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Are UFOs & Ufology In Decline? If So—Why?

Why is Ufology on the decline?

  • Pre-Millenial tension has subsided

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Preoccupied with terrestrial problems (war, terrorism, the economy)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No-one watches the X-Files anymore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No cases of significance in the last few years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too many recent hoaxes

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Realisation it will never be proven with photos and video alone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The visitors are lying low for some reason

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They’ve finally realized it’s all bollocks

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • UFOs are probably secret military stuff, and the military ain't talkin'

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • The internet has killed discussion groups off, by and large

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • All/some of the above

    Votes: 9 47.4%

  • Total voters
>Dingo667: "So many they are more tangible than we might think."
I agree. It is not normal that so many GOOD studies (like, for example, studies of Stella LANSING's psychic photographs) are not followed by more inquiries. But a difficulty with paranormal manifestations is that, if one tries to have a closer look, they stop to manifest. After the study of an impressive UFO ground mark at Trans-en-Provence, and other effects left by the CE2 "amaranth" case, scientists from the GEPAN/SEPRA expected others to follow. So they could confront results. But they never came. So disappointment and discouragement ensued. Adding fuel to the skeptics.

But if they have so many possible origins, or are let on the loose, this should be a cacophony. You missed the point of the demonstration. I don't see why they should all obey to the same rule by themselves, because there is no natural trend towards it. A large array of non-human intelligences should be as disparate in behaviour as humans are. In fact, they should be more, because some would display behaviours our brains couldn't understand. So this golden rule of elusiveness must be enforced. I read an article in Scientific American (sorry I forgot the name of its author) which tried to adress this enigma: if there are many alien intelligences visiting us, the lack of direct contact is inexplicable. It is easy to imagine that an alien species is bound by an ethic rule proscribing direct intervention on the course of another civilisation. But that it developped such a moral sense during its evolution is only a possibility among others. There is no reason that it is required to travel among the stars (humanity itself shows little signs of becoming better) -of course, it applies to beings from different dimensions too. If there are many visitors, it is unavoidable that we would be visited, sooner or later, by a number of them following a different ethic. Some should be more openly hostile, others would look for a direct contact. Maybe some are indifferent, and pass only above our skies. But even they are bound by this rule of non intervention and remain hidden; if they were absolutely indifferent, we could easily spot and observe them.

Maybe visitors (or Gaea-like entities) are very rare, it would be easier for them to reach this goal of a same attitude towards Earth and humanity, by a mere agreement. If they are numerous, an enforcing structure would be more probably needed. I deduce that there is such one, and it is efficient: because if there are rogues and outlaws, their influence is very limited. Otherwise we would have much greater knowledge of paranormal phenomena...

The history of paranormal enquiry and psychic research is filled to dripping with one-shot experiments, demonstrating positive results, which are still quoted as "authority" by Paranormalists but which nobody's ever bothered to replicate.

For just one experiment out of hundreds, in 1925 Dr. Hereward Carrington and an assistant used pinacyanole bromide filters (Dr. Walter J. Kilner's famous "aura screens") to watch the spirit (or something) depart from the body of a 16-year- old girl as she died of advanced tuberculosis. (The experiment had been the girl's OWN idea.)

Never even an attempt at replication.

EDIT - Sorry for the semi-literate gibberish which remained here for two days. When I attempted to post the original message Friday, my keyboard began typing Reformed Martian, and when I attempted to edit the finished posting the keyboard died altogether. Message to myself: I will NOT eat soup over the new keyboard.
Analis said:
.........if there are many alien intelligences visiting us, the lack of direct contact is inexplicable.

The lack of ‘alien’ contact could be explained by the limitations that would apply if there were an inter-dimensional origin for UFOs or UAPs.

Imagine each universe or dimension as if it were a large soap bubble, and that these universes/dimensions are always in close proximity to one another, with their membranes constantly bouncing and rubbing against one another. It may be possible that at certain points, where these membranes may become forced together, they may also become very thin and the boundary between dimensions becomes less opaque (for want of a better word).

At this point of transparency, objects or phenomena in one dimension may be perceived by occupants of another dimension. It may be that the boundary between dimensions cannot be breached, so although phenomena or craft from one dimension may be observed across dimensions, interaction may well be impossible. If these windows between dimensions can be predicted by an intelligence in another universe/dimension, wouldn't these beings return time and again to observe and analyse this strange phenomenon and the world it allows them to see (i.e. us).

There is also the possibility that these windows across dimensions may be a bi-product of the huge energies required to power inter-stellar craft in an alternate universe. If this were the case, the production of such power may create such a glare of energy that the occupants of such craft may well be unable to see through the breach created between universes/dimensions. In this case only we would be able to observe such phenomena and the inhabitants of a neighbouring universe or dimension would be unable to see us, let alone make contact.

Obviously this is only one theory and would only account for sightings, and would not explain alleged alien abductions or other close encounters.

As others in this thread have already been pointed out, there are many possible explanations and causes for UFOs and UAPs. This would lead me to conclude that provable explanations for such extraordinary phenomena may well be beyond human comprehension. And yet we will still continue to attempt to find logical explanations for UFOs and other phenomena, constructing theories from our own limited understanding of the multiverse. After all that is all we can do :) .
Incidentally, although Ufology may be in the doldrums in the UK, there seems to be growing interest in the subject in both India and China recently.
Since the forum has a preference for resurrection rather than conception when it comes to threads, I append this post accordingly. My search for any previous FTMB comment upon Stella Lansing seems only to unearth the short mention hereinwith.

