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A Romano-British burial in a lead coffin was found when the lakes were excavated, so somewhere near to the house and there were Roman settlements close by as well as lots of Neolithic and Saxon history. No evidence Roman children wore white PE shorts though...

@mods: how do you feel about the location being revealed?
A rather stuffy review of the 'Uncanny' tv series from The Gruaniad [sic] has some interesting comments and quite a few coming to Danny's defence:


What would forum members like to see from the 'Uncanny' podcast and tv episodes in the future? For me, more UFO encounters from listeners and more high-strangeness such as cryptic encounters, time-slips, vardøgers and doppelgängers,
I found this on Reddit. Some fullstops would really help though.

I found this on Reddit. Some fullstops would really help though.

https://www.reddit.com/r/timeslip/s/13cXVIC5vuView attachment 72426
Yes, feel a bit dizzy, too!

However, the one big hope for this case is that Slemen appropriated the Bold Street time-slip from another source, and here we have the alleged female witness as revealed by Danny stating that Frank reported "his incident to the local paper". We have to find that paper...!


27 days ago
I’m. My experiences of time slips I feel it could be the theory of underground train movement that sets the motion as on each of the experiences I have had they have been connected to either underground train system which in Bold Street is Central Station or on a train"

Now claiming to have had more than one time-slip...? Also, pretty sure we found maps that demonstrated the underground lines don't actually pass under Bold Street...?

Not sure who to believe anymore :curt:
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Edit to the above:

Having read her posts you might find yourself questioning why Danny chose this individual to appear on his tv show (if it is indeed her posting). Surely he must have known Tom Slemen would lay claim to this tale? Now Robins is being accused of not doing his research

Something else I find curious is that we have yet to have one of the dozens of 'Uncanny' podcast and tv witnesses/experiencers join the Forteana Forums and make themselves known. It is easy to find these forums with a Google search and frankly it is just about the only sane, non-skeptical paranormal internet forum outside of Facebook groups. Certainly, if you were to search for your own 'Uncanny' episode then you would find yourselves here. So do we have 'Uncanny'-famous lurkers? If so, come and join the party...!
I found this on Reddit. Some fullstops would really help though.

https://www.reddit.com/r/timeslip/s/13cXVIC5vuView attachment 72426

As I had a spare few minutes, I've typed out 'Julie's' post with grammar, paragraphs etc., below:

I am Julie from the Uncanny episode. Tom Slemen re-tells people's experiences; he never interviewed Frank the Police officer and the only reference he has to an 'Emma' is in his book about a different case.

A friend of mine saw the post. He had books by Tom Slemen and read them all with reference to the 1996 timeslip involving the ex-Police officer Frank.

I was in my late 20s; after entering the store Frank grabbed my arm, there is no doubt whatsoever that I was the girl in this timeslip with Frank, he introduced himself to me.

I, over the years, having heard of Tom Slemen's book and also other reports of my timeslip, have tried to contact Mr Slemen - who, through social media, has never responded to any of my messages.

I believe Tom Slemen wants to try and take credit for other people's experiences. Frank reported his incident to the local paper, not Tom Slemen. Tom Slemen, I have heard, has been criticised by paranormal experts for making stories up in the past to fill his books.
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A rather stuffy review of the 'Uncanny' tv series from The Gruaniad [sic] has some interesting comments and quite a few coming to Danny's defence:


What would forum members like to see from the 'Uncanny' podcast and tv episodes in the future? For me, more UFO encounters from listeners and more high-strangeness such as cryptic encounters, time-slips, vardøgers and doppelgängers,
TV Series - Shorten it; an hour is too long for each story, hence the insertion of pointless "research" guff.
Stop it with the weird zoom close-ups of Danny's face.
If it is going to be an hour, use the stories that have more depth to them; the shorter investigations can go on the podcast.

Podcast - Don't let the TV show overshadow it; the podcast will likely outlast the TV stuff (not many podcasts have successfully transferred to broadcast TV for any length of time), so don't sacrifice the quality and stories at the alter of ratings.

