Virginia man dies after bear shot in tree falls on him
Lester C Harvey, 58, rushed to two different hospitals after being struck by fallen animal in unusual accident
Associated Press
Tue 17 Dec 2024 18.54 GMT
A Virginia man has died after a bear in a tree shot by one of his hunting...
I used to be a deer stalker and owned a patch of forest. The local farmers allowed me to take deer off their land as well, so I had a large area over which to control the deer numbers. They asked me to shoot foxes, being under the impression that foxes kill lambs. I was reluctant to do this but...
Just saw a few Bats flitting about here in the UK, Dorbenton maybe nice to see.
Central UK Stafforshire location.
Is there a thread on this?
I did search. If so please merge
The myth of elephant graveyards has pervaded popular culture, and recent observations of buried Asian elephant calves may finally give that legend some credence.
In the research published in the Journal of Threatened Taxa, two scientists describe five instances where elephant calves have been...
The horse is in a stable condition.
Horse stuck between trees rescued by firefighters
Millie's owner, Michelle Faul, was on hand to keep Millie clam
by Alex Pope BBC News, Bedfordshire Published 2 hours ago
A seven-year-old horse has been rescued by firefighters after she became stuck between...
Sounds like Homer Simpson.
Reindeer can sleep while they chew
Time spent chewing cud eases the reindeer’s need for sleep, a new study finds
Arctic reindeer make time for digesting by doing it in their sleep, a new study suggests.
By Laura Sanders DECEMBER 22, 2023 AT 11:00 AM
In this busy...
"‘Unusual’ creature found in Brazil is world’s first known fox-dog hybrid, study says"
There were a couple of mentions of "Judas Goats" on the forums, but no information on what they actually were.
tldr: tobacco addicted goats led lambs to the slaughter.
Judas Goats: Agriculture’s Bizarre, Drug-Addicted Masters of Deceit Once Ruled the Killing Floor...
Here's one I'd not heard of before. The idea that elephants self domesticated and a reference to the theory that early humans may have as well.
Research article at...
There may be a pre-existing Thread for this topic. If so, kind Mod please send it to it's home.
A Huge Fin Whale With Severe Scoliosis Was Filmed Swimming Off Spanish Coast
NATURE15 March 2023
Fin whale with scoliosis. (Oceanogràfic València)
A massive 40-ton fin whale...
The reason gorillas spin themselves around in circles
Apes turn rapidly to achieve an altered mental state and feeling of euphoria, just as the earliest humans did millions of years ago
Gorillas and other apes spin themselves around in circles to get “high” – and early humans who lived...
Two orcas renowned for terrorizing great white sharks were again seen hunting off the coast of South Africa. The killer whales, which are dubbed Port and Starboard, are known to kill great whites and rip out their livers. Last month, marine scientists witnessed the deadly duo killing a record 17...
alison towner
broadnose sevengill sharks
false bay
killer whales
pearly beach
predators & prey
ralph watson
south africa
the atlantic ocean
the sea
Who is attacking Dallas Zoo?
Monkeys missing from Dallas Zoo in fourth suspicious incident
By Imogen James
BBC News
Two monkeys have allegedly been taken from Dallas Zoo - adding to a series of suspicious events including the release of a leopard and a vulture's death...
The last genuine aurochs (Bos primigenius), considered to be the larger and far more muscular wild ancestor of modern domestic cattle, died in eastern Europe in the 17th century.
The Tauros Programme, founded in The Netherlands in 2008, has successfully back-bred several large and robust cattle...
The Time 122 Mule Deer Fell to Their Deaths in the Sierra Nevada
A little more than five years ago, a herd of 122 mule deer fell to their deaths in the mountains of Central California. The pictures from that day are gruesome: dozens of dead deer strewn across a steep boulder field at the bottom...
Uncle Fatty, the simian lard arse is sent off to lose weight.
A monkey who has been given the nickname ‘uncle fatty’ is finally getting help for his obesity.
The 33lb long-tailed macaque will go to boot camp after gorging on food from tourists including melons, milkshakes, sweetcorn and...
In a move that some scientists say raises serious ethical questions, researchers have for the first time embryos that are a hybrid of human and monkey cells.
Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a professor in the Gene Expression Laboratories at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla...
hybrids & hybridism
juan carlos izpisua belmonte
julian savulescu
the oxford uehiro centre for practical ethics
the salk institute for biological sciences
the wellcome centre for ethics and humanities
A rare and Fortean sighting indeed: a science article from the BBC which is detailed, well written, balanced, looks at the likely causes and consequences, and doesn't trivialise or sensationalise!
The story is of Orcas/killer whales following and repeatedly head butting yachts and fishing...