So do we know much of her? I commend this rather-interesting multi-topic video for your jaundiced but ever-hopeful consideration.

Key plot-spoilers: 'wet' film only, but includes cine footage. Shades of semi-modern "orbs", but maybe not. Also reminds me of the Ted Serios thoughtograph saga.

The extra-dimensional "four occupants" shot is intriguing, as are the clock-ray pictures. Clearly the claim that she was a 'mere dumb amateur investigator, incapable of tampering with 8mm film-stock' is rubbish. She or someone else might've. Not easily, but they could.

Perhaps she's already been comprehensively debunked, and I'm doubly-uninformed. But please watch it- you will be interested. (Oh, the UK Exopolitics affiliation rings some vague warning bell with me...can't remember why (perhaps I've just offended somebody))


...."the four occupants"
Thanks for this fascinating bit of refreshment Ermintrude! Even though just the name Stella Lansing rings a deep gong somewhere, I really can't believe that I haven't heard of this case before (or have so easily forgotten it). Ditto the Dr Shwarz character, with his wonderful dress sense.

Of course, scenarios involving celluloid and negatives and light getting into cameras, etc are already a period pieces - and I would like to know when this nostalgia inducing piece was originally broadcast.

Like you the word `exopolitics`sounds a note of caution - but I also can't say why.

And no: ufology isn't dead - it's just in suspended animation.
I don't think Ufology is dead. I do think it's in a dormant state waiting for a new mythology. We had fairy lore which became unfashionable but many elements transmogrified into Ufolore. Now we're talking trans-dimensional phenomena as our latest crib sheet on physics and the cosmos is misinterpreted as the source.
Like you the word `exopolitics`sounds a note of caution - but I also can't say why.
To me it's because it seems to imply that human governments (at least one human government) not only know ufos exist, but have established political relations with the occupant, and additionally that there's enough known about this that it can be field of study.
Of course, scenarios involving celluloid and negatives and light getting into cameras, etc are already a period pieces - and I would like to know when this nostalgia inducing piece was originally broadcast.

I recall watching that program sometime in the mid-90's, FWIW.
The video images bring to mind some allegedly psychic impressions on film, as in the Scole experiment.
Exopolitics is what Steven Greer calls his Disclosure movement; he thinks that some, many, or all of the governments of the world are hiding information about contact with extraterrestrials, and that they are hiding advanced technology from us that could save the world from hunger, poverty and global warming.

Of course it is all unutterable bollocks.
Well, you have to think 'which governments are the aliens in touch with?' The US? The PRC? The EU? The Scottish Assembly? ISIS? Any contact with one of these would give them an advantage over all the others. But if they were in touch with numerous governments, then at some or several of these governments would let the secret out, to spite the others.

If the US (for example) were in contact with space aliens then they would surely change their moral stance, and stop torturing people and shooting black pedestrians, for fear of offending a much more advanced and powerful civilisation that watches their every move. They would also surely use this magical gift technology to eliminate fossil fuel use. Instead they go down the egregious route of denying global warming and business as usual.
What if the aliens are massive racists, torturers and global warming encouragers revelling in the chaos they're ushering in? You see, with a little imagination you can make supposed space aliens fit any idea of their power that you want, which is why nobody agrees with anyone else on the subject.
If the US (for example) were in contact with space aliens then they would surely change their moral stance, and stop torturing people and shooting black pedestrians, for fear of offending a much more advanced and powerful civilisation that watches their every move.
That assumes the aliens care about humans, though I guess the idea that aliens would have some sort of relations with a human government would mean that they did care at least in some manner however small.
On the subject of whether or not ufology is really dead, I've noticed that Coast To Coast AM (a long-running radio show covering the paranormal, conspiracy theories and whatnot) has increased their UFO coverage significantly of late. They always have covered UFOs, but it seems recently they have a round-up of weekly sightings on some broadcasts (much like a weather or traffic report. :))

Maybe ufology is in for a renaissance?
It could be the aliens want global warming as part of a terraforming process, and that is why so many governments do little to stop it.
It could be the aliens want global warming as part of a terraforming process, and that is why so many governments do little to stop it.
I've seen one or two crazy Youtube videos that propose this.
What if the aliens are massive racists, torturers and global warming encouragers revelling in the chaos they're ushering in? You see, with a little imagination you can make supposed space aliens fit any idea of their power that you want, which is why nobody agrees with anyone else on the subject.
What they actually think is not as important as what we think they think, especially if they are secretive about their motives and opinions. We should be prepared for the worst.
I think there always will be an uncertainty about the whole phenomena, so it will never really die as a subject. It can't be totally debunked or definetly proven, at least until the aliens really officially appears for the human civilization.
Even if aliens do appear and say "actually, this is the first time we've visited Earth" I doubt that would silence the Exopolitics crowd. They'd just be even more convinced it was all part of some huge conspiracy.
If there are increasing UFO reports coming from India and China, could it be argued that UFO sightings, whatever they may be, could be a symptom of a country perceiving itself to be on the next stage of technological advancement and the inhabitants picking this up and mentally projecting this outwards?
BUFORA (rocking those mid 90's web design skills) seem to be in self doubting mode judging from their recent article Where have All the UFOs Gone? The writer appears to conclude that closure of US air bases is largely responsible for the drop in British UFO reports.