In terms of the types of stories, I'm happy with the variety they've had, but the quality/depth of the stories took a definite dip in the latest podcast series. Appreciate they can only investigate the stories that are submitted, but I would have thought that they would have had better ones than those to broadcast.

That all said, I did think that the Christmas special was a return to form.
Re: the Guardian feature Paul highlighted ~ I think the author gives the game away - i.e. his sceptical mindset - in the very first paragraph...which rather weakens any claim to objectivity. Besides, some sceptics desperately grab at anything - any possible 'scientific' cause for the happening, however unlikely - in order to explain away the mysterious; often making themselves seem ridiculous in the process. Normally, the Guardian's main podcast reviewer gives a fairer hearing to Uncanny.

In passing: I often read football fans' fora, including those of Liverpool FC. Apparently, Mr Slemen is known amongst many local people for the behaviour that has been alleged. The local newspaper that occasionally reports on the whole matter has a low reputation with them too.
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Also: There are some interesting accounts posted in the Readers' Comments section:

'I don't believe in ghosts. Or, I didn't, before...
I was in The Gambia working with another engineer, Tim. Our next door hotel neighbour was a WHO doctor. One night we found him dead on the hotel steps. Weeks later we encountered his ghost lying in the same place. We both saw it. Then again a week later, then again, and again. We had to move hotel because it was too disturbing. I have no explanation for it.'

Also: There are some interesting accounts posted in the Readers' Comments section:

'I don't believe in ghosts. Or, I didn't, before...
I was in The Gambia working with another engineer, Tim. Our next door hotel neighbour was a WHO doctor. One night we found him dead on the hotel steps. Weeks later we encountered his ghost lying in the same place. We both saw it. Then again a week later, then again, and again. We had to move hotel because it was too disturbing. I have no explanation for it.'

That's really strange - I've not heard many accounts of a haunting involving a body (occasional tales of seeing a hanged person, nothing else I can think of).
TV Series - Shorten it; an hour is too long for each story, hence the insertion of pointless "research" guff.
Stop it with the weird zoom close-ups of Danny's face.
If it is going to be an hour, use the stories that have more depth to them; the shorter investigations can go on the podcast.

Podcast - Don't let the TV show overshadow it; the podcast will likely outlast the TV stuff (not many podcasts have successfully transferred to broadcast TV for any length of time), so don't sacrifice the quality and stories at the alter of ratings.

In terms of the types of stories, I'm happy with the variety they've had, but the quality/depth of the stories took a definite dip in the latest podcast series. Appreciate they can only investigate the stories that are submitted, but I would have thought that they would have had better ones than those to broadcast.

That all said, I did think that the Christmas special was a return to form.
Have to agree with you, for example the Rendlesham and Todmorden UFO cases are crying out for a serious treatment whilst the principal witnesses and initial researchers are still alive.

If there is another season of the podcasts (hope so) then I feel this will be pivotal to the future of 'Uncanny'. Less celebrity content without an actual story to tell would be a good start and whilst Ciarán is by far the best skeptic, he increasingly sounds tired of the format and/or playing the role of the party pooper. So perhaps the format needs a refresh, with the parapsychologist and the skeptic coming in after several episodes for a stand alone episode to recap the previous cases along with listener feedback...? That is, you would have presented the the Room 611 case of two or three episodes and then had the discussion and feedback in a subsequent episode.
As I had a spare few minutes, I've typed out 'Julie's' post with grammar, paragraphs etc., below:

I am Julie from the Uncanny episode. Tom Slemen re-tells people's experiences; he never interviewed Frank the Police officer and the only reference he has to an 'Emma' is in his book about a different case.

A friend of mine saw the post. He had books by Tom Slemen and read them all with reference to the 1996 timeslip involving the ex-Police officer Frank.

I was in my late 20s; after entering the store Frank grabbed my arm, there is no doubt whatsoever that I was the girl in this timeslip with Frank, he introduced himself to me.

I, over the years, having heard of Tom Slemen's book and also other reports of my timeslip, have tried to contact Mr Slemen - who, through social media, has never responded to any of my messages.

