As I had a spare few minutes, I've typed out 'Julie's' post with grammar, paragraphs etc., below:
I am Julie from the Uncanny episode. Tom Slemen re-tells people's experiences; he never interviewed Frank the Police officer and the only reference he has to an 'Emma' is in his book about a different case.
A friend of mine saw the post. He had books by Tom Slemen and read them all with reference to the 1996 timeslip involving the ex-Police officer Frank.
I was in my late 20s; after entering the store Frank grabbed my arm, there is no doubt whatsoever that I was the girl in this timeslip with Frank, he introduced himself to me.
I, over the years, having heard of Tom Slemen's book and also other reports of my timeslip, have tried to contact Mr Slemen - who, through social media, has never responded to any of my messages.
I believe Tom Slemen wants to try and take credit for other people's experiences. Frank reported his incident to the local paper, not Tom Slemen. Tom Slemen, I have heard, has been criticised by paranormal experts for making stories up in the past to fill his books.
It is certainly true that Slemen didn't include the name "Emma" in his original write-up of the case (Haunted Liverpool 2). It is also telling that Slemen has never reinterviewed either Frank or "Emma", after all he claims to met them both. I wish Danny Robins would be more forthcoming about how he apparently verified Julie's credentials, especially as she is now apparently claiming more than one time-slip.
@Steven that rather confirms that Slemen is a storyteller rather than a researcher and some of his tales are frankly preposterous, such as his flying witches:
The first woman in the formation was a brunette of about 30 sitting side-saddle on a brush, and wore a flowing pinkish dress, and the young blonde lady flying behind her had her hand on the broom-mounted woman’s shoulder.
The third figure flying closely behind the blonde one was much younger, possibly in her teens, and she was also blonde.
All of these females were laughing and giggling and the brunette was screaming as she almost fell off the broom."
I also feel this post sums up the situation:
"Alright, so Tom Slemen published this story in one of his Haunted Liverpool books. He's also our eponymous Scouser; why do I say he made this up? Slemen is a prolific purveyor of the paranormal. How prolific? The first
Haunted Liverpool was published in 1998 by The Bluecoat Press of Liverpool. As of writing this, the most recent entry -
Haunted Liverpool 36 - was released in July 2023; that's 36 in 25 years. That's not all - he's also published other series, such as
Haunted Wirral and
Tales of the Weird, has regular weekly columns such as
Haunted Wirral in Wirral Globe, and apparently hosted a radio show on Radio Merseyside. The books contain no citations; while he says he researches his stories, they're generally stated to have been told to him orally, or submitted via letter. In essence, these books are a collection of dozens of spooky short stories, pumped out in volume, referencing existing local urban legends and locales to give that tinge of authenticity that paranormal fans crave. More directly, they're far from a serious collection of legends, researched by trawling through archives and cross-checking facts."
Any chance if you could ask about on those Liverpool forums if anyone remembers the 1996 Frank and Julie/Emma Bold Street time-slip in a local paper before Tom Slemen's name became attached to it? It really is the only hope for this intriguing alleged time-slip event