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Interesting find, Amergin.

"the VME may be driven by schema-based perceptual knowledge for some icons and driven by visual experience with the non-canonical version for others." (the article writer sort of gave up and just started quoting the paper)

So does mean a combination of a) we see what we expect to see, and we end up remembering that version, not necessarily the 'real' version. and b) sometimes an altered version that we come across just seems more plausible for some reason (a reason, it seems, we share with other people) and we end up believing it and remembering it (like 'Luke, I am your father', for a non-visual version)
This one might be a bit trivial, but to me it does have a whiff of `Mandela Effect` about it.

It's the song `Happy New Year` by ABBA.

I first became aware of this song when I was living abroad - circa 2012, possibly a year or two earlier. I have since discovered that the composition itself was released in 1980 ( a fact referenced in the lyrics - which look ahead to the following decade). I've Googled it and it is a track on the ~Souper Trooper` album (which features many other well known songs) and was released as a single `in some countries` in 1980 then again in 1999.

But I only became aware of it sometime circa 2012, as said. Now how can this be? Okay, I'm not a pop fan as such, still less an ABBA fan, but you pick these things up in shopping malls and on the radio and so on. Thus I've always had a general idea of what is in the charts - or at least did until the noughties at least. Was it a popular song in the UK or not (and then, if not, why not?)

To me it feels as if the song has suddenly erupted into `my time line` as a fully fledged seasonal fixture (that everyone else seems to have knolwn about) - but about three or more decades after its realease.
This one might be a bit trivial, but to me it does have a whiff of `Mandela Effect` about it.

It's the song `Happy New Year` by ABBA.

I first became aware of this song when I was living abroad - circa 2012, possibly a year or two earlier. I have since discovered that the composition itself was released in 1980 ( a fact referenced in the lyrics - which look ahead to the following decade). I've Googled it and it is a track on the ~Souper Trooper` album (which features many other well known songs) and was released as a single `in some countries` in 1980 then again in 1999.

But I only became aware of it sometime circa 2012, as said. Now how can this be? Okay, I'm not a pop fan as such, still less an ABBA fan, but you pick these things up in shopping malls and on the radio and so on. Thus I've always had a general idea of what is in the charts - or at least did until the noughties at least. Was it a popular song in the UK or not (and then, if not, why not?)

To me it feels as if the song has suddenly erupted into `my time line` as a fully fledged seasonal fixture (that everyone else seems to have knolwn about) - but about three or more decades after its realease.
Never knowingly heard it or indeed of it myself.
This one might be a bit trivial, but to me it does have a whiff of `Mandela Effect` about it.

It's the song `Happy New Year` by ABBA.

I first became aware of this song when I was living abroad - circa 2012, possibly a year or two earlier. I have since discovered that the composition itself was released in 1980 ( a fact referenced in the lyrics - which look ahead to the following decade). I've Googled it and it is a track on the ~Souper Trooper` album (which features many other well known songs) and was released as a single `in some countries` in 1980 then again in 1999.

But I only became aware of it sometime circa 2012, as said. Now how can this be? Okay, I'm not a pop fan as such, still less an ABBA fan, but you pick these things up in shopping malls and on the radio and so on. Thus I've always had a general idea of what is in the charts - or at least did until the noughties at least. Was it a popular song in the UK or not (and then, if not, why not?)

To me it feels as if the song has suddenly erupted into `my time line` as a fully fledged seasonal fixture (that everyone else seems to have knolwn about) - but about three or more decades after its realease.
I’ve heard it but not very regularly. I think more lately. I wonder if the renewed interest with ABBA from Mamma Mia has helped its popularity.
I kind of agree with you on this. A few years ago I was wondering why there seems a dearth of New Year songs as compared with the multitude for Christmas. I was surprised to find there is an Abba one, and I'm a bit of an Abba fan. And it's not exactly terrible either.
I think the reason it passed you by in the UK is that it was never released as a single in the UK. Popular radio is driven very much by chart position so an album track is unlikely to get much airplay, especially as ABBA had a few singles from that album. The reason you heard it abroad is that it was released as a single abroad in 2009.
I think the reason it passed you by in the UK is that it was never released as a single in the UK. Popular radio is driven very much by chart position so an album track is unlikely to get much airplay, especially as ABBA had a few singles from that album. The reason you heard it abroad is that it was released as a single abroad in 2009.
Also it's often played as a 'background' song - certainly in our shop. So you wouldn't necessarily 'hear' it or, if you did, know it was Abba. It might just be there in the background. like lift music.
Watched a 15 minute YouTube clip from the film, 'Zulu', earlier.