I believe Tom Slemen wants to try and take credit for other people's experiences. Frank reported his incident to the local paper, not Tom Slemen. Tom Slemen, I have heard, has been criticised by paranormal experts for making stories up in the past to fill his books.
It is certainly true that Slemen didn't include the name "Emma" in his original write-up of the case (Haunted Liverpool 2). It is also telling that Slemen has never reinterviewed either Frank or "Emma", after all he claims to met them both. I wish Danny Robins would be more forthcoming about how he apparently verified Julie's credentials, especially as she is now apparently claiming more than one time-slip.

@Steven that rather confirms that Slemen is a storyteller rather than a researcher and some of his tales are frankly preposterous, such as his flying witches:

"The first woman in the formation was a brunette of about 30 sitting side-saddle on a brush, and wore a flowing pinkish dress, and the young blonde lady flying behind her had her hand on the broom-mounted woman’s shoulder.

The third figure flying closely behind the blonde one was much younger, possibly in her teens, and she was also blonde.

All of these females were laughing and giggling and the brunette was screaming as she almost fell off the broom."


I also feel this post sums up the situation:

"Alright, so Tom Slemen published this story in one of his Haunted Liverpool books. He's also our eponymous Scouser; why do I say he made this up? Slemen is a prolific purveyor of the paranormal. How prolific? The first Haunted Liverpool was published in 1998 by The Bluecoat Press of Liverpool. As of writing this, the most recent entry - Haunted Liverpool 36 - was released in July 2023; that's 36 in 25 years. That's not all - he's also published other series, such as Haunted Wirral and Tales of the Weird, has regular weekly columns such as Haunted Wirral in Wirral Globe, and apparently hosted a radio show on Radio Merseyside. The books contain no citations; while he says he researches his stories, they're generally stated to have been told to him orally, or submitted via letter. In essence, these books are a collection of dozens of spooky short stories, pumped out in volume, referencing existing local urban legends and locales to give that tinge of authenticity that paranormal fans crave. More directly, they're far from a serious collection of legends, researched by trawling through archives and cross-checking facts."

Any chance if you could ask about on those Liverpool forums if anyone remembers the 1996 Frank and Julie/Emma Bold Street time-slip in a local paper before Tom Slemen's name became attached to it? It really is the only hope for this intriguing alleged time-slip event
Ah, I'm not actually a member of those boards, mate.

In fact, the first time I'd heard of his name was on reading threads on those forums criticising him.

EDIT: Funny how the story about flying witches appeared a mere few years after the highly-publicised 'flying witches filmed over Mexico' story emerged...
As I had a spare few minutes, I've typed out 'Julie's' post with grammar, paragraphs etc., below:

I am Julie from the Uncanny episode. Tom Slemen re-tells people's experiences; he never interviewed Frank the Police officer and the only reference he has to an 'Emma' is in his book about a different case.

A friend of mine saw the post. He had books by Tom Slemen and read them all with reference to the 1996 timeslip involving the ex-Police officer Frank.

I was in my late 20s; after entering the store Frank grabbed my arm, there is no doubt whatsoever that I was the girl in this timeslip with Frank, he introduced himself to me.

I, over the years, having heard of Tom Slemen's book and also other reports of my timeslip, have tried to contact Mr Slemen - who, through social media, has never responded to any of my messages.

I believe Tom Slemen wants to try and take credit for other people's experiences. Frank reported his incident to the local paper, not Tom Slemen. Tom Slemen, I have heard, has been criticised by paranormal experts for making stories up in the past to fill his books.
Could I have your email as you can help me with my grammer etc for job interviews etc ;)
Ah, I'm not actually a member of those boards, mate.

In fact, the first time I'd heard of his name was on reading threads on those forums criticising him.

