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Fortean Headlines

A bit of a furore, fairly local to me. (Not a Furore Rocher.)

Mansfield: Hallucinogens found in market chocolate, police say

Quantities of hallucinogenic drugs have been found in "a small number" of chocolate bars sold on a market stall.
Nottinghamshire Police received reports of people falling ill after consuming chocolate bought at Mansfield Market on Saturday.
The force has now said Psilocin - found in magic mushrooms - and THC - a substance found in cannabis - were discovered in some of the bars.
A 63-year-old woman was arrested in connection with the case.
A bit of a furore, fairly local to me. (Not a Furore Rocher.)

Mansfield: Hallucinogens found in market chocolate, police say

Quantities of hallucinogenic drugs have been found in "a small number" of chocolate bars sold on a market stall.
Nottinghamshire Police received reports of people falling ill after consuming chocolate bought at Mansfield Market on Saturday.
The force has now said Psilocin - found in magic mushrooms - and THC - a substance found in cannabis - were discovered in some of the bars.
A 63-year-old woman was arrested in connection with the case.
We discussed that on another thread. I don't think it's the market trader's fault.
A kangaroo that busted out of a zoo in Canada has been caught after 3 days on the hop. Slugged a cop before it was over.
Only in Canada?:clap: I was following the story and was surprised that it wasn't yet featured on this forum.

It didn't bust out of a zoo. It escaped while being transferred to a zoo in Quebec.


And here's video of the roo before capture:

I'm glad it's safe.
Any crowd control weapon are meant to be unpleasant. They make you uncomfortable enough to clear the area, yet not so much that if you 'accidentally' hit 'civilians' then you injure them.
Except . . . there have been serious injuries from such as blinding an eye, brain damage and death, and then, where successfullly prosecuted, serious financial consequences to the locality in charge of that crowd control. And that's not even counting the damage done by over zealous and malicious protestors and counter protestors who think randomly throwing fireworks and firing guns is great fun.
Having fun legally isn't even safe. Paint ball injuries (based on a 30 second Google search extensive research) include eye loss, brain injury and fractured ribs.
Nottinghamshire Police received reports of people falling ill after consuming chocolate bought at Mansfield Market on Saturday.
The force has now said Psilocin - found in magic mushrooms - and THC - a substance found in cannabis - were discovered in some of the bars.
What were the symptoms I wonder. Are samples still available?
I loved doing paintball.
Sure, we were masked up & dressed appropriately, but those pellets stung and sometimes left red marks. Injuries included pellets hitting the mask but breaking, so splattering pant into your mouth - Blerk!
The worst situation were those smartarses who found joy in keeping their rounds in the freezer - now they effing hurt!

A Man Escaped Prison After Botched Penis Enlargement​

It was almost the perfect plan.

Thanapat Mayod, 37, was serving a sentence for theft in a prison in the city of Pattaya, Thailand, when he started feeling pain in his private parts, according to Thai newspaper The Bangkok Post.

Before being put in prison, Mayod underwent a series of injections to enlarge his penis. But last week Mayod was admitted to a local hospital after his genitals became severely infected. At some point while in the hospital, Mayod came up with a plan to escape. He called his wife, who allegedly then smuggled in a pair of pliers.

From Vice.com

A Man Escaped Prison After Botched Penis Enlargement​

It was almost the perfect plan.

Thanapat Mayod, 37, was serving a sentence for theft in a prison in the city of Pattaya, Thailand, when he started feeling pain in his private parts, according to Thai newspaper The Bangkok Post.

Before being put in prison, Mayod underwent a series of injections to enlarge his penis. But last week Mayod was admitted to a local hospital after his genitals became severely infected. At some point while in the hospital, Mayod came up with a plan to escape. He called his wife, who allegedly then smuggled in a pair of pliers.

From Vice.com
A 'Banged-up-kok' then!

Panama Canal backlog risks chardonnay shortage

Drought in the Panama Canal could make finding Chilean or Californian wines in the supermarkets more difficult in the new year, experts have said.

The Panama Canal Authority has been restricting the number of vessels allowed through the 51-mile waterway since summer, after a drought began to affect the lock system.

Wines produced in Chile and California are often transported via the canal.


maximus otter
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Panama Canal backlog risks chardonnay shortage

Drought in the Panama Canal could make finding Chilean or Californian wines in the supermarkets more difficult in the new year, experts have said.

The Panama Canal Authority has been restricting the number of vessels allowed through the 51-mile waterway since summer, after a drought began to affect the lock system.

Wines produced in Chile and California are often transported via the canal.


maximus otter
Chilean wine is brilliant.
Californian is a bit too sweet for me though.
Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 23.23.29.png

Story: https://www.gbnews.com/news/derby-news-police-charge-masturbating-against-window