Ghosts & Release Forms
Claims of ghost pictures make me skeptical, too, but the hope is that some odd phenomenon can be captured on film, or on recording tape, or what ever other medium presents itself. Ahem.
In the case of the pix in discussion here, none presented much of interest. Camera straps, insects, and cigarette smoke blurred by being too close to the camera explains most, while "orbs" are simply dirt on the lenses, and so on.
For the detailed ones, a suspcion of Corel or Photo-Shop must always come first. Face it folks, in this day and age, photographic evidence no longer suffices for anything, and hasn't since we got past the clumsy cut-and-paste days of pasting Lee Harvey Oswald's head and another gun on some merc's body.
As technology gets better for faking things, the fakes get clearer, and that very clarity is becoming strong evidence against believing any picture.