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  1. N

    Bugs, Insects & Creepy Crawlies

    EDIT This a general thread for discussion on insects that do not necessarily fit under Cryptozoology i.e. they're not a new species and or a rediscovered species. Thanks, TheQuixote ------ I found a couple of huge insects on the web in the last week, I realise these ones have...
  2. G

    Belyaev / Belyayev Fox Domestication Experiments (USSR; 1950s Onward)

    Has anybody heard of the fox breeding experiment carried out over 40 odd years in Russia by a chap called Belyaev? Apparently he set about to breed a tame fox and selected rigorously for more than average tameness. After several years of selective breeding he had his tame foxes, BUT the...
  3. ramonmercado

    Shark Attacks

    Edit to amend title.
  4. ramonmercado

    Whale 'Vomit' Sparks Cash Bonanza

  5. ramonmercado

    Pigs / Swine

  6. ramonmercado

    Birds: Miscellaneous Notes, Observations, Etc.

  7. ramonmercado

    Bees Co-Existing / Interacting With Humans

  8. ramonmercado

    Monkey Culture & Behaviour

  9. ramonmercado

    Gigantopithecus: Giant Ape That Co-Existed With Early Humans

  10. ramonmercado


  11. B

    The Two Varieties Of Tabby Cat

    Dunno if this should be on the cryptozoology page or not, but what the hell... Anyway, I heard a long time ago (don't know if it was a book, TV show or what) that the reason why there appear to be two varieties of domestic tabby cat - one with a stripy, 'tigerish' pattern to its coat, the...
  12. M

    Mosquitoes: Research Toward Negating Them As Disease Vectors

    http://www.azcentral.com/offbeat/articl ... to-ON.html File under "WTF?" :wtf:
  13. M

    Fossil Fish

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4498049.stm Fossils illuminate fish evolution Fossils of an ancient fish - dating back 450 million years, when the creatures had neither bones nor teeth - have been found in South Africa. The finds, which are 50 million years older than any other...
  14. A

    Unexplained Cat Sounds

    When I was 15/16 years old and still leaving at home I had some strange experiances with noise's. My mum would pop down the local tennents association 3 nights a week to play bingo leaving me alone in our flat with our 3 cats.My cats have this annoying habit of getting in the litter tray which...
  15. M

    Bioluminescent (Light-Producing) Organisms

    Source (requires free registration)
  16. D

    Hybrid Animals

    How often do animals in the wild cross breed? I know lions, tigers and leopards have crossed in captivity but has it ever happened in the wild? Can Chimps and Bonobos (pygimy chimps) cross? Anyone know of any other combinations that have occurred in the wild?
  17. M

    The Hoop Snake

  18. ramonmercado

    Remarkable Mice

    No Blind Mice, Thanks To UF Scientists 07 Jan 2005 University of Florida stem cell scientists reported today (Jan. 3) that they have prevented blindness in mice afflicted with a condition similar to one that robs thousands of diabetic Americans of their eyesight each year. Writing in...
  19. M

    The Crocodile Thread

    Well if Alexius had said Sufi's ha mystic crocs I'd probably have signed up on the spot!!!! Source
  20. M

    Can Animals Predict Earthquakes?

    [edit: I thought this deserved its won thread - it was split off from "Earthquake Prediction Advances": www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12689 Link is obsolete. The current link is: https://forums.forteana.org/index.php?threads/earthquake-prediction-advances.12689/ where you can...
  21. C

    Pine Martens

    Martens Not extinct Source
  22. P

    Strange Fish(?) That Wash Ashore

    Big fish A sunfish that washed up near the base of Farewell Spit is a monster with a strange sense of timing, a marine expert says. The 3m sunfish was discovered at Taupata Creek near Puponga by passers-by on Sunday. Department of Conservation worker and Pakawau resident Heather Gunn...
  23. M

    New Zealand's Bizarre Birds

    Bizarre birds I've dated a few and it seems NZ is chock full of them: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/09/0921_040921_newzealand_birds.html
  24. ramonmercado

    Animal Rescue

    Landlord's kiss saves spin kitten [Emp edit: A general thread for animals being rescued in strange and unusual ways as opposed to Animals to the Rescue: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13612 where the animals do the rescuing.] Landlord's kiss saves spin...
  25. W

    'Drop Bears'

    time to confess about our australian "drop bears" According to legend, Drop Bears are dangerous creatures that hide in gum trees. You can tell if one of them is hiding in a tree by lying on your back beneath the tree and spitting upwards. If the Drop Bear is up there, it'll spit back...
  26. A

    Crow / Magpie / Corvid Superstitions

    I wouldn't say I'm superstitious. Just eccentric;) It's not that I believe certain things cause bad luck; I just have certain things I don't like. I salute magpies. ...
  27. A

    Black Dogs

    It's occured to me with all this discussion of urban myths and folklore that it appears no one has raised the subject of ghostly black dogs. Personally I find the idea that one ghost coud appear in so many areas and have so many common features. So what are peoples thoughts? (Nice little link...
  28. M

    Whale Beachings

    I know there have been lots of theories about this (including ley lines, contintental drift, etc.) but perhaps we are getting closer to answer. http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2004/s1149829.htm Emps
  29. E