EDIT: Funny how the story about flying witches appeared a mere few years after the highly-publicised 'flying witches filmed over Mexico' story emerged...
Sorry to stray a bit but what was the outcome of the flying witch in Mexico....who was behind it.
Could I have your email as you can help me with my grammer etc for job interviews etc ;)

I am happy to do so for close family members and for a very short passage on a forum, however I only have so many hours and minutes of 'brain work' in a day - I can help with very short things. My husband (not a native English speaker) found the local free English Literacy (written and spoken) courses on offer very useful, I can recommend them.
I am happy to do so for close family members and for a very short passage on a forum, however I only have so many hours and minutes of 'brain work' in a day - I can help with very short things. My husband (not a native English speaker) found the local free English Literacy (written and spoken) courses on offer very useful, I can recommend them.
Cheers for that but I was just kidding but very kind reply :)
As I had a spare few minutes, I've typed out 'Julie's' post with grammar, paragraphs etc., below:

I am Julie from the Uncanny episode. Tom Slemen re-tells people's experiences; he never interviewed Frank the Police officer and the only reference he has to an 'Emma' is in his book about a different case.

A friend of mine saw the post. He had books by Tom Slemen and read them all with reference to the 1996 timeslip involving the ex-Police officer Frank.

I was in my late 20s; after entering the store Frank grabbed my arm, there is no doubt whatsoever that I was the girl in this timeslip with Frank, he introduced himself to me.

I, over the years, having heard of Tom Slemen's book and also other reports of my timeslip, have tried to contact Mr Slemen - who, through social media, has never responded to any of my messages.

I believe Tom Slemen wants to try and take credit for other people's experiences. Frank reported his incident to the local paper, not Tom Slemen. Tom Slemen, I have heard, has been criticised by paranormal experts for making stories up in the past to fill his books.

1. If there was a Frank, why hasn't he come forward? And even if "Frank" did come forward, there'd be the same question of validity, Are there any accounts published before Slemen's? If so, that would be the place to start. If not, Slemen would be the genesis of the tale. Presumably, if he indeed interviewed both, he'd be in a better place to corroborate whether it was "Emma" or "Julie" who was there?

2. If she was a part of the time slip, why did she wait so long to come forward? It happened 30 yers ago and the story has been around for years...I don't know when Sleman published his account, but I remember hearing about it many years ago before the term Time Slip" was coined. (Tried googling the origin of the word Timeslip and there's not enough time in the world to wade through the result so that might be hyperbole. At the very least, I heard it before podcasts started reporting on them...)

3. Julie's social media campaign to have her named as the Time Slip Time Lord or whatever is beginning to feel like "Looking for muh 15 minutes of fame!" sort of mentality and less like setting the record straight.

The more I read about this since Uncanny, the closer I slide to complete and utter bollocks. I know these are only opinions, but that's my take.....let me hear yours!

Edit: I see Paul thinking around the same lines as I do. Anyone care to go down the rabbit hole and find the earliest mention of Bond Street Time Slips?
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Uncanny TV show season 2 episode 1: Danny talks to "Frank" to hear about his amazing encounter with time slips on Bond Street in Liverpool

Bonus prediction:

Nigel: I am "Frank" the policeman. Tom Slemen re-tells people's experiences; he never interviewed me or Theodora, the woman who was with me in the time slip. Over the years, having heard of Tom Slemen's book and also other reports of my timeslip, I never bothered to come forward until now. I have tried to contact Mr Slemen - who, through social media, has never responded to any of my messages...
@Aydee_Aitchdee I hadn't bothered with any of the other tales in Slemen's 'Haunted Liverpool 2' but having had a look around he has a story about a woman being tailgated by a car along a dark, lonely road only to find out the driver of that car was trying to warn her about a man with a knife who had secreted himself into the boot of her car. Jeffrey Archer wrote this exact story as a four-page spread in one of the big Sunday papers and it was almost certainly before Slemen wrote his book sometime around 1999-2001. Archer himself had probably heard this urban legend before his article, I know I had, but Archer's version was certainly well dramatised. However, Slemen claims his version, which happened in Salt Lake City to a woman originating from Liverpool, is the true version from which all others originated...!
@Aydee_Aitchdee I hadn't bothered with any of the other tales in Slemen's 'Haunted Liverpool 2' but having had a look around he has a story about a woman being tailgated by a car along a dark, lonely road only to find out the driver of that car was trying to warn her about a man with a knife who had secreted himself into the boot of her car. Jeffrey Archer wrote this exact story as a four-page spread in one of the big Sunday papers and it was almost certainly before Slemen wrote his book sometime around 1999-2001. Archer himself had probably heard this urban legend before his article, I know I had, but Archer's version was certainly well dramatised. However, Slemen claims his version, which happened in Salt Lake City to a woman originating from Liverpool, is the true version from which all others originated...!
Ahh, this was what I've been waiting for, ta! More credible instances where Slemen's credibility is in question. I'm finding it harder and harder to accept this time slip as having any sort of credulity and frankly, I'm a bit salty about it. I WANT TO FALL INTO 60S LIVERPOOL but now that's in doubt. *sigh*

