment, which permitted the people to ascend (fly) and descend with ease.

What appearance do the ‘strange beings’ have that the Ikitu tribe reported?

The community members’ reports indicate that these men are hooded, that they wear black and can even measure 2 meters tall. Reátegui Dávila confirmed that they are aliens that are frightening the whole tribe, which is found in the Alto Nanay district.

Concerning this, the ufology expert Anthony Choy explained that these phenomena are fairly repetitive in Peruvian Amazonia. He emphasised that this year, near these reported events, the citizens of Pucallpa also reported similar events.
Actually, the described 6-foot-tall high-tech flying miners that ascend and descend "easily" sound a bit like a fairy tale themselves...
This just appeared on my YouTube feed.
I haven't seen this story posted on this site, about a woman marrying a Victorian Ghost, now wants a divorce and is considering an exorcism:

Woman who married ghost wants exorcism as spirit husband has made her life living hell​

A woman who married a ghost last year has sought marriage counselling through a medium, and is now considering an exorcism, because her phantom hubby is making her life a living hell.
Rocker Brocarde, who married her haunting husband, Edwardo, on Halloween 2022, says she wants out.
The singer says she married her phantom hubby just five months after meeting him – but he is now stalking her.
Brocarde, 38, says she no longer wants to be married to her spirit spouse, who she claims is the ghost of a Victorian soldier - but he is not willing to let her go.
She claims to be considering using an exorcist to rid him for good.

I know that there will be a more appropriate place to put this so please move if needed.

I found this from the BBC website quite interesting. A female asking how Netflix knew that she was bi before she did. It raises questions about how our information is analysed by technology and could potentially cause some issues going forward:

I know that there will be a more appropriate place to put this so please move if needed.

I found this from the BBC website quite interesting. A female asking how Netflix knew that she was bi before she did. It raises questions about how our information is analysed by technology and could potentially cause some issues going forward:


I saw her on TV and I reckon she's just an attention seeker. who knew/suspected she was bi all along and thus left a certain digital footprint.
I know that there will be a more appropriate place to put this so please move if needed.

I found this from the BBC website quite interesting. A female asking how Netflix knew that she was bi before she did. It raises questions about how our information is analysed by technology and could potentially cause some issues going forward:

I read this article a day or two ago and nearly posted it here. However, much depends on her habits in periodically clearing her watch and search history.

For comparison, I have noticed that if I do not clear my watch and search history on YouTube periodically, I get more and more recommendations of the same types of videos. I watched a couple reviews of one particular model of motorbike and now the Algorithm thinks that's all I want to see. I have had the same experience with other subjects such as comedy, rockabilly music, and sailing videos.

If this person was gay but had not yet realised it, it is likely that in the normal course of events, she chose films that tended to contain some elements relevant to being gay.

If she did not clear her history, the algorithm would go into a reinforcing spiral of showing her more of the same type of thing. It didn't "know she was gay before her" but it identified some common factors in her watch history, then recommended similar content which she chose to watch, which reinforced the trend... and so on.

This only became a "story" because discovering/realising/accepting that she was gay was a big personal thing.

If the same algorithm appeared to think I wanted an Enfield 350 Classic before I finally decided to buy one, it would be the same phenomenon, but not a "story".
I'm wary of someone who needs technology to tell them what they feel personally. Even if they were uncertain in their feelings, I'd rate actual human interaction over tech, even if this was from a stranger.
I suppose the algorythm-search history might explain it's 'knowledge' before hers, but this is in no way reliable. Look at those of us who watch disaster documentaries or true crime stories?
I myself watch a lot of military history, armour and firearms channels ... I await being flagged as a terrorist; it'd be an interesting court case for 'them' to prove.

Walker Art Center holds ‘playful demon summoning session’ for families​

The Walker Art Center held a pagan ritual geared toward families last weekend, with a performance called “Lilit the Empathic Demon.”

“Demons have a bad reputation, but maybe we’re just not very good at getting to know them,” an event description reads.

The event, which took place at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, was part of the Walker’s Free First Saturdays program and featured artist Tamar Ettun who creates “demon traps.”

“Families are invited to create a vessel to trap the demon that knows them best — perhaps the ‘demon of overthinking’ — and then participate in a playful ceremony to summon and befriend their demon,” the website explains.

The event was designed for families, and finished with a “playful demon summoning session.”

“After designing your trap, Lilit the Empathic Demon will come from the dark side of the moon to lead you in locating your feelings using ancient Babylonian techniques,” the website explains. “This collective and playful demon summoning session will conclude with a somatic movement meditation, designed to help you befriend your shadows.”
I saw her on TV and I reckon she's just an attention seeker. who knew/suspected she was bi all along and thus left a certain digital footprint.
I noticed the story being flagged but I didnt bother to read it, neither did I see her on TV but I'd already decided it was a non story or at least a phenonomen I'm already well aware of.

Still it wouldn't hurt for us all to take a bit more care. I'm already aware that those who want to sell me stuff or otherwise persuade me have taken the trouble to learn enough neuroscience/psychology to know me better than I know myself and that's without the help of algorithms and what not. :)
I think I have mentioned it before but I deliberately mess with the 'algorithms' for things like google ads, and you tube, and anything else, by often doing random searches for obscure things - speedboats, ketchup, antelopes, tightrope walking, theodolites.....etc etc
And yet I still get ads for things like 'temu' (which seems to have become the dominant force in online sales of cheap chinese made crap)
I think I have mentioned it before but I deliberately mess with the 'algorithms' for things like google ads, and you tube, and anything else, by often doing random searches for obscure things - speedboats, ketchup, antelopes, tightrope walking, theodolites.....etc etc
And yet I still get ads for things like 'temu' (which seems to have become the dominant force in online sales of cheap chinese made crap)
You'll always get ads for shite-sites like Temu because they pay for that advertising.
Don't all advertisers pay for their advertising?