    The Cat Speaks English

    We "adopted" two kittens in October, 2003: one gray and white (but not striped) about 9 weeks old and the other a Siamese-looking, blue-eyed sweetie who is probably of mixed heritage who was about 10 weeks old at the time. Right from the first day at our house, the Siamese, named Ursula...
  30. escargot

    Attacks By Seagulls

    This was on R4 just now. One woman interviewed won't leave her house without carrying a broom to beat off aggressive seagulls and newspaper deliveries have ceased as the kids are too scared of being pecked as they ride along. Residents of the seaside town of Monkseaton have become terrified...
  31. gyrtrash

    Werewolf Sightings In North Yorkshire

    Can anyone furnish me with any information, links, books etc. that describe the purported activities of a werewolf in East Yorkshire? I believe the beast could be found around the village of Flixton... Cheers Dave:)
  32. M

    The Hippopotamus / Hippo Thread

  33. M

    Parasites, Insects, Etc., Infesting The Human Body

    Insect infestation For when insects and other creepy crawlies get under your skin (literally). WARNING: May contain unpleasant stories: From the front page: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/05/15/1084571007555.html Emps
  34. MrRING

    The Frog Menace

    African Frogs Threaten San Francisco Area By MIELIKKI ORG, Associated Press Writer SAN FRANCISCO - California biologists are alarmed over the latest invasive species to take up residence in this city: African clawed frogs, which eat just about anything and tend to breed like crazy. Even...
  35. M

    Amazing Animals

    Jut a general thread for when the animals aren't attacking people or helping them or undergoing long journeys or suckiling the young of different species or......... http://cbs4boston.com/water/watercooler_story_105142853.html Not flushing?? Why do I bother. Mark this puddy down as 'Must...
  36. M

    Amazing Ants: Phenomenal Formicae

    http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/pr/2004/antstudies47.html See also: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/04/040408084620.htm
  37. Yithian

    World's Oldest Pets, Livestock & Other Captive Animals

    World's Oldest Horse, Badger Can't find it anywhere, correct me if i'm wrong, must've been reported while i was offline:
  38. M

    Animal Intelligence

    http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/02/20/1077072840069.html Book details: http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-306-47727-0 Sounds very interesting - order it for your local library now. Emps
  39. M

    Turtles: Oddities & Forteana (General; Miscellaneous)

    (Copied from the FT 181 thread) I thought you might like to see a picture of the stuffed Hanoi Turtle mentioned in this issue. Unfortunatly I didn't see the live creature. Apparently there was an image posted in or with this post, and it's gone MIA. Here is a substitute photo of the preserved...
  40. M

    When Dogs Attack

    Dog rapes man: Man rapes dog (or at least tries to) and gets mauled: http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,8579692^13762,00.html I think for the betterment of mankind the dog should hve bitten his nuts off ;) Emps
  41. gattino

    Are Robins Symbols Of Dead Loved Ones?

    I am increasingly aware of what appears to me to be a "new" folklore in the making. A phenomena that is coming into being, but not yet commented on. My own account has been told by me several times and I won't take up space in my first posting by giving the full story. But the bones of it...
  42. M

    What's Killing The Animals? The Mysteries Of Mass Deaths

    Whats poisoning the animals? Frying pan fumes:
  43. M

    The Alligator Thread

  44. M

    Animals Formally Arrested / Prosecuted / Executed For Crimes

    There are numerous cases of animals being put in th dock (I think one of the Books of Lists has a list of a number of cases) but surly tht wouldn't happen in this modern day and age? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=816&ncid=816&e=10&u=/ap/20040127/ap_on_fe_st/cow_cleared...
  45. A

    Animal Sleeping Behavior (& Do They Dream?)

    Any ornithologists out there?... i read recently that "swifts sleep on the wing" How do 'they' know that?.... can you think of a way of finding it out?
  46. A

    Animal Escapes

    AUCKLAND (Reuters) -An elephant briefly escaped from New Zealand's Auckland zoo on Friday after dropping a log....... .........on an electrified fence and crashing through a gate.Twenty-year-old Burma, one of two elephants at the zoo, was free for about half an hour, forcing some road closures...
  47. OneWingedBird

    Penguins (Compendium; Miscellaneous)

    Ah, I've been looking all over the 'net for an amusing article that I saw on Penguins and then I find it again in this week's New Scientist: Poop Shooters of the Antarctic "Penguins are talented birds. They not only survive extreme temperatures, waddle vast distances and dive to...
  48. M

    Cetacean Culture

    It has been pretty much proved that chimps have what can be strictly defined as a culture is it going to be the whales turn next? [edit: ooops no link - its here: http://www.sciencentral.com/articles/view.php3?language=english&type=article&article_id=218392150 ] The article has quite a few...
  49. T

    Wild Boar

    The FT search engine didn't provide me with any links to threads relating to wild boars UK or elsewhere, so I'm hoping that this thread could become devoted to any sightings or news links etc.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/gloucestershire/3375611.stm 07/01/04 Wild boar spotted in...
  50. escargot

    Crocodile Attacks

    Croc attack :eek!!!!: