..Fair enough. Your mind is clearly made up so let's leave it there eh?...
So that is the answer ? Just ignore it.
Sorry, mate. Can't do that. It is too important.
I don't know you from Adam. and have no grudge against you. You do what you want.
But here is my personal interest in this.
One of my daughter is hooked on the stuff. She's no kid, she is nearly 50.
She knows I detest it. And didn't smoke it when around me.
But this was in the past. She moved on to going out into the garden when she wanted a smoke.
Then it got to lighting up in the house when she was in a room talking to my wife; who condoned it.
Now she just lights up in the same room I am in regardless of my view on the subject.
The point is, Hunck, she HAS TO have this hit every couple of hours. Gets very 'edgy' if she can't. Has to get home straight from work so she can light up.
It's called addiction, man. And you know it.
It wrecks relationships, health, causes hideous financial troubles for the users.
And it leads to much worst.
Three suicides in the family. Two by drug overdose. Not pot, but the victims started out on pot.
So, nothing against you. Just expressing my view.