I'd never doubt your sincerity, nor your motives, but there's always the dissonance between theoretical and practical. I agree with what you say but if progress is bad, what d'you do? If you don't like change then how d'you stop it?
You decide* to 'metaphorically' to bang your head against the wall. Two outcomes - the wall is weak and you break it down before the second outcome which is you render yourself unconscious. You end up either defeated or the 'target' is defeated but what are you going to replace it with? You can't turn the clock back - we live in a changing world.
Declaring "We were better off then" means nothing since 'then' was a different world, with different social ideas, technology etc. Anyone who wants to take us into a past utopia must grasp that it has gone. We have to deal with the 'now'.
I'd rather embrace technology and fight/discuss the ramifications. Like AI - it's here. Find the flaws, find the solutions, but deal with the here and now rather than retreat and say "Grrrr! It was better in my day." That is surely the most proactive manner in changing the world we live in?
P.S. To me Dylan Thomas is overrated - bite me! Then again, I've realised that Waiting for Godot by Beckett is actually funny. It's my age - don't blame me.
* This is assuming that you are right and everybody else is wrong. A dangerous line?