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Miscellaneous Ghost Photos & Videos



Just to mop up the proliferation of small or one-post threads.
First reaction to the Art Bell stuff:

The faces in the waterfall and fires are just plain old simulacra: good ones, but hardly supernatural.

The photo outside the bar could be a straighforward double exposure: judging by the amount of illumination of the "ghost" subject would appear to be someone posing for a camera shot in daylight.

The Williamsburg lounge ghost photo appears to be of a child, but also seems to have included some of the subject's background in the shape of an oblong: two possible explanations; again a double exposure, or possibly a sort of "Pepper's Ghost" effect.

Face in the crash helmet: as a brightly lit photgraph, any dark area (ie the interior of the helmet) could show up reflections in the lens.

The remainder of the "face" photos, ie the people on the sofa with a floating face alongside them (very reminiscent of the Belmez faces, I might add) and especially the webcam one at the top of "27" are far more interesting.

The light trail ones are quite baffling too, especially the one that goes from an armchair out to another room. The others could be lens flares, I suppose, but I'm not a physicist.

Just playing Devil's Advocate - they could all be genuine. Or fake come to that.
Most of the time ghosts and images in photos have to do with errors in developing. I'm always extremely skeptical of photos myself.
Thanks for the analysis Stu. I also thought that the faces seemed the most genuine,
or they could be photoshop, only the people that took them or faked them would know.
But why would someone go to all the trouble of fixing them up, their not getting paid
or are they?? For some reason I really like simulcrae, I find it everywhere I look.

btw has anyone here actually achieved invisibility??
I think there are a lot of ordinary camera faults being reported as ghosts at the moment. All the transparent people look like the normal results of long exposures to me.
I have some see through people on my photograph here:


They are just people who wandered into shot during the exposure of several minutes.

I think a lot of the trails, like the beer can ghost, are bits of dust or cobweb caught in the camera flash.

I agree the faces are the spookiest and most convincing. The face in the helmet would be easy to fake by putting a cardboard cut out in the helmet. Why would you take some ones picture and have them half out of the frame and a motorcycle helmet in such a prominent position?

I notices something odd in a publicity shot for "Scooby Doo" today. There is a ghostly face behind Velma's head in a picture of the four human leads. This could be a special effect for the film but as it hasn't been released yet I don't know!:eek!!!!:
Hey man, I got a "page unavailable" screen when I clicked on your
link., didn't know if you knew that or not?? thanks
tastyintestines said:
Hey man, I got a "page unavailable" screen when I clicked on your
link., didn't know if you knew that or not?? thanks

Thanks for telling me! Its blooming Geocities and their strange rules. You should be able to see the picture by going to:


and click on the picture of the Millennium Dome. As I say this is nothing special, just a long exposure with people wandering through the shot.

I have scanned the Scooby Doo picture if any one wants to see it. I don't have a good place to stick it on the web at the moment.
Scooby Doo pics

Right I've got the picture on a server but they will come off after a couple of weeks.

Notice anything odd here (other than the fact that yet again some one has tried to make a cartoon into a live action film when the results are always embaressingly painful to watch)

Picture 1

Look above Velma's head:

Picture 2

Can you see this face?


It can't be a reflection of anyone in the shot, so either it is a real person at the back of the set (who and why?), a special effect or something ..... spoooky!:eek!!!!:

Comments? Cher isn't in this film is she?
Stage Hand Caught

I think it's likely just a stage hand caught in the shot. These sorts of mistakes happen all the time in movies and promo stills.

She looks shocked because she realizes her job is in danger, she's in the shot and isn't supposed to be. LOL
Your probably right FraterLibre! It is probably something as boring as that!

The image just jumped out at me when I first saw the picture. I'm surprised the film company actually put the picture out.