Robot 'spy' gorilla records wild gorillas singing and farting, because nature is beautiful
Date: 29 April, 2020
Mountain gorillas have been caught on camera as they "sing" during their supper, a behavior that has never before been documented on video. Filmmakers...
Living in Australia and having lived in the remote isolated hot desert ouback for years I can easily believe that story. However, for us it's not rats, but on occassions, mice plagues and they come out by the droves at night looking for food. With nothing much for them to eat where I lived, they...
On (I think Wednesday 14 Sep?) the UK Radio 4 pre 6 o'clock news gapfill, there was a horrifying story being recounted by a British Arctic meteorologist about his personal experiences of his team's weather station / accomodation being broken into by a hungry polar bear.
It had broken down the...
Devon farmer forced to kill 'Nazi' cows because they are too aggressive
Derek Gow killed more than half his herd because they could not be handled
Derek Gow with his 'Nazi' cattle Photo:
By Victoria Ward
11:28AM GMT 05 Jan 2015
A farmer has been forced to cut down Britain's only...
On the way home from work (between Chislehurst and Greenhithe) I nearly hit 3 foxes at different spots, and have noticed lots of dead foxes (clearly hit by cars) in the road (more so than ever before). One fox was on the middle of a bypass roundabout. I wonder what's happening with them at the...
Pink dolphin ... ID/125.htm
Link is dead. Here's the text of the MIA article, salvaged from the Wayback Machine ...
Years back I read Daniel P. Mannix' novel THE WOLVES OF PARIS, set in mediaeval times and featuring a monstrously-large pack of highly intelligent but starving wolves who attack the City with very nearly military precision.
While the tale is fiction, it was supposed to have been based on...
Has anybody heard of the fox breeding experiment carried out over 40 odd years in Russia by a chap called Belyaev?
Apparently he set about to breed a tame fox and selected rigorously for more than average tameness. After several years of selective breeding he had his tame foxes, BUT the...
animal teeth
extinct species
g.h. von koenigswald
guangxi province
homo erectus
hong kong
jack rink
mcmaster university
michèle morgan
peabody museum of archaeology and ethnology
proceedings of the national academy of sciences
protein sequencing
the pleistocene period
Dunno if this should be on the cryptozoology page or not, but what the hell...
Anyway, I heard a long time ago (don't know if it was a book, TV show or what) that the reason why there appear to be two varieties of domestic tabby cat - one with a stripy, 'tigerish' pattern to its coat, the...
New Scientist
When the dinosaurs ruled the world, the mammals hid in the shadows, daring to grow no bigger than shrew-like insectivores that hunted at night. Or so we thought.
Two stunning new fossils from China have overturned this preconception. Not only did large mammals live alongside...
No Blind Mice, Thanks To UF Scientists
07 Jan 2005
University of Florida stem cell scientists reported today (Jan. 3) that they have prevented blindness in mice afflicted with a condition similar to one that robs thousands of diabetic Americans of their eyesight each year.
Writing in...
I know there have been lots of theories about this (including ley lines, contintental drift, etc.) but perhaps we are getting closer to answer.
Can anyone furnish me with any information, links, books etc. that describe the purported activities of a werewolf in East Yorkshire?
I believe the beast could be found around the village of Flixton...
a ghost hunter's road book
a travel guide to yorkshire’s weird wolds
barmston drain
charles christian
john harries
mike covell
north yorkshire
old stinker
paul sinclair
spell howe
star carr
the carrs
the yorkshire wolds
Dog rapes man:
Man rapes dog (or at least tries to) and gets mauled:,4057,8579692^13762,00.html
I think for the betterment of mankind the dog should hve bitten his nuts off ;)
It has been pretty much proved that chimps have what can be strictly defined as a culture is it going to be the whales turn next?
[edit: ooops no link - its here: ]
The article has quite a few...
The FT search engine didn't provide me with any links to threads relating to wild boars UK or elsewhere, so I'm hoping that this thread could become devoted to any sightings or news links etc..
Wild boar spotted in...
Is it unusual that I can hear bats squeaking? I've always been able to hear them - and I know its bats because I only ever hear them when I see them flying around - in fact I hear them before I see them.
I noticed bats squeaking last night while out walking between some country pubs and...
People always refer to it as being some kind of strange phenomena but was it that widespread and has it really gone?
I do remember there being quite a lot of it being around in the eigthies but why would it disappear?
Some thoughts:
1. Some change in dog food? Unlikely.
2. Pavement...
remarkable animal... not native to Uk tho and on Time Team they said that in Saxon times they required speciel care to survive in the English winter ie warens... So whats thier normal range?... is say Denmark too cold? or is the weather so much warmer nowdays? I understand they...
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