I'm off to find this Haunted Liverpool book....
Ahh, this was what I've been waiting for, ta! More credible instances where Slemen's credibility is in question. I'm finding it harder and harder to accept this time slip as having any sort of credulity and frankly, I'm a bit salty about it. I WANT TO FALL INTO 60S LIVERPOOL but now that's in doubt. *sigh*

I'm off to find this Haunted Liverpool book....
Just because he claimed it for his own doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. As above he could have nicked it from someone else, as Julie claims (when her story was made readable). Was that over in the other thread? Hang on.
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As I had a spare few minutes, I've typed out 'Julie's' post with grammar, paragraphs etc., below:

I am Julie from the Uncanny episode. Tom Slemen re-tells people's experiences; he never interviewed Frank the Police officer and the only reference he has to an 'Emma' is in his book about a different case.

A friend of mine saw the post. He had books by Tom Slemen and read them all with reference to the 1996 timeslip involving the ex-Police officer Frank.

I was in my late 20s; after entering the store Frank grabbed my arm, there is no doubt whatsoever that I was the girl in this timeslip with Frank, he introduced himself to me.

I, over the years, having heard of Tom Slemen's book and also other reports of my timeslip, have tried to contact Mr Slemen - who, through social media, has never responded to any of my messages.

I believe Tom Slemen wants to try and take credit for other people's experiences. Frank reported his incident to the local paper, not Tom Slemen. Tom Slemen, I have heard, has been criticised by paranormal experts for making stories up in the past to fill his books.
No it was here.
No it was here.

Is there still a chance that it happened? Of course, there's always a chance no matter how implausible or incredible. So I'm finding it harder and hard to say "it happened" and leaning more towards "It might've happened, but frankly I don't trust the information from the story's only published source, who has credibility issues." see also David Paulides and the Missing 411 books....

And I still want to sliiiiide back into 60s Liverpool. *sigh* *moan* *fuss*
Ahh, this was what I've been waiting for, ta! More credible instances where Slemen's credibility is in question. I'm finding it harder and harder to accept this time slip as having any sort of credulity and frankly, I'm a bit salty about it. I WANT TO FALL INTO 60S LIVERPOOL but now that's in doubt. *sigh*

I'm off to find this Haunted Liverpool book....
They are on Kindle and at a fair price.

This is why it is so frustrating that Danny (Uncanny) put the call out live on local radio and apparently found the female witness of this Frank time-slip only to then go quiet on the matter. Now we have Slemen claiming Daany has found the wrong witness, someone on the internet claiming to be the Danny's witness and that Slemen is wrong and still no word from Frank, anyone claiming to be Frank or relatives of Frank...

It is most interesting - and rather damning - that neither of Slemen's alleged witnesses have at any time come out on the record to corroborate his version of events (despite being described as so photogenic that they must surely enjoyed long careers as catwalk models...!).

I do cling to the fact that we have heard elsewhere that Danny puts potential interviewees through quite a rigorous process before he will broadcast their experiences, so there is hope his witness "Julia" is genuine and that somewhere there is a local newspaper article that predates Slemen's account.