When promoting a special niche dog like SCOOBY DOO live action, who pays any attention to details? LOL
Art Bell Pics

I think the picture of the "spirit" coming out of the grave is a fake done with Corel or something. The fact that the detail around the "spirit" is distorted is a bit of a giveaway. And I'm always skeptical when people say "this IS a ghost!."
As for the two guys, it looks as if a straw or hay of something is infront of the camera and its position in conicidence.
As for the Motor Cycle Helmet, it was interesting when they said it had been involved in an accident. In one issue of Fortean TImes (Sorry I don't know which.) there was a story of a couple who were involved in a car accident. They took a picture of the car for the insurance company only to see the image of the lady with a look of sheer terror on her face in the car wreck!
The pictures of the faces do look like double exposures, not all but some. The New York pic is very interesting, but the face looks as if it is smiling which makes me think it may be a double exposure.
But who am i to say Ghosts can't say "Cheese"?
Art Bell Pics

I think the picture of the "spirit" coming out of the grave is a fake done with Corel or something. The fact that the detail around the "spirit" is distorted is a bit of a giveaway. And I'm always skeptical when people say "this IS a ghost!."
As for the two guys, it looks as if a straw or hay of something is infront of the camera and its position in conicidence.
As for the Motor Cycle Helmet, it was interesting when they said it had been involved in an accident. In one issue of Fortean TImes (Sorry I don't know which.) there was a story of a couple who were involved in a car accident. They took a picture of the car for the insurance company only to see the image of the lady with a look of sheer terror on her face in the car wreck!
The pictures of the faces do look like double exposures, not all but some. The New York pic is very interesting, but the face looks as if it is smiling which makes me think it may be a double exposure.
But who am i to say Ghosts can't say "Cheese"?
Ghosts & Release Forms

Claims of ghost pictures make me skeptical, too, but the hope is that some odd phenomenon can be captured on film, or on recording tape, or what ever other medium presents itself. Ahem.

In the case of the pix in discussion here, none presented much of interest. Camera straps, insects, and cigarette smoke blurred by being too close to the camera explains most, while "orbs" are simply dirt on the lenses, and so on.

For the detailed ones, a suspcion of Corel or Photo-Shop must always come first. Face it folks, in this day and age, photographic evidence no longer suffices for anything, and hasn't since we got past the clumsy cut-and-paste days of pasting Lee Harvey Oswald's head and another gun on some merc's body.

As technology gets better for faking things, the fakes get clearer, and that very clarity is becoming strong evidence against believing any picture.
Ghost on Video

I remember reading in one of those cheap fortean books you pick up in Bargain Books or Woolworths of a case in England one of those locked room type mysteries, It goes vaguely like this. Police got called to a nightclub after the place was locked up in the early hours of the morning when the alrm only to find it locked up pretty solid. After getting in they found nothing wrong but got the CCTV tapes for examination. After replaying these the culprit was clearly caught on camera inside the locked building. The big problem was that the intruder walked out the locked exit door without doing what people generally do when encountering a locked door a)unlocking it or b)opening it. The tape was taken to the BBC who determined that it was was genuine and that two images hadn't been laid over one another to create the illusion. Anyone know of any stills from this video on the net?
Possible ghost pic

Wow, this is old now, I've just managed to find it again - I snapped it from the Ghostcam in Llancaiach Fawr Manor, on the BBC website, which can now be found here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southeast/sites/weird/form/ghostcam.shtml

As you can see from the date, it's pretty old now. At the bottom of the pic, there's a faint outline of what looks like a long skirt, or a dress, in line with the stairs. Really freaked me out at the time. What do you think?

To be honest I can't see anything. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place though.
Can't see a thing. Sorry!

Tried changing contrast, brightness, etc, but nada.

Can you outline what you think you see?
Is it that lighter part of the wall, on the right hand side, just below the long brown patch at the corner?
I would hazzard a guess at a light effect from something between the upper stairs light and the stairs.

Do you remember seeing it move at all ?
ive had a good look at this, even put the pic into photoshop and messed with the colours etc, all i can see is the "starburst" effect, its about 2/5 of the way along at the bottom, it travels all the way up the pic to the light source.

edit> please explain further where you think is is!
Hmmmm I think I see what your seeing, it does indeed look like a skirt of somthing similar, Very interesting,

Yay, Mulder's got it! :D I suppose it was a bit vague, but that's what immediately sprang out at me at the time.
I think I can but if I am looking at the right thing, the line that forms the right hand side of the "skirt" goes all the way up to the roof. Long skirt!
The line on the right is the effect of the ceiling light (as someone else said) and the line on the left looks like either a reflection on the door or panelling on the wall, or just a paler part of the door. Because it appears to line up with the skirting board on the left it tricks your eye into thinking there's a longer line there than there really is.