It was the 'Men of Harlech' v Zulu warriors chant scene and resultant head on conflict.

So who changed the ending, with the Zulu offensive now being successfully repelled?


They defensive troops were overwhelmed in this scene.


Well... evidently not.

Would have sworn... :)
Watched a 15 minute YouTube clip from the film, 'Zulu', earlier.

It was the 'Men of Harlech' v Zulu warriors chant scene and resultant head on conflict.

So who changed the ending, with the Zulu offensive now being successfully repelled?


They defensive troops were overwhelmed in this scene.


Well... evidently not.

Would have sworn... :)
If my wonky memory serves the outer lines of troops were overrun and the surviving troops fell back to the building (hospital?) and eventually the waves of Zulu warriors ceased.
I’m guessing if you’re attention faltered and you retained only the earlier scenes then it would be logical to assume the Zulu warriors came out on top.
Watched a 15 minute YouTube clip from the film, 'Zulu', earlier.

It was the 'Men of Harlech' v Zulu warriors chant scene and resultant head on conflict.

So who changed the ending, with the Zulu offensive now being successfully repelled?


They defensive troops were overwhelmed in this scene.


Well... evidently not.

Would have sworn... :)

Confusing it with the sequel Zulu Dawn, in which the defending British troops were massacred?
BBC article today citing the Mandela effect as being behind people misremembering famous quotations from TV and movies.

I think most of us now know that Darth Vader never said "Luke, I am your father", nor did the evil queen in Snow White ever say "Mirror, mirror on the wall" and as for Captain Kirk saying "beam me up Scotty", it just didn't happen, but do you have a particular Mandela effect movie quotation?


If I may add one more, Humphrey Bogart definitely didn't say "Play it again Sam" in Casablanca.
BBC article today citing the Mandela effect as being behind people misremembering famous quotations from TV and movies.

I think most of us now know that Darth Vader never said "Luke, I am your father", nor did the evil queen in Snow White ever say "Mirror, mirror on the wall" and as for Captain Kirk saying "beam me up Scotty", it just didn't happen, but do you have a particular Mandela effect movie quotation?


If I may add one more, Humphrey Bogart definitely didn't say "Play it again Sam" in Casablanca.
Greed is good?
So does mean a combination of a) we see what we expect to see, and we end up remembering that version, not necessarily the 'real' version. and b) sometimes an altered version that we come across just seems more plausible for some reason (a reason, it seems, we share with other people) and we end up believing it and remembering it (like 'Luke, I am your father', for a non-visual version)
This totally makes sense-- isn't that the way we read? Where the start and maybe end of the word matter the most, and our brain sort of fills in the middle (not always accurately). We'd already be experiencing everything that way, and just not really noticing because a lot of the time, the results would agree with others'.
I was surprised to learn recently that Fidel Castro is dead. I knew he was ill. It seems like a big thing would have been made of his death, yet I have no recollection of it.
I only found out recently that well known suffragette was named Emmeline Pankhurst & not Emily.
I only found out recently that well known suffragette was named Emmeline Pankhurst & not Emily.
I suppose it's the obvious reason that 'Emily' would be the easier - short name to address her.
I only found out recently that well known suffragette was named Emmeline Pankhurst & not Emily.
This rings a bell. I'm wondering if she was also known as Emily for short as I can certainly remember reading about her under that name.