Despite spending years claiming she’d already been executed, QAnon on Thursday openly celebrated the news of Queen Elizabeth’s death.
“May she burn in hell for eternity,” one QAnon account on Telegram wrote moments after the queen’s death was announced. “So happy! The evil witch is dead,’ another wrote.
For years, the queen has been a central figure in the QAnon conspiracy as part of a cast of elites who followers believe are operating a child sex trafficking ring that traverses the globe. ...
In the hours before her death, some referenced wild QAnon conspiracies about the queen participating in satanic rituals and drinking the blood of children: “They’re preparing the black mass and baby buffet as we sit here,” adding, “I think you’ll find she’s already gone.”
Another echoed the sentiment that the queen has been dead for a while: “She's been dead, they had to find the right time to break the news.”
On the Great Awakening, a QAnon message board, users shared similar conspiracies: “She died several months ago. Remember she went through a transition or whatever. That was the embalming process. CGI and body doubles are in place.”
Others pushed the even more fantastical claim that the queen was merely a computer-generated mirage ...